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Clarinet man

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Posts posted by Clarinet man

  1. 12 hours ago, bornredi said:

    the thais are their own worst enemy, many people do not want to move to a country to just retire and  sit  and drink all day, they want to be active and start and run a business and pass on their skills to others

    100% correct . But they can't see that . Passing on a skill would be the best thing for the country . The young learn from the older . Then become skilled . This should have happened years and years ago . In all fields .  Construction, trades , even music . 

  2. Excuse me chaps and I really don't mean any offence!  I am at a loss to understand how can you guys live under those conditions? 


       No allowed to work on your own homes . A lot of the work is of substandard. And in most cases you are getting ripped off . 


    Or is it a whole country of farrang lost souls? 

      Once again I don't mean to offend but I am at a loss that is why I left . 

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  3. On 16/04/2017 at 4:30 PM, binjalin said:

    for God's sake man RENT don't BUY


    can't believe anyone would even attempt a relationship (yes I know there are some blissfully happy) with a Thai


    remember money is NUMBER 1 here and love goes out the window as soon as poverty knocks on the door (or they think they hear that knock) 


    be self-contained and love those who prove loyalty over time and true love has nothing to do with 'romance' so leave that back in your teens - good luck 

    My friend  , I'm afraid  he is wright 

    The only words of advice  I have is ""why buy a Cow when milk is so cheap "

     You may get lucky  but the odds are against  you.  

    On 16/04/2017 at 4:30 PM, binjalin said:

    for God's sake man RENT don't BUY


    can't believe anyone would even attempt a relationship (yes I know there are some blissfully happy) with a Thai


    remember money is NUMBER 1 here and love goes out the window as soon as poverty knocks on the door (or they think they hear that knock) 


    be self-contained and love those who prove loyalty over time and true love has nothing to do with 'romance' so leave that back in your teens - good luck 

    My friend,  I'm afraid he is right 

    The only advise  I have is, "why buy a cow when milk is so cheap "

     You may get lucky  but the odds are against  you.  

      The moment they're out of sight they going down on another!  

    Sorry  for the hard line! 

  4. On 15/01/2017 at 0:15 PM, possum1931 said:

    The death penalty is only justified if guilt is 100% certain, you cannot execute anybody because the prosecuting lawyer is a lot better and experienced than the defence lawyer, is there any way that any court can be 100% certain of an alleged killers guilt? If a terrorist is caught in the act by more than one person, or by someones DNA, is that 100% certain of guilt? If it is then I say yes, execute them.

    I agree  with  you on this one.  So many people  that where not guilty  have been executed.   Saying sorry doesn't  cut it! 

  5. 4 hours ago, Bill3173 said:

    Four years ago my daughter obtained her drivers licence in Victoria Australia. First was the learners permit, then 120 hours driving on the road  with a fully qualified driver (yes 120 hours, a log book had to be kept). Took nearly a year to to obtain the hours, plus she had professional lessons near the end before drivers test. 5 hours here in Thailand seems ridiculous. 

    Australian  rules are a bit over the top!  But this is ridiculous. Anyway traffic  lights  are only a suggestion.  I have gone through  red lights  in fear of the truck behind me didn't  stop, 9 times out of 10 times they didn't  stop. 

  6. It will be interesting  to see how the Chinese  treat the Thais once they have a strong hold in Thailand.

       I don't  think  they will treat the Thais as good as farrang  would.  They ain't  liked much now  in Chang Mai.   But Farrang  are only walking  dirty Dollars.  Sorry for the sad Truth.   

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