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Posts posted by flyer

  1. The graph you are referring to is a one day trade (23 march).

    You can 't draw any conclusions from such a short trade satisitc.

    Look at the 3 month trade, and you will see that THB is very volatile (actually already since the last months of former Taksin govment). It jumps up and down seemingly without much control. But as long as it keeps around 30/32 to the $ i would not think of anything alarming.

  2. Depends what is best for you? cheap or rather better/safe ?

    There are no direct flights from denpasar to MNL.

    Cheapest option will be to use a indonesian airline from Denpasar to KUL, then KUL to MNL with Cebu Pacific (to Manila clark).

    If you want to fly higher regarded airlines, you can fly via Singapore (singapore airlines all the way) or via Hong Kong (Cathay pacific all the way)

    have a nice trip.

  3. Hi Gzu,

    The airline has the obligation to warn you of any significant change about a confirmed flight at least 15 days in advance. If they have done that, you have no rights to any compensation. However, if you cannot reschedule your flight with this airline (air berlin) in a suitable way for you (on going connections etc..) then they have to refund you the ticket in full, even if your ticket contained some refund limitations. If the carrier makes problems to refund, then oppose the payment at your credit card issuer who will refund you.

    further, it is up to you to book any new ticket that will meet your requirements. If there is no other option then use the later Air Berlin flight and overnight in Vienna, then you could ask Air Berlin for an overnight compensation. If they are in good mood they might do somehting to please you, but have no obligation.

    If air berlin has warned you of the change less then 15 days before the flight you have right of compensation according to the European directive about cancelled/delayed boarding. However, even so i would rather try to argue with air berlin to get money back and take up things again in own hands.

    Next time, avoid (whenever possible) flying with an airline that is in trouble. AB has been struggling for a while now since it took over LTU which was probably a too big bite of the wrong food for them. And they don't seem to be in control of the problems (changing management doesn't solve problems as far as my experience is).

    Have a nice trip anyway with EVA. They even improved their food recently.

  4. Hi Lingyuk,

    I am a long time investor in Asia. If you are western born (aussie i understand) you should evaluate any investment by your own country's good practice. 1 mio THB = 33 K AUD Not much of a company you could buy over there with this money. Same in Thailand ! Be aware that in most Asian countries they will call 'business' any activity where they sell even only one toothbrush a month... Below 1 mio THB there are thousands for sale i think. The most valid of those i would guess you can find with Sunbelt, but still don't mean it is a good deal.

    Also be aware that it is common in Thailand that a business will announce like 1 mio THB revenue per year , leaving 600 K profit or so .... ohhh? 60 % . ha accounting practices in Thailand are quite elastic to say it in a polite way. Don't trust any figures they give you. Make an appointment with the owner and look trough all the invoices he got from his suppliers for the last year. Mostly that will be your last look at that very good deal you were hoping to have found.

    Now this does not mean you don't have a good deal in hand. For that follow the following steps.

    1; Don't involve anyone else then yourself (or another experienced investor you think you can trust) in the deal. Surely not a Thai GF or anyone of her family.

    2. Be the owner of the company. Which means you need to have a Thai registered company, not only buy a business. Yes it is no problem to be the owner as a foreigner but you can only work in the company if you also have a work permit. To have a work permit and the residence permit that go with it, you need a minimum of 2 mio THB capital at company registration . You don't need to spend them all. You can buy the 1 mio business with it and have the ohter 1 Mio THB kept available for anything you deem suitable.

    3. As a general rule stick strictkly to the law. Working around it will get you in (serious) trouble sooner or later, but most surely.

    4. Before you buy over a business have it audited by the best financial auditor you could find. They are expensive, but worth their money. Never rely on the auditors of the seller or sales organisation like for example sunbelt. Only if an independent audit is positve, then you can take the risk to buy.

