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  1. Yep. Dust. How you get dust? No rain in the dry season. Just a bit of wind here at our place in the north east swirls up the fine sands and of it goes towards BKK. Burning is not as much as other years. Still a bit is there but mainly it is the fine sand which make it a terrible mix of air. And that is called nature......
  2. We can start with that after next general election... when People Party will be in charge.....
  3. He never listened to his mum how to behave properly I guess....
  4. Do this in your own country and find out what you get. This law is international
  5. Reckless driving? This is called man slaughter or murder
  6. Tourist destination.... and what are many tourists come for in Pattaya?......
  7. It is still grown as 50 years ago. Ploughing the land, throw in loads of rice and wait for it to grow. Instead of sowing and replant in orderly rows for getting bigger quantity.
  8. It's called Monsoon. Very normal weather for this time of year....
  9. Mmm. All the paperwork seems in order. The Thai person is the sales woman. He is a manager. Officially he is not selling...
  10. You can sell tours, but you can't guide them. A bit of jealousy I guess...? You need a Thai to accept the money for the sell.

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