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Posts posted by Terdsak

  1. 1. Does she gamble, drink, len share, secretly or otherwise?

    2. Does she have brothers, male cousins, uncles?

    3. Does she enjoy shopping, especially with your money?

    4. Do you like to play the lottery? Because your situation is not dissimilar.

    5. Take a cold shower, go trekking alone in the Himalayas for three months, then see how things are.

  2. I've had Kasikorn pull this one on me twice - once when I first opened the account and again after I changed to the basic card which was subsequently eaten by an ATM; I went to the local bank for a replacement and I was dozy enough to let them issue the damn high-charge card again, so I had to change to the basic card a second time. 

    They will issue a farang some sort of business, VIP ATM card by default unless you insist on a standard debit card. As someone says above, this VIP card supposedly comes with some benefits, but nothing ninety-nine out of a hundred foreigners would find useful, and I think they charged me six hundred for the pleasure each time.

    It's all about bank staff commissions. You have a perfect right when you open the account to tell them you only want the basic, ATM debit card, they may try to pull some excuse like they're out of stock etc, but just keep insisting or take your business to another branch which has them in stock.

  3. 1 minute ago, Emster23 said:

    If true, it is stupid. Ever hear of trains, dear airlines and others? Like fly into Thailand, work way down to Singapore, and then who knows where? Australia? India?


    It may be 'stupid' but it is perfectly reasonable from the airline's point of view - and it is airlines that take the initiative in this matter. They most definitely do not want the responsibility and cost of repatriating a penniless national to their own country.

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  4. 2 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

    u spend less than 100 baht/day for food? MY GOD

    never go out, never buy anything,  no entertainment,  other than computer?

    how is that living??


    Ever heard of crafts, hobbies, skills, self-education and so on? There is a surprising amount of life outside the tourist ghettos.

  5. Here are just a couple of tips to get you started for that economical stay in Thailand that you've always dreamed of:

    - Sneak your washing into the machine when others are doing their washing. Be sure to be there to take your stuff out at the end of the cycle, before the original user comes back. This can save up to forty Baht a week, depending how quickly you soil your pants.

    - Water can be reused, for example by standing in a bucket when doing the 'wettening up' and 'sluicing down' that you describe in your showering process above. You can then make further savings by flushing the toilet with the resultant waste water in the bucket.

    I have many more super, tried and tested wheezes to save money like these, some involving energy derived from soi dogs. PM me for my 20B leaflet.

  6. 3 hours ago, Tiffer said:

    The land of flippers is such a grubby little archipelago, but thankfully many ASEAN members are working hard to keep the region poor, uneducated and underdeveloped so that labor costs remain low and margins big enough to forgive poor management.


    Not just ASEAN, try most major Western countries too; it seems to be a compulsion of the sociopaths that rise, by default, to positions of power globally, to subjugate their peoples while claiming to be 'of the people and for the people'.


  7. 2 hours ago, mark01 said:

    I believe this guy says that personal use vape stuff is ok. But importing and selling is illegal.

    This is the most senior police officer statement to date.


    He does indeed say that possession is not illegal, but that importation and selling of vaping equipment is against the law. 


    2 hours ago, mark01 said:



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