    5. If at that point you still have questions about your eligability for work permit, residence permit and the like, then have a talk with the THai consul or embassador in your home country about the problem and let him bring up the solution for you. Be open about your plans to him and keep the GF out of the scene. You will be surprised what the Thai consul can do for you if you are an investor in Thailand ... however the more $$$$ there are , the more creative and cooperative he will be, that's normal. But that is only at the local office in your home country , not anyone in BKK.

    6. My rule of thumb (but this is only my personnal vision) is that below 2 or 3 mio THB investment you can't get much value there. Small businesses in Thailand are succesful (sometimes) only because they are operated by Thai standards. Read, by the owner and or some employee(s) who earn 6,000 B / month to live with. But by western standards, the same company would have negative cashflow when you allocate to yourself even the minimum living allowance you would need to live there (the more with your GF) This is one of the reasons why below 2 or 3 mio THB capital you can't make it.

    7. Transfer all and every money between your bank in home country and a bank account in Thailand or you won't be able to get the money out again if you want to. Never bring in money yourself.

    If i can help you any further, just PM me.

  5. I travel regularly to PI and , compared with Thailand i don't know of any places there that would justify your trip. Everything and much more you will find in Thailand for a lot less money. If you feel you need some fresh air, maybe a trip to Penang (malaysia) could do a lot better then PI ... If you stil want to get to PI, then maybe you could make a jump to Tagatay which is 60 km from Manila and is clean, rather safe and not too expensive. Bohol is reasonable also, but expensive and nothing more then (nice) beaches. Manila is the end of the world... be careful there if you are westerner (= white skin!)

  6. Hi Paul ,

    Well i stayed at montien one time and found it below standard, besides being middle of nowhere. However they have been renovating and i don't know how it is now.

    Here are some tips on hotels in the 100 $ range (including some of those recommended in the foregoing messages).

    - Pullman is very nice but also in the middle of nowhere.

    - Davis is overpriced, suffering from high ego ('boutique hotel').and very far walk form BTS

    - President Solitair is ok, but i don't think you can have a good room for 100$ all in. They have a nasty habit to charge for breakfast (very basic), for credit card use, for everything .... you end up with 1000 B more/night then planned.

    - Unico grande best hotel is Sathorn, But they are quite far walk (and dark at night) from BTS chong nonsi. Close to Villa Supermarket and other shopping in Trinity Centre. Best value for money there is the one bedroom apartment. Can be recommended if you don't mind the location. Free internet in room. Deluxe room is quite ok also with big fridge and Microwave at 3000 B with AsiaTravel.

    here are other ones you might look at:

    - Delphi Suites on Sukh 8 : very nice and around 3500 $ via AsiaTravel for Exec room 54 sqm. Close to BTS Nana.

    - SAS radisson : At Huang Kwai, close to MRT but out of town. Very nice hotel with high quality everything. Superior room 2400B with AsiaTravel. Don't btoher for the Deluxe room it is same and only more expensive. But 600 B extra charge/day for internet . Makes it still only 3000 B per day all incl for a 5 star hotel. But need to get on MRT or taxi for everything.

    - Bel Air princess : very good hotel 3600 B for deluxe room via AsiaRooms. Good location close to BTS Nana. This is a Dhusit Thani property.

    PM me if you want more info.

    Have nice holiday

  7. Hi Furbie,

    A few years ago i stayed in BKK for a longer time due to business and i found it not so practical to always hail a txi everywhere i needed to go. mainly i was sometimes worried about the condition of the cab or the way the guy was driving :)

    One of the Thai people workng with me told me to 'hire' a personnal taxi driver to solve my problem. How you should do is find a taxi driver who owns his own car. Most taxis are hired for the day by the driver, but some are owned. I am sure in the Sukh area, if you ask arounsd a little bit you can find one. That worked very well for me all the time i stayed there. I would call the guy on his cell phone as soon as i would know i needed a lift and give him the place and time where to pick me up. He never missed being there waiting for me and i felt very safe with a good rather new cab and reasonable driver. I had made a deal with him to pay 100 B on top of taxi meter for any fare i made that way and he looked very happy with the deal. Actually i sitll apply the 100 B rule for any taxi i am asking to bring me to the airport. Many drivers are reluctant to bring you to airport because they have sometimes long hours waiting times there in the taxi queue, hours where they don't earn a baht. Driving back empty to the city is expensive also. So tell them they will get 100 B tip to compensate for their waiting time there and they are well paid for having a nap there.

    have good trips .

