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Posts posted by tinribzzz

  1. I posted about this a year or so ago but it's a recurring problem. On the part where Sukhumvit road meets Khao Talo there is a market that pops up every so often. They have a mini concert but the volume is literally so intrusive to the point the windows are shaking on the condo. This recent concert has seemed to go on for over a week now, some nights it's going on to past midnight. I've tired 1337 but doesn't seem to much, are there any other suggestions and is anyone else effected by this? Would like to start being able to sleep before 1am at some point again soon.

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  2. Thanks for the response. Yes we have flight tickets together for where we have travelled around Thailand. 


    Unfortunately she has already paid and completed the application. She's wrote i will sponsor her £370 when in fact I can provide more, is this likely to cause a problem? She's also wrote my dad down as a sponsor, he's happy to provide ownership of house but not his bank statement. I however will provide my bank statements.


  3. Hello all, I'm having some issues with the Visa, I've searched around but feel pretty lost. 


    Let me explain the background story. In 2016 I went out to Thailand to start TEFL teaching (Teaching English), soon after I arrived I met Priya and we ended up staying together. Priya is a cardiac Nurse at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital with a salary of around 30,000 + Overtime, she recently also bought her own condo and is paying that off through a loan from the bank, she also owns her own car and supports her Mother who doesn't work. Overall Priya is self sufficient and has every reason to go back to Thailand after a trip. Moving on with the story, I fell in love with teaching whilst I was out there and Thai life and decided the next step would to get fully qualified in the UK and return to Thailand in a few years and work in one of the International Schools. Fortunately I got offered a teacher training place via the salaried route (£19,750 in training year), and came back to the UK in September. Of course I miss Priya like mad and agreed if she paid for her flights, I would cover the costs whilst she is here if she could come in the Easter Holidays (7th - 22nd April). I live in South East London and costs here are high so am currently living with my parents, so she would have no costs for staying as my parents said she can stay her rent free.


    I can obtain proof of income, reference from my previous job in Thailand, contract of work etc. She can provide her proof of work at the Hospital with Salary and proof of her assets such as her Condo.


    Here is my problem, she has filled some of the online application on with some odd answers (my fault for not fully checking).


    Under how much I would sponsor her, she wrote £370 as she would also have 20,000 baht. I am happy to contribute a lot more than £370 so will this number seem unrealistic to UK immigraition in terms of spending costs.


    Secondly under sponsors she put myself and my dad, now I am happy to financially sponsor all her going out costs. My family can write a letter stating that they are happy for Priya to stay her and provide proof of mortgage,they have also met her before. I doubt however my Dad will want to provide his banking details, he earns a fairly high ammount but is really secretive about giving over these details. Will it be ok me explaining that I will be the main financial sponsor and they will just sponsor a place to say despite the fact she's put both our names down.


    Finally I have tonnes of photos of us together so this is no issue, however we talk via facebook messenger therefore no call logs or emails. 


    Could anyone give me any advice or shed some light on my concerns, thank you in advance!

  4. 3 minutes ago, TerryLH said:

    How much do you pay for the insurance?  For anyone making at least 15k a month, it should be 750 baht a month for the insurance.  Your employer would also be paying the same amount.



    I don't think they have a choice.  (See (you)r post #2)

    Hello Terry, I pay 750 baht a month yes. I just want to make sure I am some what insured. Small hospital bills of a couple thousand are fine, it's just safe keeping for circumstances I cannot predict.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    You are very fortunate if so. Many private schools opt out and instead privide private health insurance at levels so low as to be almost worthless. Unfortunately the law lets them do this.

    Make sure you know what hospital you are registered at and if it is not a large one consider changing. There is usually a choice and it is possible to change during 2 periods a year.

    Sent from my SM-J701F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Thanks again Sheryl, one further question if you don't mind? Would it cover for being a passenger on a motorcycle.

  6. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    You are covered for pretty much everything, excluding only drugs and tests that are not on the Ministry of Public Health's drug list, cosmetic procedures etc. . There is no limit to the amount.


