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Everything posted by wtboatr

  1. I am also looking for an option to use PromptPay or TrueMoney without cluttering up my bank statement with 20B purchases. Unfortunately, I’m not able to obtain the TrueMoney Wallet as the app won’t take a photo of my passport. Therefore, I opened up a savings account with SCB that I use for all my small food cart purchases using PromptPay. If I were to update my bank book I’m sure I’ll the machine will run out of ink. (Most likely I’ll run out of pages first.)
  2. Receiving a pension does not necessarily equate to one being "retired" and no longer working. A pension benefit is just a financial benefit, usually accrued from a lifetime of savings in a private, company, or government pension plan. In the USA, one can receive a pension and continue to work legally. This may not be the case in other countries with socialized retirement schemes. I have a friend in the USA who collects 3 pensions and is still working at 70 years of age. He collects social security, a union pension, and a company pension. The LTR presenter definitely stated during the Zoom Conference that one who obtains an LTR Visa under the wealthy retiree path is entitled to a work permit in Thailand. This is of utmost importance to me as the work permit and the paying of taxes provides a path to PR and Citizenship. Also, the presenter did not restrict the work permit to "digital work permits". She simply said work permit. My assumption is that the work permit is valid for all business endeavors with the exception of protected industries such as "umbrella making" and any profession that does not impact the Thai labor market. I could be wrong on my assumptions as our information on this program is limited.
  3. Based on the zoom conference call this morning, Wealthy Pensioners can apply for a work permit. This is great news! I plan to have a business and pay myself a salary. This is something that's not possible under the Elite Visa.
  4. I was wondering if Bangkok Bank offers joint bank accounts for husband and wife? I'll be in Thailand in a couple months and plan to open an account at Bangkok Bank. My thought is that my Thai wife should be on the account so that when I pass away she can continue to draw from my pension benefit. Also, can I have two accounts at Bangkok Bank? One Joint account and one for me and only me. I assume the answer is yes, but TiT and I don't want to find out the hard way.
  5. It would be nice to see the specific details on the LTR visa program. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow. ????
  6. Other than the LTR visa publication found on the Thailand Board of Investment website, is anyone aware of any other document that provides more detail on the LTR visa program? The document (see attached) is just a summary of the LTR visa program. There must be a more detailed document out there that the summary refers to. https://www.boi.go.th/un/guides LTR-1.pdf
  7. Does the "Wealthy Pensioner" option at least replace the 90 day immigration reporting with a 1 year immigration reporting requirement? In order to qualify for a path to PR & Citizenship, my only option left among the LTR visa options is the "Wealthy Global Citizen" option. That option requires $1 Million in assets plus a $500K investment in Thailand (bonds, business, or property). That's $1.5 Million I would have to have available in order to qualify for an LTR visa. My desire is to start a business rather than work for at least 3 years for someone else. I find the thought of managing my own business much more enjoyable than taking orders from a superior and working set hours. Do you think investing $500K in condos and renting them out will qualify me for the LTR visa and a path to citizenship? My business would then be that of a "real estate investor and property manager". I would pay taxes on my rental income for 3 years then apply for PR or Citizenship. Yes, I know that investing in condos in a terrible business idea. I hate the thought of it myself. However, if I must purchase $500K in something (bonds, businesses, or real estate) in order to obtain a path to citizenship via the LTR visa, purchasing condos is the best of these terrible options. Once I'm granted PR or Citizenship, I can sell the condos and hopefully break even on my investment. Your advice is sincerely appreciated.
  8. Since I will quality, I'm very interested in obtaining the LTR visa based on my pension income. The benefits for me are: * No 90 day reporting * The ability to obtain a work permit * The ability to start a business without the need to hire Thai's. * The ability to pay taxes and quality for PR or Citizenship. If I obtain this LTR visa based on my pension income, will I still be able to start a business in Thailand and pay taxes on the profits? I want to pay 3 years of taxes in order to to qualify for PR or Citizenship. The Thailand Elite Visa and "retirement visa" don't allow the visa holder to work in Thailand. Therefore there's no path to PR or Citizenship. Thank you,
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