  8. I will just add I came on this forum because all my so called "forward thinking london friends" just say the same thing " shes Thai she must be on the scam"- I hoped you guys would have a little info- correction some of you have given very good info.

    But attacking me is pointless, I do that myself already.

    I know I am in a bad situation, but what I want to focus on , is this immediate problem, the rest can be sorted later.


    Hi Dan ,

    Well so much has been said already i wil try to keep out of those topics. I think the worst thing was that you met your new wife in a bar... with all the stories going around about bar girls, this is never a plus, even if she is very honest and good girl. Now this has been so , so forget about that and try to think she is a normal girl you met somwhere in a park or wherever.... maybe that will help cut off most of the sick buffalo stories that came around ... By the way the truth is that there are also bar girls who are very honnest and good mothers. I personally know two who are friends only to me, but after so many years i know them i know they are very honest and hard working. So far for the bar girls.

    Now about the 100 K debt, well i have very long time Thai friends in Issan (farmers) and there it is not uncommon to make 'private loan' to some powerful local people for whatever reason that is... remember Thailand has no health care and no social security, and with what they earn there there is also no savings to fall back on. So loans are frequent... and impossible to pay back with what they earn. Often they will borrow money elsewhere (at crazy rates) to pay back a going loan when the lender wants his money back .. and on it goes... so what your GF/wife is telling you does not come over to me necessarily as a scam but could very well be the truth. The only way for them to get out of their situation is to pay it back, what they cannot do. For them it is a life time saving, for you it is only 2,000 £ ! What i should do however is get the complete story from your wife about the origin of the loan and why they have got to this point. Get the story from her in much detail. Thai's are not good liars when it comes to putting together a complicated and detailed story over 8 years time. Most probably you wil have enough clues to see if the story smells good or bad.

    As to your personnal situation , well there is only one thing you can do for now, and the most urgent. That is get back on your feet financially and start again from scratch. If you are really motivated, you can succeed. Think of your reponsibility to your thai wife and daughter; and work to it day and night. It won't take so long then to get the 2,000 £ you need for them and give them if you feel the story was strong enough. Don't be panicked by any urgency, there is none. If you were not there they would find some way to clear the present dead lock (by taking anohter loan elsewhere) and keep going for while. This gives you time to get back on your (financial) feet and save for the loan if you think it is right and get the situation cleared lateron. Only be very clear about what you do and how you are planning so that your thai wife understands what you are doing for them and know you love her and do everything you can for her. I think you had more love and happyness in 14 months with her then many people do have in their entire life, so keep that and the child of love that was born fom it as the most precious gift you probably ever got and organise yourself for even more of it in the future with them.

    If there is any way i can help you further, PM me.

    Good luck and much strength.

  9. Take a good strong palstic bag, like for packing deep-freeze products. Put the meat in it and tighten the bag carefully. Dip the bag with the meat in boiling water, leaving the opening outside the water and heat for 30 minutes per kilo of meat.

  10. Hi Irene,

    The Hilton in HH is top class and well located (beach + close to city centre) if you can afford it.

    I would rate Hyatt and Marriott much lower, especially the marriott is old and not so close to city.

    If you ook for good value for money, but a little out of the city (north) look at


    This is a gorgeous place (try a sea king room or Junior suite)

    Have nice holiday

  11. Hi Denis,

    The first thing about 'investement' is always to keep cool, and that is what people mostly don't once they see any number with 6 figures in it :)

    If you intend to travel frequently to Thailand or to stay longer periods there, the first thing you should do is learn about the culture and the habits of that country. Then maybe think about 'investing' in whatever, even an elite card if you think thats good for you.

