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Posts posted by GreytMan

  1. 3 hours ago, newnative said:

          Why should  the developer be blamed?  The developer applied to build a highrise building on that particular, very prominent piece of property.  Thais were the ones that looked at the developer's plans for a very high building (for Pattaya) on that site.  Thais were the ones that studied the environmental impact--which should have included any impact to views. Thais were the ones that gave final approval for a highrise to be built there.  If you don't like the building, I think it's pretty clear where the 'blame' lies.  



    Because they went outside the initial EIA approval.

    The initial project was a failure. In order to get investment to revive it, the developers went outside the original remit.


    • Thanks 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

    The problem is that black Africans are apparently overrepresented among foreigners that commit crimes in Thailand so then all people that are black and/or from Africa get a problem with the police/immigration, no matter if they are white South Africans or a black Americans they will suffer because people from Nigerian and Ghana are over-represented among those who commit crimes. In the district where I live they don't allow black teachers anymore, that is after all (8) African (black) teachers working in the area ended up in the slammer at least once last year, and it was for anything from drunk driving to aggravated assault and "sleeping" with students...

    So don't blame the cops, blame the people that give people of color a bad name!!!


    You just made the whole thing up.

    You have no idea as to whether they are over-represented or under-represented.

    So you just make it up as you go along.

    You think 'people of colour' are over-represented for when it comes to drunk driving, fighting and sleeping with students or other near natives for money?

    I don't think so.


  3. 4 minutes ago, ChomDo said:

    I guess I missed the point at first, and I couldn't find any such totally unlimited packages when I searched for them. Anyway that deal sounds good. I'll suggest it to them. At least they could try if it's good for them first.


    They do have a router from their country that has a sim slot and it should work fine here. If the router can not be used then they would just have to have it in their phone and share the connection as hotspot, right?  



    If it is only a 3G Router, discourage them from the Max speed 1605 per month packages, as they will be limited to 4 Mbps on those packages.

    Tethering from a phone is also a possibility, but less reliable.

  4. 47 minutes ago, ChomDo said:

    Thanks for the info. I've been checking out all the packages again, but it might still just be better for them to take the cheapest TOT WiFi for a year (they stay at their BKK apartment 2-3 months a year). The problem is mainly the limited data in all the Thai so called "unlimited" mobile data packages. I don't think they would mind paying 2000b per month for 2 months if the 4G really was unlimited. I mean even the better ones are limited to some 15-20 GB of 3G/4G data. If they go over that limit then the speed would be reduced to the very low one that I usually have to use when my 3G/4G data limit is used up. Like you said, I did notice some data packages for 2000B/month, but the 3G/4G data still has some limit, so for that price maybe I would still choose the WiFi option (probably faster and more stable connection and no limits at least). 


    Whilst the other thread was convoluted, it does appear that you are unable to comprehend the most clear and simple statements.


    KittenKong has outlined to you unlimited capped speed packages.

    It appears that you have ignored that and gone off at a tangent.


    Once again, there is no data limit attached to the packages mentioned.


    If they arrive on or before the 23rd of December, I recommend that they go for one of the DTAC double speed packages.


    You pay for an unlimited 4Mbps connection, but receive a 8 Mbps connection for up to sixty days, at a cost of 535 baht per 30 day period.

    As long as they have at least 535 baht on account, it will auto renew for a second month. Simply make sure that there is less than 535 baht on account so that it doesn't renew for a third month.




    Better all round would be their 10 Mbps(speed double to 20 Mbps for eight weeks) package. but it is only offered weekly. In this case, best to top up the SIM with 1750 baht to cover the eight week period.


    But of course in this case, there would need a 4G MiFi compatible with the frequencies utilised in Thailand.

    From which country are they travelling? Perhaps one can be sourced from there.

  5. 8 hours ago, elviajero said:

    No there isn't. Show me the law/regulation that says you can overstay by one day if leaving by air. It is the fine that is being waived, not the overstay.


    It is BKK and DMK that use this discretionary power. I am sure someone, at every border crossing land or air, at some point has not been fined for a one day overstay. But as a general rule you will still get fined at all airports other than BKK and DMK.


    Don't need to show you regulation. Twenty five years of travel and never fined for the one day overstay.

    Everyone knows that is the case.

    I already linked to two cases of no fine at CNX.

    So it seems they use their discretion there too......


  6. 5 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    Well technically you do overstay.

    And all can be avoid very easy.

    Just go to the airport and stay there the night.


    6.5 hrs is not the worst thing that one has to endure in a thai airport.


    500 thb is per day fine in the first 45 days to be paid and then you can have 1900 thb for visa.

    There is no grease period.

    Just being lucky not stamped.


    Technically they will charge you 500 and 1900.  = 2400thb for 6.5 hrs that you are to late.


    You not want to pay 1900 thb and risk the temper of an officer. In the way to the airport and at the airport.



    This is all total nonsense.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, elviajero said:

    Yes, they MIGHT. It will depend on the IO at passport control. Some people get stamps, some don't.


    There is no one day grace period for leaving by air. It would still be classed as an overstay. The fine is only waived, if overataying less than 24 hours, at BKK and DMK airports. It's still charged at the other international airports.


    Yes, there is a grace period when leaving by air. Otherwise the the fine would not be waived on a consistent basis.

    Yes of course there is a stamp showing the actual day you left. Which of course is normal. That is usually signed off by a senior officer.

