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Everything posted by Sig

  1. Of course not. The probability is low to begin with, and in this case, nonexistent. What does that have to do with the fact that it is completely unethical?
  2. Yes, of course. But it still is abnormal for it to be blown so far out of proportion, even with it being a doctor, and should have been dealt with in the police station. Yeah, it would have been more expensive than usual, but the police could likely have persuaded her, but more than likely they were in fear of getting in trouble from some stupid, outsized ego, doctor. They had no balls to get it done, kowtowed to the doctor, and it became a nightmare. I'd be willing to place a wager that her ego is off the charts. The situation has become completely absurd.
  3. Yes, exactly. And showing all the more how unreasonable this has become due to influence, hatred, and corruption.
  4. That wasn't what was being referred to.... It was about his opinion being pronounced publicly that he should leave the country. The headline....
  5. Who said anything about a jury? You seriously don't think judges can be persuaded, especially in such a phenomenally corrupt political system???????😯🥴
  6. Yes, of course, there are always occasions out of the ordinary. I was talking about the typical situation. And even he being "PO'd" like this, the police can be very persuasive, IF they want to be. I don't imagine the pregnant lady was any less PO'd at being kicked the other day.... No big media uproar, protests, and Anutin interference on that one.... I don't blame her either. But it is way out of hand at this point. It's a very simple assault case. Nothing that doesn't happen every single day in every small city.
  7. He may have closed his Swiss accounts after not being allowed a visit🤣 Singapore is closer to home anyway. Many Burma Army Generals bank there... He may have decided to keep his money closer to home. Or maybe not... The Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, or Monaco might be quite nice places to visit too.😅
  8. Being a different branch of government has nothing to do with it. You seriously have never heard the uproar when a President or a Prime Minister (or other high ranking official, like maybe an Interior Minister....) makes a comment on a pending court case that is creating a stir in the public??? It happens on occasion and is always (except maybe in countries like Thailand?) met with immediate reproval from many quarters, except maybe the idiot's own partisan political party hacks. It is irresponsible and unethical, full stop.
  9. You are talking about stuff that all happened after the apology and "fine" would have been paid at the police station on the day of the incident. Apples and oranges don't compare well. Of course his and the doctor's wealth and societal standing play a role and that's why I qualified what I said about the compensatory amount. It doesn't really matter what the revenue of his company was when they are in the police station negotiating. That is, again, all stuff that wouldn't be known until the doctor and farang hating media idiots got a hold of the story and created social unrest over it.
  10. You don't think the message is clear from that?🤔
  11. He's also sending a loud and clear message to the court on how he thinks they should rule. That's the problem. It's completely unethical.
  12. Being separate issues is all fine and good. That doesn't mean a very powerful politician's statements won't bring prejudice to cases before courts. I believe that's the point.
  13. From what I frequently read in this forum re Thai men, it seems like he knows the culture well enough and was behaving along with lowbrow Thai male behaviour, so why should his penalty be so tremendously much more than it would be for a Thai? I'd be very surprised to hear if a Thai man had to pay more than 500-1,000 (maybe a little more since they both have money and inflated egos to go with it) with a deep wai and apology for such a simple issue. Is that considered an excuse? It isn't an excuse for his behaviour, but it should be reasoning to appeal to logical, even handed treatment by the authorities. Whether Anutin's statement is mainstream or not is another story. But I have words for Anutin that would be better not to put into print.
  14. What's not fitting with Thainess about that? That's the way of the culture for decades upon decades....
  15. One way of the other, pay with monetary instruments or complete fealty, either one or both work fine, I'm sure.
  16. Don't say it's so!😯 Such an honored and revered man would never stoop to such depraved levels!
  17. No!!! Not at all! She suffers from PTSD! So, I'm sure she'll do everything physically possible to avoid the press or any sort of publicity that would aggravate her frail mental health! I'm sure she must have been forced into talking about this.
  18. I dunno why it's Thai men, or men in general, getting a bad rep all the time. I happen to think this about the majority of women here, too. Just to be clear, that quote you took from my comment was an encapsulation of a quote from a different member here that I was quoting. I was just highlighting some of his pontificating absurdities as he keeps going off on tangents, writing book length sermons, completely separate from my main point about how he denigrated Thai men. It's the typical deflection to a tangent that losers instinctively do.
  19. HELL NO! Who in their right mind would think for more than a nanosecond about giving any quarter whatsoever to these barbaric, genocidal maniacs!? Yeah, nevermind... I know... they'll be on a cushy air-conditioned flight very soon, if not already.😡 What a squandered opportunity to help bring some accountability it will have been. And now they'll go back to fight more when they could have been taken out of circulation and reduced the murderous rampage. I wouldn't be sad if their planes crashed....