    However if you knew more of the Thai business environment, then it is vey clear that for an amount of 1.5 MioTHB you can get many things, including maybe an elite card which would be my very last choice, considering the high risk (of its survival) that it carries. For example you can invest 2 mioTHB in a registerd company (plc) and from that not only get an easy multiple entry visa , but even a work permit. Ha, that is 500 kTHB more , but it gets you more then wind ....

    As an owner of a company in Thailand and living in Belgium you wil get a one year renewable multiple entry business visa from the Thai consulate there with no hassle and in no time. And guess what? the 2 mio THB you invest there are supposed to earn you some money and are also resalable when you don't want them invested any longer. But yes, you will have to renew your visa once a year. If you know how to do, you can even do that in BKK though ....

    Good luck

  12. Hi Brake,

    A friend of mine occasionally books a tour guide when he has a VIP visitor.

    He books them from www.orientalescape.com

    I am not sure they would travel around thailand, but if you contact them and book a guide in BKK i am sure they can also arrange for guides elsewhere. These are professional guides, licenced by TOT but iw atold they are very pleasent to be with. No sex or whatever (with the guide) but they will also show you the hot places if you want to. Costs are around 2000 B per day + lunch and drinks.

    From another source i was told that major universities also have an agency for students who will accept private guide activities. Mostly students in foreign language (english) and their tariffs are a lot lower , around 500 B per day + food, drinks and lodging (when out of BKK). I have no links for this one unfortunately.

  13. Say you are flying from LA to NYC to BKK.... If your check-in luggage is for some reason delayed or sent to a different location other than NYC, and you are flying to Bangkok, does the domestic American airline deliver your luggage to Bangkok at a later time?

    The rule is that the FIRST airline you have been flying with (the one that took your luggage) is reponsible for it till the end of the trip no matter what other airlines were involved inbetween. This rule is valid only if your luggage was checked trough of course.

  14. What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

    Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

    No problem.

    Fly there with BKK airways.

    There are many hotels to choose from, but don't expect too much although they are OK

    The main problem you have is the language... they don't kow english and i guess you don't speak Kmer.... I have been toold you can hire students from the local university to be your guide and who do spek some english, never have looked into it in depth. Worthwihile to skim internet for that (student associations etc... )

    Have a nice trip

  15. Hi all I sent a parcel from the UK on 10th Dec. Was told it would take 14 days (International Economy Service) Via Parcel force. Not arrived yet and can only track it in the UK. pacel was going to Lamphun. would like to make enquires in Thialand anybody know were to start? Phone Nos anybody? Help Please

    Ken ,

    Economy will take anything like 2 or 3 months to get there. But you should not worry, it probably will arrive safely. No place i know you can follow up economy sendings abroad.

    If you want it traced and fast, then send PRIORITY ... but have to pay also for it .

    Good luck

  16. Paul,

    How you react is typical and very much the reason why ppl should travel and see the world. Travelling changes you and makes you (most often) a better person. All those junkies and criminals in our rich countries should be put on a travel plan to Asia or Africa to see what you saw ... and even much more. I think the ones you saw and felt bad about are still quite ok if the kids had clean school uniforms. Many don't have ... and don't go to school coz the parents can't afford.

    Now back to your topic. I have long years of experience with helping poor families. I concentrate on some countries which i know well because i can better focus on what is really needed. Helping a family directly with money is always, as far as i have found out, a bad solution. Not because the ppl you will help are bad, but because the infrastructures in poor countries are inexistant or inaccessible (for them) in some way. So how to help? by offering infrastructure access to them, and that you cannot do from abroad. You have to be there and do it. Besides you will spend much less money for a lot more result. One example: make sure that the children of a poor family get proper education. Otherwise they will land in the same condition as their parents, once they are grown up. In BKK you can go to any catholic church and talk to the priest there. They all have a voluntary organisation for children of poor families. In Philippines (that is a lot worse then Thailand) , there is the World Mission Foundation that does just the same, but backed by the reformatory church (protestant). Those organisations do spend 100% of the donations money to help the poor. Not any one $ is kept behind hand for overhead or other things. Those working are voluntary (free) or church members (priests). For example with 30 $ per month, you can support a child to have proper education, a school uniform, one meal a day and school material... That goes a lot longer way then giving 100 $ a month to the family. I don't give any websites here because i would not like to favorize one organisation more then others i don't know. But i can post a few photo's of some families i visited, so you can compare with what you saw when travelling.

