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Posts posted by lampangguy

  1. Our son, now 24 years old, is a dual citizen. Thailand and Canada. He left Thailand when he was 10, and has only returned for holidays. He has been going to school and working in Canada since then. He would like to return to Thailand on his Thai passport, and stay for an extended period. But he is not registered for the draft, has not received the letter, and has had no contact with the military at all. I know that the Immigration department have no connection with the military, and do not check a person's draft status when entering the country. I know that if he wanted to work, he would have to show his draft status, but is there any other way that the military would even know he is here? Thank you. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It should never show pending that long unless the office it was submitted to does not process them. There are still a very few offices that refuse to process them and only accept reports in person (no mailed in reports as well).

    Okay thanks...last time i was in, they advised that online was working...but if I havent been "approved" by the due date, I will go in. Thanks. 


  3. If you look at confirmed cases vs hospitalizations, hospitalizations are at about 85% of the confirmed cases. This means testing is not really done until somebody shows up sick at the hospital. Which in turn indicates that the amount of actual cases is much much higher than reported? And I do not understand "7" deaths. That is only about 0.6% of total cases, which in itself seems low compared to other countries. 

  4. On 2/15/2020 at 5:28 AM, chaophraya49 said:

    Can't help about where you can get treatment in Chiang Mai but after 2 years of pain and treatment with, firstly Gabapentin and finally Pregabalin, I had an MRi scan when the medication no longer helped, which showed 2 discs out of alignment and also degenerative spinal stenosis.  This caused pain in my buttocks, down both legs to my knees and then internally in my knees to the extent I was in great pain walking even a short distance.  I then was given injections on both sides of my lower back, described as nerve root block injections and, one year on am still virtually pain free. I guess these would be described as epidural but I had numbing injections first so felt nothing until the real deal when it was like a severe momentary electric shock down each leg. Pretty much life changing for me but not a cure and will need a repeat when the effects wear off.

    Hope you get some relief.


    In December, I got an epidural injection for my sciatica and lower back pain at the "pain clinic" at Chiang Mai Ram. Since then, I have been virtually pain free. It is not a permanent fix, but it sure makes a difference. The doctor that did it, was excellent, and the procedure only takes a couple of minutes, with half an hour recovery afterwards. The procedure cost 13,000 baht. I didnt have an MRI, and provided my own lower back x-ray. Also, regarding medication. OTC Ibuprofen helps me as much as anything else. 

  5. On 11/17/2019 at 9:18 AM, Peterw42 said:

    Lampangguy says his visa expired in 2016. And it did.

    He has been on an extension of stay since then, not an extension of visa. 

    When you are on an extension of stay you get a re-entry permit to re-enter the country because you no longer have a valid visa.


    Nobody in the history of the universe has ever extended a Thai Visa, its impossible. A visa is an entry document that has an expriy date, a Visa generates a "permission to stay" in Thailand, you can extend this permission to stay long after the original visa has expired.


    You extend a stay, not a visa.

    Okay, I am on an extension of stay, not an extension of visa...but in any case my visa expired in 2016, way way way before October 30 2019....I have not left the country since I came in on that visa in 2016. By the wording on that sign, insurance not required. It seems straightforward...maybe I am missing something. 


  6. Originally I received an Non Imm O when I first moved to Thailand, from the country I was residing in.  At that time, my wife signed some sort of documents that she was responsible for me. After the first 90 days, we got an extension based on marriage, including all the documentation, police visit to the house etc, so that I did not have to physically leave the country anymore.  Before my next extension was due, I changed from "marriage" to "retirement" for reason of extension, basically because retirement extension is  simpler (less documentation, approved at the local IO office etc). The one and only visa I have still states "O", and each extension just states "retirement". I am guessing that "O" normally originally requires wife/family etc to confirm that they will be responsible for the applicant?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Strictly by chance, I already have an insurance policy through Navakij (one of the "approved" Thai companies). It is through Luma, but the policy is from Navakij. The policy is a 40 page document, all in english, and not easy to understand what the coverage is exactly. Will be interesting when I hand that to the IO office when the time comes. Will they just see the dates and the insurance company name and leave it at that. Or will they delve into the "guts" of the document (again, in english) to verify the coverage.....

    • Haha 1
  8. My first Non Imm visa obtained from out of country, was a Non Imm 0, based on Marriage. Later, I changed that to based on Retirement. The visa page in the PP still states "Non Imm O". Can someone explain the difference, if any, and is there any difference on the potential insurance requirements for "Non Imm  O" vs "Non Imm O-A". Thanks. 

  9. Did my 90 day report at the shiny new Immigration office building in Lampang. Quite an improvement on the old office, although a bit off the beaten track. Was informed that 90 day online reporting is finally up and running for Lampang. The new office is quite close to my house, and was in and out in 10 minutes anyway. Sometimes nice to keep the personal relationship going, especially at a small office like Lampang.



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  10. I am on an extension, so the requirement won't affect me. But I carry health insurance in any case. However, my policy, which costs nearly 100K baht per year, only covers Out Patient costs in the event of radiation therapy or chemotherapy. It covers up to 32M baht per year for any Inpatient costs. The costs of having outpatient coverage, even the 40K per annum requirement would be outrageous. I don't think they thought through the outpatient requirement very carefully. Also, the idea that it is only required for the first year, and not for subsequent extensions, does not make much sense?

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