  20. Hey Skipalongcassidy, Best just skip along and ignore this guy. He's a piece of work. Refuses to admit he communicates poorly and plays games with semantics. Same as when I directly quoted him - "Thai men don't laugh. They just don't marry a woman that's been around. Usually. They'd rather keep on using them and leaving when kids are born. We laugh at what sad "men" they are, running from responsibility." - and he refused to admit that this statement would show that he is denigrating Thai men. And rather than admit that he didn't qualify his statement well and made a horrendous generalization, he says, "you assume I say this about all Thai men. I didn't." and "Just as it is about all men in general." So, not all Thai men, but all men are generally no good, lowdown, filth (to varying degrees of course - and I need to qualify that because you likely didn't realize that there are levels of good and bad. Thankfully, he was good enough to inform us of this.)! 🤣 Maybe that's why there's so many transgenders now? After all, knowing these facts, who would want to be a man, unless they were some sort of psychotic female who wants to identify as a man!?🤪It's like a comedy trying to reason with him. His bloviating about irrelevant tangents is quite nauseating too. A root canal would be more enjoyable. Not good can mean many things. Not doing their share of the work around the house, not looking at them as an equal partner, putting their friends and hobbies in front of their wives, hitting them, abusive language, cheating, lying, not helping with the children, not providing for the family etc etc. There are levels of good and bad if you didn't realize this.
  21. ok, 15 or so years later, there's still no answer how to tag others in posts/comments!????
  22. Interesting claim, in light of what you said a few days ago.... That's quite the non-show of disdain for Thai men. I guess you said that with no disdain🤥, but with a laugh of respect?🤔🙄 If you meant to say "some Thai men" or even "many Thai men", ok fine. Say something to the effect of, "I made a poor caricature of Thai men, what I meant to say was..." Then be done. No need to write a book. No need to ask again, as I've already spoken on this more than once. You make massive assumptions, draw erroneous conclusions from them, and don't believe me anyway. Too caught up in your own paradigm to fathom that something else can exist. I'm done...🥴
  23. Hadn't even thought of the sliding glass door to my patio.... I'm guessing it isn't safety glass. I can't imagine building any glass door that isn't safety glass! I guess I had just gotten lazy with many years of it being the standard back home and not even thought about it anymore! Many building codes seem like they were made by politicians with an agenda, but many are seriously important. But that said, I'm guessing that this one isn't even any sort of code in Thailand anyway.... just thought of as something for luxury high class. But who knows, maybe it is in the building code, not that it would mean much....
  24. I agree, no problem. But, let me refresh your memory (below). I didn't say that I "didn't see things like (you) mentioned" in my 25+ years here, I said that "I've never known" those types. You acknowledged understanding what I said at one point (below) and asserting that it was "impossible". But you seemed intent on continuing in a tangent that was disparate from my original point and insisting that it is "impossible" for me to not know these sorts of lowlifes. I don't and I haven't and that's why I kept saying you are wrong. I couldn't really care less about all of the other tangential things you brought into the mix. If you know so many of these types, up to you, to each his own. We must run in VERY different circles, and I have no desire to spend 1 minute of my social life among the types of which you apparently know so many. You're right, Thai men don't necessarily laugh when they hear stories like this. Over the years I've talked with some of my friends about these kind of stories. They never laughed, nor did the women with whom I shared these kinds of stories. They shook their heads in disgust at the Thai families that behaved this way. They didn't have disdain for the farang, so they wouldn't laugh at him. Since you show an apparent disdain for Thai men, it's understandable why you'd hold the opinion you expressed about them here. It is on the same level to be head-shaking in disgust about. Of course, I've heard those stories of irresponsible men who do as you mentioned (in my home country too), but I've never known one in over 25 years here and know many men who are very respectable and are great husbands and fathers. Perhaps it shows the circles you run in? I don't know... but it sure is sad that you hold such a low view of Thai men and make such broad generalizations denigrating them.
  25. I did not assume that at all. You did say that. I literally quoted you in my last reply. Here again - "Thai men don't laugh. They just don't marry a woman that's been around. Usually. They'd rather keep on using them and leaving when kids are born. We laugh at what sad "men" they are, running from responsibility." As I mentioned before, it is a horrible generalization that would be better to be attended with a qualification if you didn't intend to mean all Thai men. Personally, I very highly doubt it would even apply to most Thai men. Good that you have qualified that. It would have been good to do that from the beginning. As I mentioned before, that was the original point I was making, before you went to a tangent making your absurd assumption that it is impossible for me to not have had any of those sorts of people in my circle here over the past 25 years. I never said that I don't know they exist. That was never my point. That somehow became something that you read between the lines. One would have to be living in a cave with no interaction with society since one was a child to not know there are lowlife men in society.
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