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Posts posted by Eatdog

  1. Tip to watch out for, ATM's and card swipe machines in Thailand often print the entire card number and expiry date on the receipt.

    Ever noticed the bin full of receipts at the ATM machines? I got caught by this once, never again!

    I also understand the PIN is imprinted on the card, so they just get your number and expiry from the ATM slip, make up a pin, encode onto a blank hey presto -


    PIN never imprinted on card or om magnetic stripe

  2. Thaksin is man

    great post, what does this post want to tell me?

    Maybe it is a problem with my english knowlege, but I can not see much sense in these 3 words....

    "A good post, a good idea and I will look into it."

    One small step for a Man one giant leap for Thailand !

    Chairman Thaksin announces the 'Great Leap Forward' ! :o

    History will prove it! Thaksin wins


  3. Bush isn't smart enough to know that Thaksin isn't the PM anymore!

    But he knows that Thailand is not part of China, or was it Taiwan which is not part of China??

    Or both?

    What is your point ? Taiwan is part of China

    Not to move toooo off-topic, but 23 million Taiwanese might not agree with that assessment.

    World Factbook

    Government type (Taiwan): Multiparty democratic regime headed by popularly-elected president and unicameral legislature.

    Government type (China): Communist state.

    Even it is off topic,

    Taiwan is part of China, Do you know the name that Taiwan call it self ? it is " Republic of China". the Constitution of Taiwan, it is very cleary called itself China, Taiwanese is Chinese.

    Taiwanese's passport marked CHINA.

    Taiwan airline called "China Airlines"

  4. Dtoh lair-oh - Thaksin Goh hok !

    I saw nothing in the news about Thaksin meeting Bush or Blair.

    He lives in a fantasy world.

    Bush is in the US , Blair was on holiday.

    Phonecalls ? Perhaps, perhaps,perhaps !

    I am living in Houston,US. Yes, Thaksin arrived in Houston that I read newspaper

    Progress - so DL did briefly visit Houston, on his holidays, which explains the anti-T demo there, and is at least in the same country as GWB.

    Eatdog - did the article mention who he saw, during his visit ? Presuming that a face-to-face meeting with the President would warrant at least a mention or photos, in the local newspaper ?

    It is very possible that DL came Houston ,TX to meet Bush.

    Bush spends more time in his TX farm than White House. some private meeting, you couldn't see from newspaper.

  5. Bush isn't smart enough to know that Thaksin isn't the PM anymore!

    But he knows that Thailand is not part of China, or was it Taiwan which is not part of China??

    Or both?

    What is your point ? Taiwan is part of China

    Not to move toooo off-topic, but 23 million Taiwanese might not agree with that assessment.

    World Factbook

    Government type (Taiwan): Multiparty democratic regime headed by popularly-elected president and unicameral legislature.

    Government type (China): Communist state.

    Taiwan is part of China over thousand years, so they speak Chinese

  6. Dtoh lair-oh - Thaksin Goh hok !

    I saw nothing in the news about Thaksin meeting Bush or Blair.

    He lives in a fantasy world.

    Bush is in the US , Blair was on holiday.

    Phonecalls ? Perhaps, perhaps,perhaps !

    I am living in Houston,US. Yes, Thaksin arrived in Houston that I read newspaper

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