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Posts posted by Haunebu

  1. Sad to see that a person invests the time and has the nerves to produce such a despicable fake! Not only is this a clumsy and disrespectful hoax, but would it also tarnish and destroy any possibly existing videos of real spirits. Same goes for those UFO fakers - by creating hoaxes, any video evidence of a true mystery, or better, unexplainable event is rendered void. How can anyone find pleasure in creating and publishing hoaxes like this? This is totally beyond me...

  2. In a country, where you get cheap and safe transportation everywhere - why consider walking through an area at night that gives you the shivers in the first place? 18 replies - 18 people wasted their valuable time for this... including me, unbelievable!!! :(

  3. So, can we dissolve this sorry excuse of a Homo Sapiens in acid, on mutual agreement then? Wasn't allowed to do it with that crazed hacksaw guy, too many "innocent until proven guilty" guys... But this one certainly is a goer, no? I get me old bathtub in the cellar ready then... :smile:

  4. 2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Isn't Danzig part if the ultra nationalists wish to let Gdansk be part of Germany?

    Are you always communicating in questions? Place of origin makes you a leftwing, nationalist, nazi, or whatever right now? Are you people for real? What is this - bully forum for Thai expats who live on social welfare with too much time on their hands? Stay on topic, pal and we might be able to communicate, but I am not really fond of baiting posts like yours. Something like that would be erased in other forums I have been, so keep it down, will ya?

  5. 2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


    So you don't think it's normal that moderate Germans should fear a return to the right-wing political rhetoric and politics of its dark past?


    If you can't see what these populist politicians are doing by stirring up fear and resentment then I'm afraid you're just another sheep.


    Well you must be living in Lala Land then, but certainly haven't seen live, what's going on in Germany and european borders... Calling me a sheep... Haha, that's a good one, not impressed, Sumo, not impressed!

  6. 2 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    Your avatar and nickname refer to the Nazi era.

    Knowing this, your first post isn't so innocent at it looks, might be sensitive to some posters and not surprisingly popular to some others.


    I hope you won't post Nazi rhetoric over here...

    Is this one of the mails where one has to say "stay on topic"? Haunebu was one of the prototypes of disc shaped flying machines... So being interested in UFOs, anti gravity systems, sustainable energy, space, science fiction and perhaps the "unexplained" makes me a Nazi then, huh? Wow - sad to see that people like you hang out here, I'll keep my eyes open and will make sure to respond to your offensive ways accordingly. Thank you!

  7. Just now, Agent Sumo said:




    If Germans don't like immigration policy, they can easily vote for a party that will stop it and/or reverse it. The AfD springs to mind.


    The British took issue with lots of brown immigrants (they didn't mind the white ones, though) and voted to leave the EU because they think it will mean an end to immigration and they'll "have their country back" LOL! 


    Unfortunately, Ms. Merkel is a somewhat highly-accomplished and successful politician who enjoys considerable popularity at home.



    Give it a little while longer and maybe she won't survive a general election. We'll see

    Not sure if it is very productive to dismiss the opinions of others as "rubbish", hope this is not standard here... However - there are more and more violent attacks on AFD politicians by hardcore leftists happening all over Germany. These violent leftists are not punished, nor are their actions being condemned by any politicians in charge. Instead, they are being practically hailed as heroes in mainstream media who stand up against the right wingers or "right-minded" as mainstream papers put it... This gives a kind of out of jail free card to any violent leftist to do even more damage.

    The signal the above gives to the common man on the street is that AFD is rightwing, bad and deserves to be punished. Anyone who openly commits that he's supporting AFD is branded a Nazi... Do you truly believe that the common German on the street, who has ben brainwashed from Kindergarden onwards that he still has to carry "the guilt" of his ancestors, that he basically is a Nazi in toddlers' clothing... Do you really believe they would vote for a party that is wrongfully branded a Nazi organisation???

    And - you say Merkel is a highly-accomplished and successful politician... Well, let's start by how she gained and stayed in power... There wer nothing and absolutely nothing but lies to gain voters AND (most importantly) she always got rid of anyone who could push her off the throne. She kicked able and well-educated and popular people out or put them in positions where they can't cause her any harm (while putting idiots and sociopaths in charge of nation defence and finances) like a Cookoo bird throwing his stepsisters and brothers out of the nest.

    This all said - if the AFD would ever get into a position of where the party could become a threat to Merkel and her vassals, something would "happen" that would either postpone or suspend elections. Democracy as we know it is history, my friend! Time to take off the pink glasses and change to binoculars!

  8. New here, hope it's ok if I put in my two cents to this story... The most official articles about this incident are leftist propaganda! The incident started with young "refugees" (which by now in Germany HAVE to be referred to as "men" to be politically correct) fondling and verbally abusing some German girls on the streets while their friends and boyfriends were standing nearby... It all went downhill from there.

    As those... ahem... "men" could have it their way easily in Cologne and other cities for the past 8 months since the Cologne Incident on new year's eve (where basically a mass gang rape, with almost 1.000 police inquiries nation-wide, and reported pregnancies was swept under the carpet by German officials and media) they just thought it'll just go on and on like this without anyone even touching them (the "men"). But boy, they were mistaken!

    At least East Germans are fighting back, what is great to see. Speaking for all of my friends and relatives in (West) Germany, they all "have had it!"... No action yet, but most are preparing for what's gonna come, but won't talk about it publicly and on social media. There's a kind of secret codex now - you meet someone equal minded and you just "know"... what the other one is thinking or wanna say. There will be blood, don't be mistaken!

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