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jenifer d

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Posts posted by jenifer d

  1. 1 hour ago, Krenjai said:

    You seem to be leading a dangerous live, you claim you've witnessed your next door neighbor commit a murder in Koh Lanta, you claim to have proof who committed the murders in Koh Tao and you post that on ThaiVisa? I would be careful with such information, does your neighbor know you heard and saw the crime? He does now!  And what about the KT case? What proof? Eyewitnesses? Friends of yours that were IN the bar, what bar? THE bar? The bar of perp? 

    yes, my neighbor knows that me and my other neighbor saw all of it, he is grateful we didn't say anything; the whole neighborhood has been scorning him even more than before  (his sister, my landlord, has never spoken to him in the 7 1/2 yrs i've lived in the hood), so he's paying a price for it after a fashion...

    as for KT, the scene is far more dangerous, i'm not even going to disclose anything further than what i have;

    i do have a few friends who saw the perp flirting quite aggressively with the girl for at least a couple of nights prior, and it was quite evident to all that he got quite miffed when he saw her suddenly paying attention to David Miller-

    that's all i can and will say although i am privy to far more than that...

    to those who are calling what i say gossip & hearsay, you are all welcome to your delusions, i deal in facts-

    life on a small island is even more insular than life in a small town in a lot of ways, and there ARE no secrets...

  2. 55 minutes ago, sambum said:

    Post:- "we all know who done it."


    My Answer:- "Pointless and untrue comment."


    At no time did I give the impression that I thought the B2 were guilty. I was being critical of the fact that you and others "know" who committed the crime. You can't "know" unless you witnessed it - you can believe 100% that you know, but that's not the same, is it? It's a bit like saying that you know when you die that you're going to Heaven! Haven't seen a postcard from there ever!


    Your point re the "FIRST"  police investigator has also been well documented and commented on before, so although another dubious action in itself, is old news, and as I predicted in my earlier post "a certain poster" (that is a member of a Detective School) has now started asking you to bring out your evidence re the one that you "and everybody on Koh Tao knows who did it." 


    It's beginning to get like watching repeats of the 1966 World Cup Final comment "They think it's all over .............." , or "If you don't like it here, go home." 


    So please -  stop the "We all know who done/did it" comments, they're wearing a bit thin, and if you and your protagonist in chief don't pack it in, this thread is in danger of being closed by the Mods - which would be a shame.





    good points, and fair enough

  3. 3 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

    really.... if you're so adamant you know who did it they why don't you save these guys and take your proof and show it...or do you really have just gossip and hearsay like everyone else here??

    read the other posts, mine and several responses of others; the first police investigator named names and then was immediately replaced-

    if anybody comes forward with proof, they are as good as dead, Koh Tao is a very small island, and a Thai or foreigner coming forward would be named to the powerful families that control the island

  4. 2 minutes ago, sambum said:

    Firstly, you may have heard the expression "Don't try to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs!"? 


    Secondly, you do not need to use capital letters all the time to emphasise your points - it is against Forum Rules anyway.


    Thirdly, I have read quite a few of your previous posts, and to be honest, I am very well aware that you have friends on Koh Tao - in fact almost every one of your posts advertises that fact!!!  I am also aware that you are proud to have "gone native" So you see, I take notice of other people's standpoints. If you had bothered to read any of my previous posts on this very subject, you would know that I also believe the B2 to be innocent, but at the risk of repeating myself (again) I don't think that to blithely make these "everybody knows who did it" type comments is of any help whatsoever to those 2 young men. You only add fuel to those posters arguments who are as equally convinced of their guilt, because the first thing they will say is that if "everyone on Koh Tao KNOWS who did it" (Your caps - not mine!) how is it that "not one person has come forward, none, zilch, nada" ......... etc. and that ground has been trodden many, many times, just like  the Crime Scene before a proper "investigation" could take place!



    fair enough, you were conveying the impression that the B2 were NOT innocent

    actually, the FIRST police investiugator named names and facts and was immediately transferred from the case

