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Posts posted by opala41

  1. Regarding Wi-Fi Calling I am facing an issue with DTAC and even them are not able to solve it, until now. I bought two DTAC SIMs in Bangkok in september and I really don't remember if I enabled and tested the Wi-Fi Calling feature with my iPhone at that time. So I came back to Brazil and tried to use it. When I enable it, the error message "To allow Wi-Fi calling on this account, contact dtac". So I called them and also kept conversations thru Facebook with their representatives that, in the end, said that I should enable it when in Thailand since it cannot be enabled while roaming. 

    So I returned to Bangkok last October and enabled the feature in both iPhones (this time, one iPhone 7 and one iPhone 6S). It worked flawlessly in several Wi-Fi networks. Then I came back to Brazil and the same error message persists. Well, they said to me that several adjustments were done in my accounts but the error still shows and Wi-Fi calling cannot be enabled. Any hint? The last message from dtac asks me to try to use it (which I did, no success) and they they would put engineering in touch with me with the help of a translator...


    Any dtac engineer here ;-)





  2. Hi,


    I just visited Bangkok (and Thailand) for the very first time two weeks ago. I loved Thailand! I went for a business meeting that was successful and on Oct 5th I'll be back in town, now with my wife for a second meeting and 4 days of leisure. 


    I'd like to ask you about the import fees in Thailand. I've bought an iPhone 7 in USA and shipped it to my freight forwarder. They can ship them to Brazil, where I live, but they can ship the package to Thailand too. I can choose Thai mail or the courier companies like Fedex and UPS. I searched a lot about Thai taxes and fees and I already wrote to Fedex but still no response regarding taxes.


    Since I will be in Bangkok, I thought about shipping the package to my hotel thru Fedex. How much do you think I'll have to pay to Fedex for import/VAT/brokerage? The package's total value is US$ 1400.00 (one iPhone, one Apple Watch).


    Thanks in advance,



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