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Posts posted by TonyClifton

  1. 1 minute ago, chickenslegs said:

    Getting snarky with the people who have joined the conversation will not improve your situation.


    From what you have described, there seems to be a potentially dangerous situation which has been overlooked (maybe too much consideration given to security issues and not enough to safety).


    What you should be doing is speaking to the building manager, the fire service or the local authority.

    Finally, someone who is thinking.  Thank you.  


    Building management here, are too corrupt and too stupid to understand.  Not so sure about a local authority but you may have something with the fire service or fire marshall.  I'm inclined to report them.  As there are three buildings all designed the same way, it will be a very costly job to retrofit these doors.  I don't care.  


    Is there a fire marshall here in Bangkok where complaints can be filed?

  2. I suppose that I amazed more by the fact that no one asked for clarification.  You all just assumed.  And you're all wrong.


    There is no keyhole on the doors.  There is no door knob to open the door from the inside.  There is only a breaker bar in the hallway to open the door, after it closes, you will be met with closed doors all the way down and no way to open them.


    Is that clear enough?

  3. All modern buildings have automated door locking. In the event of a fire the first thing security would do would unlock these doors. If there was fire in the stairwell there will be a lot of smoke so I would not enter the stairwell. If this was the case I would be staying my prayers. In all likelihood you have reached the end of your life.

    Sent from my A37f using Tapatalk

    There are no automatic mechanisms on these doors only a spring. When the doors closed they're locked until somebody on the other side opens them

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    That's a very good question. But, if there is nothing flammable inside the stairwell, and all the doors are closed, how could there be a fire inside?

    It's hard to believe that I have to spell this out but how about an earthquake. Or perhaps an explosion something that makes it impossible to descend further only to find that there's no way to go back because the doors closed behind you

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. I live in a Bangkok 30+ floor highrise.  Other than the elevators, there is a central stairway that is open, and two additional fire escapes.  The two fire escapes have locking doors on each floor.  You can get into the stairwell but the doors on each floor close automatically and lock behind you.  The only way out of the stairway is to descend 30+ floors.


    Can this possibly be legal even in Thailand?  I have often wondered about this but after the London fire, I want an answer.

  6. 8 hours ago, pegman said:

    Mueller appointed special counsel! Sessions likely gave a nod for this to happen. Trump is now a dead man walking. How far down will he drag the republicans?



    Soon President Donald Trump will appoint another Supreme Court Justice.  Your side loses.  Cry all you want, but you won't change anything.  Trump's imprint on the SCOTUS will be with us for generations.

  7. 12 hours ago, heybruce said:

    If it's true that the President asked the non-partisan FBI director to drop a criminal investigation, it might be obstruction of justice. 


    I hate to ruin your lovely Thai day with some Comey under oath testimony, but here it is. On May 3rd Comey stated under oath that he has never been asked to stop an investigation.  


    Chew on that for a while.  I'll wait for the non-response.


    Oh, just noted your description of non-partisan for Comey.  He was affiliated as an attorney with the Clinton Foundation.  Hardly non-partisan.  



  8. 58 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    Yes, but that is not what is at issue here.  The information is still highly classified to this day - Trump never declassified it, which he had the authority to do.  Instead he simply relayed some of the information to Russian government officials, and that is where he may well have stepped over the line into illegal behavior.


    No problem!  He not only can declassify documents, leap tall buildings within a single bound, run faster than a locomotive, but he can also do something none of you can do.


    Wait for it.


    He can pardon himself!  


    Where's the BEEF?

  9. 24 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Suit yourself.


    You choose to believe a well documented compulsive LIAR.


    MAGA  Morons Are Governing America


    I don't need links to make a short list of Obama Lies.


    You can keep your doctor if you want to keep your doctor.

    Your healthcare costs will go down by 2000 Dollars ..

    Fast and Furious gun running sanctioned by Barry himself.


    I could go on, but I'm cooking some lovely grass-fed beef from Australia.


    Where's the beef?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

    NY Times Just Revealed Which Ally Trump Compromised By Sharing Intel With Russia


    The sensitive security information about a mole in the inner circle of Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) that President Trump inappropriately shared with the Russian foreign minister and the ambassador has the potential to severely damage one of the U.S.’s most important intelligence-gathering relationships.




    Occupydemocrats.com?  Really?  I went to the NYT article.  Again, no source. Where's the BEEF?

  11. 24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Trump apologists will say something like, "You see!  Trump didn't describe his crime in detail."  .....as if a criminal is only guilty when he articulates exactly how he broke the law.




    Tell us the Statute in the US Code President Donald Trump allegedly broke.  Where's the BEEF?


    Then tell us how he broke this law.  Where's the BEEF?



  12. 8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    "I am a constitutionalist"


    I assume you believe in separation of powers.  How do you feel about Trump's attacks on the judiciary for rejection the travel ban?


    " a libertarian with a small l"


    How do you feel about Trump's opposition to abortion, stopping US aid to organizations that provide family planning information overseas, and promotion of religion in government?


    "and a logical thinker."


    Yeah, you're need to provide some evidence of that.




    even better >>>>>>>>>> 



    This sums up the liberal argument nicely.  They show you a very big bun, but when you reveal the bun for what is, you are left with the vexing question: Where's the Beef?


    How is Trump making his thoughts known about the Judiciary tantamount to violating the separation of powers?


    As a libertarian, I too oppose abortion.  The government has a duty to make sure that abortions do not happen.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

    As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining....

    ...to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism.

    While not specifically stating that the information that he shared was classified

    You may stop there.  Are you all magicians? Is this verbal slight of hand? President Donald Trump admits to nothing more than sharing with Russia.  He also says he has an absolute right to do this. 


    What did he share?


    How is sharing = revealing sensitive or classified data?


    Now that we have seen your hand, I would suggest hanging your magician's hat elsewhere as you have failed to prove anything.

  14. Just now, boomerangutang said:

                              Are you suggesting that a criminal is only guilty of something when he specifically and clearly admits to it?  I doubt you have a job in law enforcement or the justice system.  Only a Republican politician would believe that, because someone didn't specifically admit to breaking laws, that person was therefore innocent - and then: the Republican politician would only apply that parameter to a Republican president or fellow congressperson.


    This is where logic helps.  If someone is a criminal then they are by necessity guilty.  Are you suggesting that President Donald Trump is a criminal?  Which court adjudicated him so?



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