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  1. Thank you for the reply. There is no new job yet. I want to figure this visa situation out before I continue with the job hunt, as it would be too much of a hassle to do the whole non-O process over again. I'm choosing my battles at the moment. 😅 To be clear (and sorry if this is a stupid question), if I could get another BOI-company job and they can transfer my visa/extension, would the non-O visa/extension also be transferred easily? And what if the job isn't BOI? Last time I was able to transfer from non-BOI to BOI without leaving the country, as well. Basically, if there's a way to change jobs without redoing the non-O process, then I'd feel confident moving forward.
  2. I have tried and failed to find information about what happens to the dependent spouse's non-O visa when the non-B visa/extension holder changes jobs. During my spouse's application, my company provided a "visa request letter" signed by the managing director, but that is the extent of their involvement. Nothing on my spouse's visa shows any connection to the company. However, the non-O visa is obviously based on my current job. So, what would be the implications for the non-O visa if I were to change jobs? Potentially important info: - I work for a BOI company. - Spouse is still on the original visa (to be extended this December), and I'm on my second extension with this company. - Spouse is from a country that requires them to apply for Thai visas in their home country only. Feel free to ask for any other needed info, and thanks for any insight.
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