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  1. I worked in the Restraurant business for 30 yrs and yes it a hard slog but you can make good money if your good.. As for Thailand it's just going to get worse new 25% car tariifs into the US @taxing overseas income add the inflated Bhat and Tourism dwilding (except Phuket opps I mean Little Moscow) add the increasing danger to the mix expats leaving to go to new shores Thailand Is a world of trouble but Thai been Thai they dig they're heads in the sand and blame all others for the drama. So it time and time again been here for 20 yrs never changes . So much potential just run buy a bunch of old stupid fat currupt goons.
  2. About time Thais don't like competition in any form Tourism, Manufacturing, nothing with the inflated Bhat and the new Foreign tax laws people are waking up going to other countries to live and to import from. It's good to see as the Brains trust are clueless. But Thais been Thia when the sh.. hits the fan and it always does they scramble to fix it but as we know it's always to late. So going to be interesting to see how this all goes as Thailand hanging on by a thread with it's economy and very soon they be nailed to the wall and no one to blame but themselves.
  3. Who is Pattaya paying to win those awards as it not a beach I rate at all And throw in the tourists sleeping on it Thailand just lives in its golden axe bubble
  4. Since the arrival of mother Russia in Phuket its fast catching up to Pattaya with its crime, misbehaving tourists. Throw in the dodgy English and French expats the pissed Australians, the rude chinese tourists it's going to be a absolute disaster give a few more years and the Brian's trust will go will that was a mistake wasn't it. Sad really as 10 yrs ago it was a nice place to live I got out as soon as the Russians moved in and went back to BKK safer bigger and you don't have to see or associate with those people if you choose not too.
  5. It's a wait and see? approach Just like the no smoking 10m from a doorway last 3 months No parking a bike on the footpath lasted 1 month No street vendors in BKk lasted 1 week The points system for driving did that ever happen? If you hava a DTA show your tax paperwork for that yr to them when they are knocking on your door and say mate I have paid my tax in my country this yr and close the door. And if extending your visa it may only be the sticking point until you see it on the immigration paper work they have no leg to stand on. OR go as long as you can and see if you get that knock on the door
  6. Good old Thai hisos going for as much as they can problem is they are dreaming no way they get anywhere near that typical l Thai greed at it best hence why the country is in free fail
  7. I have seen bigger fights with 2 jealous Thai girls going for it with some mauy Thai for good measure this is hilarious it's a woke fight 😂
  8. Perfect Start taxing all foreign income from the expat to pay for low income workers And it will never happen anyway Expats are worried that they be paying up to half of their income in Tax in the near future unless your country has a double tax agreement Only 64 cointries have it with Thailand
  9. This isn't legal any way also if your lucky enough to be one of the 60 counties that have a double tax treaty agreement it isn't a problem just more paper work. ie) Australia has one with Thailand. So you do your tax return in Australia pay your tax then translate it into to Thai and submit yes more money and a new industry for Thai accounting or law firms to do it for you. Also still legal to give a gift to your Thai wife of 20 mill usd per year and taxed at 5% . Here is the issue for Thailand If your paying 35% income tax in your country where all your funds are held and then pay another 30 % to Thailand Revenue for money that has never ever entered Thailand you be left with 35 % of your income why would you ? Thailand is still a cash society Digital banking is yrs behind the Western world so my people be bringing in money and living of your cash and Thais love cash. OR You stay 180 days a yr or under or move to another place like Vietnam etc What they don't get is your spending anyway your living there paying vat, rent rates, bills and living costs . Paying 5 % tax on yr our money coming into Thailand you can live with but not at their current tax rate scale not going to happen. Remember Thais play a short game not the long game hence why it's a sh.. Storm constantly. If this happens it will be a huge long time issue for Thailand. But they change their minds constantly look at the 60 day VOA from 2025 you need a ETV to enter they have no idea .
  10. Pick me of the floor can't stop laughing The day Daddy arrived this was going to happen he had it all planned before arrival. Yingluck be home soon too. Oh where is Ptia the man people voted for oh yeah gone it's insulting to the people and makes Thailand politics like a kindergarten.
  11. Obviously two criminals back in New Zealand you just don't do that to a cop and in Thailand your asking for jail. What peanuts. The New Zealand woke government supporting 2 individuals that attack law enforcement wow. If it was the Australian government you be left there to rot. And must of been a very large brown paper bag to get them out. Good they banned from Thailand the Thai government should start doing it to the Russians that are doing dumb sh..
  12. What a crack up, runs away comes back Scott free to take over the empire once more... One Teflon family...
  13. I love it the economy is sliding down the toilet. And yes more and more sex workers are coming into the industry due to survival. The Thai brains trust letting the Russians in by the droves to dodge the war basically because it's the only country they can go to and it's ironic that must Russians don't like Asians but still better there then back home with Putin until it's all over and they be gone too . In time Thailand won't be the destination of tourism Vietnam is catching up quick. And TAT just siad they are 140 m B under qouter Then the Thai government will change the expat tax laws to attract more retierees to prop up the country once again they are glueless also they may start to look at countries with people with a tad more respect that still come and spend and live within the law unlike the Russians, Africans, Indians and Chinese that have raped it and left. But as we all know it's no until its hell in a handbag they do something about it.
  14. Maybe because the top end police chiefs own most of the buildings in the soi just like soi cowboy in BKK It's hilarious the lies just keep coming possibly the one country that thrives on lies
  15. Hmm a invester more like a Danish biker.. In Pattaya. Haven't seen many Thai men help the scammed Farang when the girl they are seeing does a runner with their cash.
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