  5. 6 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

    Of the friends described above I'd be embarrassed to call any of them my friends. This is the murder of 2 young UK citizens. I don't see how anyone could go about their daily routine and live with the situation described above.

    spare us your moralizing; yes it's terrible, hence my earlier statement about praying for the karmna of Thailand if they execute these 2 innocent Burmese scapegoats-

    my next door neighbor killed his cousin in cold blood to take over the resort on the beach behind us- only me and and a Thai neighbor saw and heard everything, the BiB never talked to us, but if we had said anything, they would have told the neighbor what we said, and even though the neighbor would be jailed, we would be dead- and his wife and 5 children would be without a father

    a prominent politician's son imports 30 kg of ya ice every week via our island, many Myanmar Rohingya are trafficked through here onto boats to Phuket and elsewhere, and so much more- we ALL see and know this, to name names would be to sign our death warrants... and it's even worse on Koh Tao, much smaller circle of people

  6. Just now, JLCrab said:

    I see -- so these people who live on Koh Tao who might have the means to free the 2 keep silent because they are afraid for their lives on the island yet they stay on the island. Great. Nice to know such people exist.

    many have livelihoods, businesses on the island, etc- ALL islands here are mafia, but some are more seedily so than others... because Koh Tao is SUCH a small circle, things there are magnified 100 fold- but you couldn't pay me to live there!!!

  7. 25 minutes ago, sambum said:

    I agree wholeheartedly with your last sentence. The post directly preceding yours is a prime example of what you are suggesting, and to blithely spout that "everyone knows who did it" shows a total conviction (no pun intended!) that regardless of any evidence, he/she knows  that the B2 didn't commit the crime, and that he/she and the whole world (Uncle Tom Cobley and all) knows the perpetrator of the crime, all of which is pure nonsense.


     There are also those who also spout the guilt of the B2 while totally ignoring any discrepancies in the investigation (one of which apparently enrolled in some Detective School! :cheesy:)  who are also totally blinkered.


    Therefore, IMHO I find that it is impossible to reason with, or indeed converse radically with such people, so I put them on my personal "troll" list, and just ignore their ramblings!



    you either live in Koh Tao and have an interest in perpetuating the lie, or you are completely cluless-

    with all due respect, which is it?

    i can ASSURE YOU that the 2 Burmese did NOT do this, and the REAL killer and his Uncle and father have killed and assaulted and threatened many others, before and since...

  8. 6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    You will never, ever convince me that these two midgets killed David and Hanna.  Major cover up of the real guilty parties. 



    and i truly pray for Thailand's karma as a nation if they execute these two innocent men while the REAL perp and his corrupt family still walk free and kill, threaten, and coerce with impugnity...

  9. 9 hours ago, Chou Anou said:

    Actually, recently several Thais have been arrested and charged with "promoting the consumption of alcohol" for posting photos of themselves and others drinking on Facebook and other social media (no, I'm not joking about this). So far, I haven't heard of any foreigners being charged in this way, but it isn't beyond the realm of possibility, I suppose...

    and several have been arrested & charged w/lese majeste just for liking fb posts concerning monarchy,

    in particular posts from Andrew MacGregor Marshall

  10. 2 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Dont know why people have left sad or confused faces.  The poster is yet Another sore looser using any thread to hit out at those of us who pulled our country away from the rest of the  European dross finaly.

    you'll see, Brexit will largely be a huge mistake; while there may be some benefits,

    the crapola that will be brought in will gall you (for instance, Mr Fox negotiating w/USA to bring in

    chlorine-washed chickens, etc)

    you WILL see, Brexit is a mixed bag, mostly bad...

  11. 7 hours ago, kenk24 said:

    Respect - - not an intentional purchase but when you have some bank, you seem to get respect... I have good quality on the basics, home, computer, vehicle - - after that, just don't need much... and have a frugal wife. 



    yours was THE response of this thread :smile:

    thank you for being completely forthright and honest, without bragging...

    i think the OP was possibly wishing to play one upsmanship/jealousy/bragging/etc???

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