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Posts posted by Crustyhk

  1. I originally thought he was a prancing horse and not to be trusted when he was dealing with the Koh Tao issues, but I’m starting to think he could be a good egg who isn’t flexible enough for the Thai system and can’t be bent to conform. Those who bent like willow years ago are terrified of him and want him as far away as possible. 

  2. 55 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

    Since it's now a religion and there's a 97% concensus, I'm curious what was the consensus on earth being flat in 1616 when Galileo was thrown in the slammer? 99%?

    You’re right he was thrown in the slammer where he died after 9 years. But his crime was to publish his theory that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the “scientific” view of the church that everything in the universe rotated around earth. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

    Oh Dear God...well at least your are on the side of the most greedy and self centered Public Figure I have ever come across ... the President of the USA... who wants to ignore climate warnings for the profit motive and nothing else . I’m on my way out and I’m ashamed to think of the waste my generation created and Thailand is so bad you struggle to refuse the plastic bags and spoons and straws in  a 7/11 store and what is worse the young people behind the counter are puzzled that you don’t want them . I apologise to my grandchildren for the mess we have created. Probably will take a few more years for the penny to drop with some people . Sad .





    Good grief. 


    They are protesting against the use of fossil fuels that cause greenhouse gasses


    The use of and waste caused by plastics is a different and real issue. 

  4. 2 hours ago, JamJar said:


    Sorry. But just more bitterness and inaccuracy on your part. 


    Apart from the fact that you have deliberately truncated the definition that you found via the Internet.  It actually states; a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return. 

    An example would be someone who came to stay with you, who ate your food, used your utilities and made no offer to contribute, whilst generally overstaying their welcome. 

    That is a 'freeloader'.

    Not someone to whom people have chosen to donate.

    I redouble on my opinion that it is just bitter and jealous people making negative comment.

    As to someone on a high horse, isn't it you would believes that you are superior to them? Therefore fitting exactly the definition of;


    You are covered 100% to ride any size of motorcycle in Thailand. Well aren't you the man. ????

    But it's not about you is it?

    You don't even know anything about the policy they actually hold, nor if they were doing anything outseide the rules. You are just behaviong in a superior manner without actually knowing anything,


    You should really get to understand the meaning of words and phrases before you attempt to utilise them.


    Nope I got nothing from the internet. I thought the definition of a freeloader was common knowledge. 

    You don’t believe racking up a medical bill in another country and having your insurance company pay half and then expecting the generosity of people on a gofundme page to pay the other half is freeloading? That’s a difference of opinion not worth pursuing further. The donations were asked for. They went online and publicly asked for the money. Borderline begging really. 

    I think your example of people coming to stay and not contribute toward their stay is 100% spot on with these freeloaders. Their “mistake” has cost set <deleted> financially as I mentioned in the original post. 

    If you read my original post it started with “my guess is”. It didn’t state that I knew anything of their specific policy but my first hand experience of travel insurance policies I’ve taken out in the past. So yes, it was about my experience. I would have thought that was blindingly obvious.

    If these freeloaders were doing everything by the book the insurance company would have paid the full claim.

    • Like 1
  5. 31 minutes ago, JamJar said:


    Why would they be freeloaders if they actually purchased travel insurance?

    Even if they made a mistake, it doesn't make them freeloaders. So many bitter people around.


    :someone who takes advantage of another’s generosity:

    Not bitter buddy. Factual. 

    I take out travel insurance too. I am covered 100% on a motorcycle of any size in Thailand as I am fully licensed in Australia. If I have an accident in Thailand and I’m riding illegally (drunk or no helmet of speeding etc) insurance will not pay. 

    Need a ladder to dismount that high horse?

  6. My guess is they took out travel insurance but do not have a motorcycle license. Their insurance company would have no obligation to pay a red cent. 

    If the insurance paid half and the suckers on gofundme paid the other half it looks like these freeloaders paid the grand sum of sweet <deleted> for being morons. That’ll teach em!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's no different to Chiang Mai where they do road blocks on the moat road and only stop tourists.

    True. But I’ve been pulled over in Chiang Mai maybe 5 or 6 times and handed the BIB my Aussie License with MC endorsement and you can see the disappointment on their face when they see I’m legal. According to this report I now need an IDP as well. I hope all the tourist are warned of this before leaving Aus

  8. 10 hours ago, BestB said:

    Incorrect one can only drive with his home country license IF there is a direct treaty between his home country and Thailand, otherwise IDP is required.

    Section 42-2
    In case there’s a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver’s license, an alien who doesn’t have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver’s license issued by such a foreign government, or an automobile association authorized by such a foreign government.

    Arguing for the sake of arguing. My original post was about my situation and I’m in Australia. Australia has a treaty with Thailand. 

  9. 2 hours ago, BestB said:

    100% incorrect. Whoever they are just being nice to accept it, legally you must produce your home country DL along with international driving permit.


    IDP cost around $50 from memory and nothing but a piece of paper but it is still a formality which one must follow when want to drive in a foreign country 

    According to the UN Traffic Act of 1949 and the Thai Traffic Act of 1979, an IDPis not required if you are a tourist/visitor in Thailand as long as your license is in English, has a photo, and your country is a contracting state of the 1949 treaty, which most are.

  10. This is why Thailand is dropping down the list of places to visit. 

    This report doesn’t state that you need a motorcycle license just that you now need and international driving permit. 

    Currently I do not require a permit for Thailand as they recognise my Australian car and bike license. This has now changed without any warning to travellers and the result could be a month in a Thai jail. 

    It just feels like they’ve run out of ways to get into your wallet so now they chop and change laws without notice to trap you. Not at all inviting. 

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