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Greg O

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Everything posted by Greg O

  1. Describe the perpetrator : " well a bit short with wrinkled yellow skin and wearing a funny hat " ...
  2. What's the punishment or fine for a DWA offense ? Does a mask prevent it from spreading ? DWA ...Driving While Asian ..
  3. I still see every Thai on a motocy passing my place wearing a mask. Same for those walking on the sidewalks. Sidewalks ? Interesting concept. Is that in Thailand ? 55..
  4. A rabs and In Jun's congregating on superbikes after the the last joint ....then a speed contest . Let the games begin !
  5. What they fail to mention is that in January of this year the taxes for foreign owner business increased 100 percent but wait it gets worse. Used to be that the value of your Thai company was based on the underlying asset ( such as the land that your home is on) but that formula has changed and I was assessed the total value of the company ( land plus house plus bank balance ) so my effective taxes went up 250 percent compared to last year. I suspect their little 40 million baht minimum investment scheme will become the "cost basis" for tax purposes. Run Forrest run !
  6. Low tides greater than the mean this month and many ships and ferries being delayed and inconvenienced by the low tides . We were delayed two hours at the Lomprayah pier in Chumphon yesterday morning waiting for the tide to to rise and float the boat....more coffee please !
  7. What a bunch of drama queens. I think you mean Drag Queens masquerading as security guards ...
  8. Spot on Spider Mike !
  9. Maybe it's because it's the last thing they own..a filthy mask makes it hard to identify the perp. Hehe
  10. The snakepit is infested with poxed monkeys... unbelievable
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