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Posts posted by kai50

  1. Sorry I cannot agree with most of you.

    I think boycotting the election is a great idea. they are NOT stupid... they know if he gets re-elected that all h@ll will break loose because he will not have been democratically elected if there was no opposition

    One thing you cannot call Thaksin is stupid, corrupt , but not stupid.. thats why he has called a snap election.. C'mon you have all read the papers, what goes around comes around...and he knows he is on his political ARSE! He is on his way OUT one way or another.

    Why would he not be elected democratically? as I recall votings a duty in Thailand. If your going to show up at the polls might as well vote. The sunni minority tried a boycott in the first Iraqi election, changed their tune the next election.

    Big cities are generally democratic, as well as union. trade association etc but rural areas where the majority of people live are more conservative, they are people who have to work for life on its most basic level.

    The majority of posters on this board come from socialist europe, they feel more comfortable with a nanny goverment, like the cradle to grave comfort of big brother watching over them, wiping their asses and giving them comfort. Hence the proliferation of prodemo posts, and anti Taksin messages found on this board. well I'm never voting in a Thai election and very ###### few of you will. I constantly read negativity against the PM but very few comments about whats occurred thats been good. I go with my Thai wife on this one, she points out all the good Taksins done vs what occurred before he took office. She has no reason to be happy with the man, didn't like him before he took office, and as she worked for a company that he owned and lost her job when he closed it, she certainly didn't vote for the man. But she recognizes what many things that've improved. 30 baht health visits, wipe out of world bank debt in such a short period of time, it surprised all, building projects all around the country etc..

    I think alot people dislike the intrusion into their enjoyments, bars closing earlier, crackdown on drugs, an increase in what it takes to stay in Thailand monetarily etc None of which will affect me, I'm happily married, drink rarely , bars aren't my cup of tea anymore, and if I want live music I'll buy an electronic piano as I can't play my guitars anymore.

    But I guess my point is most here wish to import their values from home and place them in Thailand. Same as Muslims wish to do in Europe(world) and many are starting to resent that. I say let the Thais decide, many on board have a tendency toward elitism, as if their smarter, better than the Thais. I'm not smarter or better than anyone, I recognize that fact, my values aren't necessarily thai values, although many coincide, but I'll not try to force them on anyone

    You are a wise one. I hope others will listen. Mahalo, Kai

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