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Posts posted by MaxEdar

  1. Hi, 
    The information i have found on re entry permits state that
    this is available for leaving Thailand for a "short period".
    is there a time limit on this ?


    At present i spend 6 months in UK, then 6 months in Thailand
    each year. 

    At the moment I get a single entry o visa(based on marriage) to
    come to Thailand, then 3 months in take a trip to Vientiane to
    get a new single entry visa.
    I would like to try and remove the hassle and expense of having
    to make a trip out of Thailand half way through my stay.


    Assuming I could deposit the 400k in my Thai bank account, could
    I get a 1 year extension on my visa after my first 90 days, then
    90 days later get a reentry permit before i go back to UK for 6 months,
    come back to Thailand on the same visa, then 90 days in start the same
    process again.
    (this is assuming the 1 year extension is from the end of the 90 days,
    not, including the 90 days, is this correct ?)


    Alternatively, could i get the 1 year extension after 90 days,
    only use the 3 months of it i need (not bother getting reentry permit)
    go to UK , then get a new visa to come back and repeat this process.
    Would this cause a problem if i am getting a new visa while the
    1 year extension is still officially running ?


    An extra question on this, i can see that extensions and reentry permits
    all take up a lot of space in your passport, what happens if it becomes
    full while you are getting extensions, do you have to get a new visa for
    the start of a new passport ?


    I hope I have made myself clear, the options all get very complicated.
    Thanks in advance,


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  2. Hi,
    I am looking for some advice of Visa options,
    There have been changes in the last month or so, so I would
    appreciate it if you could answer only if you have actual
    up to date information.
    I live in UK and have been spending 6 months over winter in Thailand
    for the last five years, up to now on a triple entry tourist visa
    making two border runs.
    These visas were stopped just after I came last year.
    Last year while in Thailand I got married, so this year was intending on
    getting the Multiple entry '0' married visa, but was told that only
    single (90 day) visa were being approved as of about the beginning
    of October this year.
    So I need another 3 months or so,
    I have asked in immigration and was told, for a extension of stay for
    1 year, I need, among other things, a Thai bank account with 400K baht 
    in for at least 2 months, which i dont have, or proof of earnings of
    40k a month, which I do get while in UK, but when I come to apply the
    latest earnings will be from three months previous, and im guessing this
    will not be acceptable, ??.
    Other options ?
    I believe it was possible to travel to Thai embassies in Laos, Singapore ?,
    to get Visas, but again not sure if recent changes have effected this.
    I only need an extra 3 months, so, could i travel somewhere and get another
    90 day '0' or maybe a 60 day tourist, then extend 30 days here if this is still allowed, ??
    Any other options ?
    Thanks in advance,

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