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Anders Eriksson

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Posts posted by Anders Eriksson

  1. I have tried to that before at the same place, some years ago, didn't succeed, don't remember why.

    Now I will try harder and try to document what I do.

    I bought a bag of seed for a peach tomato from a Thai company

    I started 21 September, after 3 weeks I planted them in pots about 12 cm high and top diam about 12 cm.

    I have made a cover for them, 70x100x150cm covered with "culture tissue" that we use in Sweden to protect plants.

    I tried to follow instructions on the bag. On 20 Nov they have died. I am rather sure the reason is i have have put too much 9-25-25 to them.

    I have tried to put new seed in small pots every 14 days.

    Now I have 2 plants from 21 Sep in the cover. The have started to flower and i have tried to pollinate them with a brush. But I have not seen any positive result.

    I think that the temperature is making the pollen  infertile.

    This time have i been more careful with fertilizer, I am waiting to get a special bottle with tomato fertilizer from Sweden that you mix with water.

    What do you other say, should it be possible to grow tomatoes at this place?

    Can you give me any tips how to succeed?

  2. On 7/6/2020 at 8:19 AM, Peter Denis said:




    In case you consider the LMG Insurance option (cheapest option to meet the Non Imm O-A retirement extension requirement for health-insurance), just PM me and I will provide you with full details on how to apply for it, including tips/caveats.


    Peter Denis, can I ask you to PM me this info? TIA if you are kind to do!

  3. Now I have put in 2kg chlorine shock. The first 40 hours ago and the 2nd 10 hours ago. The pump has been running for 30 hours. I have also put in 2 l acid.

    Ph is still about 7.8 and Cl 0.2-0.6. Nothing seems to happen. Can chlorine shock be old, I bought it almost 1 year ago.

    Today I asked for chlorine in liquid form, but they didn't have and they didn't know where to find.

  4. 50 minutes ago, sappersrest said:

    Make sure that when researching make sure the info you read is reasonably up to date, a great deal of stuff on the net regarding pools is getting fairly dated  most of it comes from the 80s


    Guidelines for chemical levels really do change  the 7.4... 7.8  is based on old research mainly done in the 70s . Later reasearch dictates that we lower the pH to make the hypochlorus acid far more effective.7.2--7.4 is now the norm.

    if you read pages 13 ,14,15 of the publication listed below will give some better understanding. The recommendations are the latest offering from PWTAG . This a UK based organization who's recommendations on design are recognized throughout the world, perhaps withe the exception of the USA,


    The WHO a good organization seem to sit on the fence as they always do recommend pH to be kept between 7.2--- 7.8.


    Page 95 5;10;3


    I am grateful for getting these documents. Especially the first one will be good for me to learn more about pools!

  5. One new thing I now noticed is this:

    When I fill the glass with water to check Cl and add 4 drops from the yellow bottle and shake it. The tube is not showing any bit yellow which means 0 Cl. When I then let it stand and look after say 20 minutes the colour is very yellow, showing over 3.

    Why is it like that?

    Earlier I have noticed the change of colour when I shake the tube and no big change after that.

  6. 1 hour ago, sappersrest said:

    Not enough chlorine Soda ash raises your pH and chlorine shock will extra chlorine , I would also suggest at some stage to lowering the pH to 7.2 


    I would suggest your chlorinator is not wok or the plates are clogged up


    A useful tool





    This looks like a useful design tool I have not played around with it yet, used to do all my calculations the hard way, will play about with it in the week . and post later


    I suspect the cell is not working! I have only had it for 8 months and I have cleaned it two times. Latest 1 week ago. But i can allreado see it has started to build up scale. Normally I only run system 2+2 h per day, but very little use of pool. I run it at 100% at 100. Now I have started it to run continously. It will be very expensive if I should change the cell every 8 months! The cost of the cell is half of the total price. Here in Th it cost about 360 USD. I have tried to find a cheaper source.

    So I will put Acid in to get the Ph at 6.8-7.2

    How much shock chlorine should I ad? It is in powder form. What is the chemical name for it?

  7. Since some week my pool have started to create more and more brown areas at the bottom. Most of it can be brushed and sucked up, but not all. And after a cleaning it is back very fast.


    Pool is 43 m3

    It has a salt chlorinator Emaux 15

    Salinity now is little high due to a faulty meter and to much salt added. Abut 6.

    Ph is 7.6 and Cl 0.6

    Temp around 29

    I tried to add solutoin for alges, but no effect.

    What is causing this and how to deal with it?



  8. Hi,

    I also have not successed with dill


    I live in Hua Hin.I have grown tomatoe and cucumber, no problem.

    But with dill I can't sucess. First they take a long time to come up and some don't come up. When I then replant them some just don't increase and if the do they are so tiny and they will not be big. I have tried to ad nutrition of different arts, but it will not help. The company that have made this bag is Chia Tai co ltd.

    The reason for me to grow dill is that I want to have the special kind of dill, we call "krondill" in Sweden, see photo. I think it is the same dill but you want it to stay longer. I should use it when i cook Shrimps.

    When i look at the amrkets, the sell the normal kind of dill. How do they do to make it grow normal?


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