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Posts posted by glutenfreeman

  1. Can somebody fill me in here exactly on how this CCTV footage in any way negates the very real potential this drunk young woman was corralled from Khao San road and raped against her will by a dodgy, predatory criminal tuk tuk motherphucker.


    I feel sorry for this girl. The footage shows she was incoherent, alone, and whisked away by some random dude. 




    BANGKOK -- It isn't just Thais mourning the loss of the late great King Bhumibol. Grief-stricken Montreal man Perry Sam Zafiras trekked to Sanam Luang recently to pay his respects to the former monarch in a fashion not unlike that of many natives to the country.
    For 15 years Zafiras has been living in Thailand, and not once has he visited home. Recently his father turned 100 years old but during his time in Siam he has come to view His Majesty as his second father, evidenced from his prostrating to the late Monarch's portrait in the above video and signing a personal message in a condolence book. 
    In the wake of the King's death, a number of western embassies have released statements encouraging foreign tourists visiting Thailand to be respectful during the country's year-long mourning period. In the video, Zafiras admonishes partiers, claiming tourists in the country should "get a grip" and show reverence to the host population. 

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