    You can always PM me if you like.

    Best wishes,





  17. Yes Teacup, but HH is not really so convenient place to live, especially it is far from the new airport...

    also it is expensive city, even compared with BKK where you can buy good house a little outside the city for 4 M... and have all the amenities of big city. But it is not me who said you want to go to HH ? but if you are not too much demending there are many houses for sale in the 3 - 4 M range in Hua hin for then moment. Look around.

    I agree with your view that if you want to spend 7-8 M then maybe that don't make much sense. although you shoul;d also consider that if you go live there you will live for 1/5th or so of the cost of living in a western country, and better to !

    So you must make a total budget for you, that is cost of house (investment) + cost of living nice in Thailand + cost of travel if you want to go 'home' some times, or visit south east asia while you anywya live there. That should compare favourably with the total cost of living in , say your home country. The surplus saving from being cheaper out in Thailand, should compensate largely for the 'loss of investment' as you can't be owner of the house itself. If it doesn't, then don't invest. Every time i meet some influental people in Thailand i tell them that their curfew on foreign ownership is the main reason why the economy in Thailand does not and will never really crank up. Indeed, ther must be always a significant cost gap (by my standards about 30%) between the cost of living in thailand and that of living abroad to recoup the investment risk on the house. But this problem seems very much a genetic problem with Thais when they think of any foreigner owning Thai property...

    By the way, you might also look for other palces in Thailand , where life and housing is 50% cheaper then in HH? Why really choose the most expensive place in Thailand ? Have a Look for example in Udon Thani or Chiang Mai.

    Good luck and never rush your dcecision when it comes to investement.

  18. Here are a few places worth looking at :

    1. Sam Roi Yod development. This is a development park about 5 km north of Asm Roi Yod natural park and about 1 km from beach. Houses there are more in the 7 M range than in the range of 3/4 M however...

    2. There is another developmznt area about 5 km north of HH, close to the airport (don't worry about the noise there with few planes a day :)))) managed (or promoted by Dream Homes. Dream Homes is located on Naebkhehard Road near the night market. Naebkhehard Rd is the main road crossing hua hin. in this development area i know there are houses in the 4 M range and nice also. Dream Homes also has a development on soi 94 worth looking at.

    3. There are many already built and used houses for sale in 'Hua Hin Hill Village'. Prices varialble but also influenced by the 'need' to sell of the owner. Some raly good deals can be made. Many europeans living there.

    Hill village is actually along soi 102 in hua hin, rather good location not so far from city centre.

  19. Common Maroccan recipe.

    Wash fresh untreated lemons and wipe them dry.

    Take a clean stone or glass jar. Sterilize it with boiling water, turn it over and let all the water drip out.

    Remove the two points (ends) of the lemons

    Cut the lemons in 4.

    Dispose the lemon parts, one layer at a time in the jar. Sprinkle each layer with ample salt.

    Make sure the lemon parts are as tight as possible against each other.

    when adding each layer of lemon parts, press strongly to compact the mass, then sprinkle with ample salt and continue until the jar is full.

    When the jar is full , you should have pressed the contents hard enough to have the lemon parts coverd with juice. If this is not the case then squeeze the juice of additional fresh lemons and add in the jar until lemon parts are fully covered.

    Close the jar and put aside in dark place for at least one month (light on the lemons will discolor the peel). IN the first days, take care to shake the jar a few times each day to spread the salt equally around. No refrigeration required.

    Preserved lemons will keep until the next crop!