    I also don't agree that it is just the Bangkok airports; 








    Just, perhaps, that it is discretionary at some other International airports.

  8. 1 hour ago, Gruff said:

    China Southern Airlines also fly through to Manila via Guangzhou, i advised recently that there is no way you are likely to get on a flight going to Phils without a plane ticket out in 30 days. That means the airline has a regular practice of checking for your outgoing plans and my logic says they will therefore also do the same for BKK. I have a feeling you may have been fortunate to get on the flight! I quite liked China Southern and the food though, another positive is that the make the 'ignorants' straigten their reclined seats during food service so that the person behind can actually eat. A pity more airlines don't do this.


    They do if you signal to the attendant. Without fail. Do it discreetly. No need for drama.

  9. 28 minutes ago, properperson said:


    Where i lived before, i paid for a 30mb speed - and would regualrly see donload speeds on Utorrent of between 25 and 35.....


    so gobsmacked at now seeing such low speeds,,,



    As has been suggested, you don't see downloads in Mb/s, but in MB/s.


    So show us the MB/s or kB/s figure.

  10. For those tracking this thread and being unable to understand it....


    Two choices has been given. To follow an existing guide to install BIOS version 2.04 official(from the 2.03 that they are on currently), make a back-up of it, modify the back-up and then to overwrite the official version with the modified version....




    If they for some reason want to keep BIOS version 2.03, that they would need to produce a report for me in so that I could modify their existing BIOS version, for which there is no existing modification.




    So a link to an existing guide and and also an offer of a personalised modification.

    Not just a matter of Flashing a BIOS.



    The initial issues appear to be the difficulty involved in receiving the software needed to produce the report for the personalised modification, because of Norton software and on the other hand difficulty in understanding and bypassing the issues with the existing guide for modifying version 2.04.



    So the OP attempted to mix and match.

    They produced a back up of version 2.03 for me to modify using the wrong method, found in the existing guide for 2.04. Instead of producing a Results file from the software that I supplied via PM, as Norton blocked that software.


    So I clarified to the OP that they had to choose one method or the other, in order to proceed.


    In the meantime I put together another option for the OP, bringing all of the elements together.


    If anyone reading has an idea of how to remove the white-list without modifying the firmware or wishes to put together an alternative guide for the OP, here is their opportunity to post it.


    But Trolls will not be tolerated on this thread.


  11. 1 hour ago, JSixpack said:


    This is all off-topic. The OP merely asks this question:



    To which only I and jenny2017 responded, early on.


    Moreover, all your issues in this post and wrong assumptions have already been discussed and answered in the other thread that you continue to want to discuss here. No point in repeating here as you can just go read them there. Cheers! :smile:



    No, this thread asks "How to solve computer problems?".

    So I am happy to discuss how to solve them. Wholly on-topic.


    I disagree with the premise of automatically sending people off to other websites to look for a solution.

    I would prefer to keep it within this IT and Computer forum, unless a solution cannot be provided here.

    Otherwise, what is the point of this branch?


    I don't want a re-run of the other thread, where you dragged the thread off topic and peppered your replies with barely disguised attempts at insults.

    The OP has long gone from that thread, with no help whatsoever and the thread totally hijacked with silly arguments about bloat, amongst other things.

    Absolutely nothing to do with the OP in that thread issues, since we still don't know anything about his or her device.


    It's ok if you don't wish to discuss the mistakes and wrong assumptions you made in the Reinstalling Windows 10 thread. But that leaves the possibility that without learning and accepting that you made mistakes, that you may make them all over again.


    I think the Reinstalling Windows 10 thread was a very good illustration of how to not solve a computer problem.

    Discussion of which could have greatly contributed the knowledge bank of "How to solve computer problems?"


    The approach appeared to simply spends days patching everything up, regardless of the possible issues with the initial install.

    There was the general assumption, with the exception of jamjar and jenny2017, that there was nothing wrong with the install and that the model of laptop was not important, from the very beginning.


    These are glaring mistakes and wrong assumptions on the path to solving a computer problem.


    So  no wonder it lead to this thread "How to solve computer problems?" 


    So I think that answer is to admit past mistakes and learn from them, rather than trying to keep up the pretence of being never wrong and knowing more than everyone else because you are in receipt of newsletters from the likes of AnandTech et al.


    It didn't help in the Reinstalling Windows 10 thread.


    Instead, why not work together on the forum? Pooling knowledge, discussing concepts.

    Instead of insisting that the brand name and model of the device was not important, why not ask why it is thought to be important and then work in parallel. Complimenting each other.


    So these, as I see it, are steps to be taken in "How to solve a computer problem?".






  12. 18 hours ago, GreytMan said:


    Seems that you lost the ability to read and comprehend. Hopefully it will come back to you...


    You too seem confused. :smile:


    Allow me.... 


    You wrote; 



    "Due to my "work  i need about 10 GB a day - so sim cards with data are no options..



    This after I had already pointed out in posts #3 & #4 that mobile broadbnd via a SIM was a viable option.

    So one could only assume that you didn't read or did not understand.

    Hopefully after reading, all sanity restored. :partytime2:

  13. 3 hours ago, Chivas said:

    I have halifax clarity that also gets refused at SCB (to be fair SCB are the most difficult)


    If I remember correctly, Siam Commercial Bank were the first to begin charging foreign cards. So I wouldn't use them for anything. I think they are the ones who will charge an 'Admin Fee' on at least 180 baht, for OTC withdrawals.

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