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Missing Troll

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Posts posted by Missing Troll

  1. 8 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no requirement for a return ticket. A onward ticket within 30 days of arrival is allowed. 

    I was writing about a one way onward ticket to any detonation.

    yes so then he have a ticket out of Thailand. I did not see in his question that he was traveling to more countries then Thailand. But if he is, the airline also accept that instead of return. You can not board for a Thai destination without visa without having a return or onward ticket leaving Thailand in 30 days from arrival date




  2. 5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You have nothing to worry about. You can easily get another visa exempt entry. Only those that have several of them are questioned on entry and very few are ever denied entry.

    You don't have to have round trip ticket to show for a visa exempt entry  a one way ticket to any destination will be accepted.

    Some airlines from the US will not let you onboard if you have a return date longer then 30 days from departure. It have happened to me 2 times when I didn't have a visa so those times I had to change my return in Thailand. The Thai immigration may not ask for a return ticket. Don't know what you mean with a one way ticket to any destination? The destination for this fellow is Thailand.

  3. They should speed up Brexit and UK's departure from EU so they can start and reform EU for the future. Since UK will cancell work visas from EU countries they should do the same, no reason why UK citizen should be able to work and travel free in EU. UK can build on their US friendship so maybe Trumps higher taxes for items made outside US will not affect all parts that Boeing is buying from UK so the new Boeing aircrafts will not go up in price.

  4. 2 hours ago, captspectre said:

    who said she had insurance? back packers almost always do not have anything remotely like insurance. hope she learns something about traveling alone in thailand.

    Her father are quoted saying that the medical bill was paid by the insurance she took to go and teach in Vietnam. a lot of backpacker and traveler take travel insurance these days, it's not so expensive. Also if you have insurance back home in a lot of cases it will cover emergency services like in this case.

  5. 15 hours ago, johnnywishbone said:

    Why would she or her family
    Owe anything?
    Contrary to logic.
    Does not compute.
    Send John Kerry in to negotiate.
    Obama will pay $USD 100,000,000.00 in ransom. But she has to endure for an appropriate time

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    What have the us governments payment to Iran to do with this, it was not Obama personally that paid this money it was approved by Senat and House and was paid in cash since US don't have any banking relation with Iran. I think we should be more consernd about her recovery then anything else that we have no business with like her health insurance. Some Republicans will always take any chance to bash Obama even in a un tasty post like above. It make me sick.

  6. 15 hours ago, Lingba said:


    I think that's a valid question given how things play out around here with these kinds of situations...anyway, I am also wondering if she is walking at all


    The doctors say she's not paralyzed but can not move on her own. She can probably stand or walk some steps with assistance. A lot of time after this kind of surgery they want you up and at least walk some steps.

  7. I guess his lawyer advise him to go to police, it may go to way's since its in the open now and Prayut don't say he try to end this corruption and don't like when things come out on Internet so they may do something to stop it. The other way it's the end for the bar owner and he better go back home. Hoping for the best and that the goverment show now that they are the one in charge and take care of business in a honest way.

  8. 4 hours ago, Credo said:

    Powell is a man of great integrity and he was a soldier who served his country with pride and dignity.   He served his President well, if it is was misguided.   As a former soldier he did as his C-in-C asked him to do.


    We are now getting a candid look at his feelings on a number of issues.  


    Whether one agrees with him or not is secondary.   He is a man of great honor.     

    I always liked Powell but what he did in the army have nothing to do with what he did in the White House, I felt so bad for him when he had to go to the UN and insure that Iraq had chemical weapons even when at that time the White House was not 100% sure, Bush was to influenced by Cheyney. Cheyney even admit that he did a mistake in the large interview with him for some time ago. Trump may be benefitted to use Rice when he take over the White House since she speak russian, but his adviser is a close Putin friend so he may be covered.

  9. 5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Hillary stabbed Powell in the back, yet he is bashing Trump. The man is a Democrat.Do not know why he pretends otherwise.

    Hillary didn't stab him in the back, if it wasn't for the fact that both he, Rice and Hillary used private email, and unfortunately Hillary got caught and Repulicans and Trump made a stink off it. The other thing here is that he's telling the truth that many republicans think about Trump. He is a disaster and will be a big embarrassment for US when he take over the White House in January. But if you look at the trend all over the world it's the Hillbilly effect all along from the Philippines to Germany, England and US. China and Russia will take advantage of this and soon we are back 30-40 years.

  10. Sitting every evening on my balcony and see this bright star on the left side of Koh Larn when you look from dongtan beach location. It's only one single bright star. Anyone have the idea what star it is?

    i know it's a stupid question but I'm just curious?

  11. 9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    I am not a Republcan. I am an independent and - much to my regret - I voted for him the first time that he ran. He lied to pass Obamacare and he pushed the stupidest "deal" of all time that legitimized Iran's illegal nuclear weapons program. This guy has been a disaster.


    9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


    I am not a Republcan. I am an independent and - much to my regret - I voted for him the first time that he ran. He lied to pass Obamacare and he pushed the stupidest "deal" of all time that legitimized Iran's illegal nuclear weapons program. This guy has been a disaster.

    The Iran deal was something the whole EU and US supported together, I personally think that deal was a great one opposit Bush and his dick Vice Presidents assurance that Iraq and Sadam Hussein had chemical weapon and they made a mess of that region. At least Iran are following the agreement they made with Obama. The Iraq mess was to save dick Cheney and Halliburton oil to say the least.

  12. 11 minutes ago, ezzra said:


    Simple really, the US knows that among all the sea of lunatic and unstable Arabs/Muslims countries in the

    region, the only country that is a 100% real democracy is Israel,

    The US and Israel has long and solid relationship starching back for many years,

    and the US knows that when it comes to trusting in an allay and a true friend, Israel

    is the only country that they can do it with.... 

    Just because Israel have 100%democracy and a solid relationship doesn't mean that US need to give money, US can't afford take care of its own citizen so it's not necessary to fund Israels military.

  13. 32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


    Nothing new. They have always done this. It benefits Israel and it helps the American arms industry. A win win situation for everyone.

    Yes Israel have always benefit from US, as a liberal country with healthcare for all citizen US should learn from Israel and take care of the health care situation in the US. Maybe it's time that Israel take care of them self after all they are not a 3rd world country 

  14. There is no republicans like Ulyses G that like Obama, I personally think that America is a better place after his 8 years. The health care is better with affordable insurance for all citizens, people don't have to use the ER as primary doctors. and many other things that Obama have done even though the Republicans in senate and congress have dragging their leg only trying to delay everything on taxpayers expense. Nov 8 when Trump wins and start building walls, deporting Mexicans and Filipinos that are undocumented and taxes on imported gods will triple Americans will wake up.  

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