    But your coverage is limited to the hospital where you are registered or to another facility that they refer you to in case they are unable to provide the care needed. This is the main drawback otherwise it is excellent insurance. In an absolute emergency where it is nto possible to reach the hospital you are registered at you can receive treatment anywhere but private hospitals have been known to try to refuse to be reimbursed by social security and to charge people. If that should happen, DO NOT pay anything nor sign an agreement to pay, call the SS office instead.


    The emergency care provision is for maximum 72 hours, after that you need to be transported back to the hospital were you are registered.


    However, make sure that what you have is social security health cover as under the Social Security law, private schools are exempt.

    Very informative response. I will inform the rest of the staff here. I believe it is social security but I pay for it out of my own wage. It's a small blue paper piece of card.

  7. Hello, I have a question regarding the social security I have with my school.


    I used to have proper travel insurance from the U.K. but instead of renewing it I opted to pay in for the social security with my school (private school). I have read a horror story of a male not able to pay his medical bills who was uninsured, this has obviously gotten me a little concerned.


    What am I covered for under the social security card? If an emergency happened that racked up a medical bill of + a million baht would I be covered?


    Thanks in advance.

  8. Good afternoon all.


    I have run into a bit of an issue regarding renewing my visa. I am currently on a Non Immigrant B visa due to being an English Teacher here. My visa is due to expire in April therefore the school will apply for another in March. I have since moved address since the first visa (all be it I only moved downstairs in the same condo block). I have recently discovered my landlord is not in fact the owner of the condo, she is married to husband whose daughter owns the condo. The daughter is Australian and currently lives in Australia. The only documentation they can require is a copy of the blue book, however they never created the page which has the owners name on it. They have 1 copy of the owners ID and of course the rental contract. I am aware that immigration will require a page of the blue book with the owners name on it. Is their any way around this situation such as visa services or is moving my only option?

    Many thanks.

  9. 3 hours ago, JSixpack said:

    You may possibly get it from a clinic w/ a prescrip, but not normally. I wouldn't think it'd be worth it to go the hsp route. (See above.) Consider Atarax instead:




    Sorry for the double post. I have a direct flight with BA too and from London so don't have to worry about any stop overs. What would the law be with carrying Atarax? Would I still require a prescription. 

  10. Hello after some advice. I occasionally have bouts of very mild anxiety which I have under control. I have never used medication for my anxiety as it is so mild (as suggested by my doctor in the U.K), instead I frequently excercise and frequently meditate. The mediation has made my anxiety completely bearable and I would recommend this to anyone.

    There is something however that can trigger the panic and that is claustrophobic situations. I was prescribed Diazapam for my flight out here and they worked well. I am making a short return trip to the U.K for a job interview. I would like to legally obtain some Diazapam for the flight. Can anywhere suggest where I can legally obtain a subscription? I don't mind paying a little bit for the consultation and medicine but would like a hospital that isn't going to charge through the roof for a quick visit. 


    Many thanks.

  11. I'm staying in a Condo near theprasit and can clearly hear this live concert from kho talo. It sounds as if someone is having a festival on my doorstep. Must be mega intrusive for the actual residents on kho talo.


    Anyone know what this concert is? It's happened before? I heard it'll be like this for 2 weeks till 1am time. I'll have to cope but no idea how this level of noise is allowed in a highly residential area.

  12. 16 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Only 5 days and only till 1am? Many have put up with much worse than this and for much longer, so maybe you should be thankful.


    You can complain to 1337 (City Hall complaints line) or 1111 (NCPO complaints line). Both will probably be more effective if a Thai-speaking person does it.


    It did get better once I rationally thought this through but when your dealing with screaming kids all day (teacher) coming home to loud music can test your patience.


    Thanks for all the responses!

  13. On Sukhumvit they've recently opened a new market and to celebrate they're holding live music every night up until the 21st, I'm talking drums, live singers, guitars etc till 1am.


