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Posts posted by mrblook

  1. A bigger issue and one that is not being mentioned is the vaccination rate among the people who have not even had their first jab. The daily vaccination rate stays high for second and third shots but the first shot rate is a trickle. 

    With only 65% of the total population having the first shot its like saying 25% or one in 4 people have had no vaccination at all. 

    What is the government doing about all of these people.

    • Like 1
  2. I recently moved from working in the Middle East to been retired in Thailand. My tax residence was previously Qatar and HSBC there had my TIN.


    However when I moved and changed my permanent address to Thailand with my HSBC accounts in the UK and Hong Kong both banks required that I fill in a tax residence form again.

    As advised from another reader on both forms under Thailand, TIN I simple wrote "Not Legally Required". This was after contacting both banks and explaining the situation regarding my status.

    Both HSBC accounts are happy with this response.


  3. It may not be the cheapest option but Sprayfoam insulation is 100% effective. I used this company 12 years ago and was very satisfied, You get sound insulation plus the roof is then waterproof and you have no chance of potential burglars taking off roof tiles and entering property.The company is still in business. Worth a quotation...   http://www.lohr-trade.com/

    Lohr Trade and Consulting PTS Ltd



  4. The work on the new Toll booths looks nearly complete at the Pattaya end.

    I live in Sri Racha very near the to the motorway and as of now have a convenient entry and exit point.

    However it seems this is temporary and they will be blocked off in the future.

    Will there be no provision for Sri Racha residents to enter and exit the No 7 in the future?

    Does anyone have more details and possibly maps about all the future entry exit points?

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