    For use, take the required quantity of lemon parts of of the jar and rince them with fresh water ( to remove the excess of salt). They are ready for use in any recipe, including sweet ones like lemon cake or lemon curd pie! If used in cooking (chicken, couscous, lamb stew...), remember the lemons do still contain salt and don't add extra salt in your preparation

    have a sweet meal !

  20. If you want it cheap have them come low season, that is after 20 APR 2008.

    A good place you could look at is the

    Fresh Inn Hotel

    132, Naresdamri Road, Hua Hin

    Phone : +66 32 511 389

    e-mail: [email protected]

    The location of this hotel is right in the city centre, opposite the Hilton Hua Hin.

    You can access a public beach with a short walk, but if you are white Western type and dressed properly you can as well cross the street and walk into the Hilton to enjoy the beach there - Uhh not really official :)).

    The hotel is very clean and new, standard simple rooms but with everything you will need and aircon for acceptabel price. Room price start at 1500 B per night (standard room) up to 3,500 for family room where you can stay 4 persons. Room prices including breakfast The hotel staff is very friendly and does its best to make your stay comfortable. There is a good restaurant (Thai + international) just next door that is affordable also by Hua Hin Standards (Not the Italian downstairs).


  21. Info required airport to HUa HIn is there a coach service or how much for a taxi

    There are busses and vans leaving from the 'south bus terminal' all day and night. You have choice between standard bus, aircon bus or van. Unless the prices have changed recently the standard bus costs about 80 B one way, aircon bus 160 B and van 260 B . Take into account that the trip takes 4 to 5 hours. In Thailand busses stop everywhere and anywhere a passenger goes on or off.

    If you book a taxi from the airport to Hua Hin you are likely to be quoted a price around 3000 - 3500 B (many internet sites available - or just take one on arrival at the airport). Taxi dirve time is around 3 hours.

    Flight with SG airlines is around 3,000 B per person return. The flight is nice though as you can see the coast of thailand from the aircraft at 10,000 or lower as they fly. ON The return flight try to sit in front of the cabin so you can watch the approach to Suvanbhumi trough the cockpit window.

    YOu can also rely on some 'touters' who wait at the customs exit (international) with a board showing 'taxi to hua hin'. YOu can ask one of those and bargain the price between 1000 and 1500 B. These are mostly Hua hin taxis that have dropped a customer at the airport and try to make extra money by getting a return fare. Mostly there are some waiting there to be hired , but you can never be sure.

    Another good way is to book a taxi from a Hua-Hin operator. These will mostly ask a fare between 1,700 and 2,000 B for going to pick you up at BKK airport. They are cheaper because they have a good chance to be able to book another customer from HUa Hin to the airport on their trip to go pick you up....:) Booking a taxi from a local Hua Hin operator may not be easy for you but is easy to do for your thai GF or a travel agency.

    Here are two operators from Hua Hin i have used in the past:

    - Boonlerd Nimnoun - Phone 081-9867122

    - Mr Dang - Phone 086- 1645582 / 089 - 5180979

    Both should quote around 2,000 B to pick you up at the airport or to bring you back from Hua hin to Suvanbhumi or anywhere in great bangkok.

    Have a nice holiday , Flyer.

  22. Chris, you have to save what can be saved. There won't be a total or perfect solution, only one that is better then staying the way it is. If you can 't take the boy with you to UK because of names and passport problems , then that is very sad n but make up your mind about it and at least save your daughter and yourself from this nightmare. Have a good check with an immigration specialist to see if there is any way you can even take the boy with you (for example by having a copy of the marriage registration with the name of your wife as well as copy of birth certificate of the boy... or whatever would do the trick). Worth trying though. Get your money out of this bar in one or the other way without her knowing and move back to UK with the one or two kids. There file for divorce and start a new life. Better be hard up in UK but free and happy then be like you are now.

    I hope also some of our readers here who live in Jomtien will take the opportunity to contact you and support you the best they can.

    Good luck.

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