    I'm in a condo opposite the road on Sukhumvit 50 and honestly the noise is unbearable it's driving me a little crazy. I'm teaching all day from 6am then getting no sleep till 1am, feels like I'm not getting a moments peace.


    I'm fully aware there is nothing I can do and I have got pretty used to noise around here but this is incredibly intrusive. Has anyone else been affected by this? and does this not bother the local thai residents that are having to wake early every morning?

  14. 51 minutes ago, davidst01 said:

    I used to partake in day time drinking sometimes when living in Europe. It trashed my mind every time and I've never done it again. It caused major dehydration and I felt awful. 


    I would recommend stopping alcohol completely. Just tell your work colleagues your on a 2 month health kick or whatever. Do hard core exercise at nighttime to stop yourself 'thinking too much'. Failing that go on some low dose (liquid) St johns wart. Take 1 hour prior to bed. You will sleep better and be relaxed. 


    I'm certain you don't need professional help. Your body can't handle the booze. Its the same as me. As the thai's say.... 'don't think too much'

    Thanks for the response. I am a fairly anxious person but it has always been manageable.


    I think you are correct as the few days after I have pretty much normal again.


    Time of the booze will bring me benefits to both my mind & wallet!

  15. 17 minutes ago, Panda13 said:

    You don't say your not a drinker. Only that you don't drink during the day. Then state as soon as you had a drink that day that you became anxious. You do realize that alcohol IS a depressant don't you? Some peoples brains are not wired to withstand the different effects that alcohol elicits, even small amounts. Have you considered you may be one of them and tried abstaining from it for a dedicated period to see if your moods improve. Also serious daily exercise on a regular basis promotes the brains production of serotonin. Try these two things before pharmaceuticals and or head shrinks, you might be surprised. As feeling good about yourself is a process only you can provide not be given.

    Hi panda13 I drink maybe once a week a few beers. Recently due to time out of work from changing jobs my drinking has increased, you are almost certainly correct it doesn't go well with me. It's after I've drunk (hangover stage) I feel anxious. Thanks panda13 this is also the longest time I've taken out of the gym since being here (1 month) so I think I'll follow your tips. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Sheryl said:

    You should see a counsellor/therapist. I advoise against a psychiatrist as a starting point as in Thailand they are overly quick to reach for prescription pad and also seem to overuse the benzos, which often leads to more problems on the long run.


    There are several  good therapists in Bangkok. In Pattaya the only one I know of is


    (offices in both Pattaya and Bangkok)

    So maybe start there


    With counselling, the "fit" between patient and therapist is critical. If you find the one in Pattraya is not a good fit, it is worth travelling into Bangkok and most of the Westren counsellors there will adjust their schedules to suite people who have to come in fro mout of town (i.e. longer sessions further apart than would be usual etc)

    Thank you Sheryl, I have never used benzos other than for the long flight over here and intend on using them as a cure.


    I am not currently at risk of harming myself as one poster may have suggested (no offence taking don't worry) and if things got to bad of course I would go home. I'm in my early 20s and generally i'm enjoying my life here and would like to combat it before it gets any worse. 



  17. Hello all,


    I suffered with a stage of anxiety back at home which I managed to get past using a combination of Mindfulness, breathing techniques and online resources.


    I have been in Thailand 7 months now and really haven't suffered from any which has been great. Recent 2 months I've been under a load of strain changing between teaching jobs and immigration issues that came with it. During this time of stress I have felt anxiety creeping but using my past techniques I have been able to keep it at bay.


    Today however I had a 3 beers at lunch (small beers); I am not a day time drinker but it was a special work occasion so I didn't want to be anti social and then after was hit with a wave of depression. Then whilst eating in Big C I had a huge urge to get out the shopping centre because I felt I was going insane (panic attack). I've never quite felt that before and it's quite scarey.


    I know I can beat it again but being so far from home makes it harder, if anyone in the area can give me some advice and suggestions that would be amazing. 



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