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Posts posted by electric

  1. Thanks for your replies guys. All depends on what package you have with True I guess, and whether you have an android box.


    The last 3 hours each day of The Masters couple of months ago was broadcast on free to air Thai TV. Think it was CH33 or CH35. (3am till 6am Thai time)


    Doesn't seem to be the case for the US Open.


    Anyway .... seems that Shinnecock Hills is sorting the men from the boys this year.

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Where do farangs find such nutty Thai wives?  I know dozens of Thais and none of them have a view of time like the OP's wife.  Nutty.


    But she's cute 55555


    I'm not really winning with this topic am I ?


    I've experienced this kooky date v early morning time thingy 3 times now, so it does exist, even if I'm the only one that believes it. 5555


    I'm off now to give my nutty cute wife a cuddle.

    • Like 2
  3. Thanks for your comments guys. I've personally experienced this quirky logic several times before, especially when verbally trying to book a NCA bus ticket over the counter for 00.10am departure.


    Twice, tickets were printed with the wrong travel date.


    Eventually, I had to request a ticket for todays date, even though the departure was early tomorrow morning. The ticket seller understood immediately and then printed a ticket with the correct travel date (tomorrows date)


    To the sceptics, I say again, actually ask your wife what she would ask for with the above ticket scenario. 00.10am departure. You may be surprised.


    (And yes .... my wife does understand that tomorrow starts at midnight. Thanks.)

    • Like 1
  4. It's 8.30pm Friday night 25th May as I type this.


    At 1 minute past midnight, it's Saturday 26th May ..... right ?


    I'm sure all expats would agree.


    Not my wife. She tells me that all Thai's consider anything up till around 6am tomorrow morning as still being the 25th.


    This amusing and slightly frustrating conversation came about because Channel 36 has been advertising the UEFA football live for 1.45am on 26th May.


    Beaut I thought. That's Saturday morning. I'll get up to watch that.


    Mrs Electric chirped up "No .... it's on Sunday morning ... not Saturday morning"


    "What ? .... Channel 36 says 1.45am on the 26th. That's Saturday morning"


    Anyway .... turns out she's right. They really do consider 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am as being yesterdays date.


    Phwrrrr ... try this logic with your wife/girlfriend. See how far you get.





  5. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    I am afraid that despite a lifetime of dealing with unwanted molestations like this (hetero variety),  I have no answer to you as to what to do.


    However, on behalf of all the women on earth, I do wish to say:


    Welcome to our world.


    Except that when this happens to us, we are not bigger and potentially stronger than the offender, quite the opposite, so there is always an undercurrent of potential physical harm on top of the unpleasantness.


    There is one preventive measure I can recommend, though - whenever possible sit next to a woman.




    Sheryl ... I totally understand your post from a womans' perspective, however, if any woman is touched up by a man in a public place, she only has to complain to the nearest cop and the situation immediately becomes a big deal, and some form of prosecution is forthcoming.


    The above scenario always seems to make news headlines. Don't see many headlines about men being touched up by another man.


    Men generally don't find the need to whinge to a copper if they've been touched up, for whatever reason.


    Some find it more theraputic to seek the advice of 1000's of complete strangers on Thai Visa 555555555555





    • Thanks 1
  6. Maybe act like a total retard .... you know .... like talking aloud to yourself with accompanying muscle spasms and copious amounts of drool dripping onto your lap.


    If that don't work .... look him in the eyes and apologise that you're HIV+

  7. The Thailand Honda 2018 Ladies Professional Golf Association tournament starts today at Siam Country Club in Pattaya.


    70 of the worlds top female professionals will start, including the Thai sisters Areeya and Moriya Jutanagarn.


    56 million baht total prizemoney on offer.


    MCOT9 (channel 30) will be broadcasting live TV each afternoon 2pm-5pm

  8. 10 hours ago, stud858 said:

    Let's take this scenario.  I get my IDL from Australia valid for one year and it states that Thailand is part of the Geneva agreement.  I only intend to drive after 7 months into my 1 year stay.  That would mean the permit would be useless because of the so called 3 month or 6 month rule that is mentioned above.  Doesn't seem reasonable.  I haven't seen any evidence suggesting that my 1 year permit isn't valid for 1 year.  I'll take it as hearsay for now regarding time limit.

    My Thai insurance company says all is good for the year.  I actually called them. Some insurance companies may have a certain differing policy that is confused with people thinking it is the law.  The "law/agreement" is able to be viewed online by reading about the Geneva convention licencing agreement between countries.

    But, I could be wrong. Please pass on any official websites/phone numbers/offices that show otherwise.

    As for people being duped and fined by unscrupulous officers saying otherwise . I'll just accept it as life tax and move on but one officer I chatted to on the street confirmed all I had to say here.



    hi stud858 .... This is a common misconception regarding the Geneva accord between countries.


    It allows a foreign tourist or visitor to drive in another country using their valid home country driver licence or IDP.


    Once you have outlived your tourist status, you are required to obtain a local licence. Tourist visas in Thailand are valid for 90 days maximum, so after 90 days you are technically no longer a tourist, and as such, you need to apply for a Thai licence.


    You stated that you will be in Thailand for 1 year, hence you are not a tourist. You are a long term stayer. This logic applies to all countries signed onto the Geneva thingy, including Australia. (ie. a Thai tourist in Oz can use his Thai licence for 90 days only. Any visit longer than that, he'll need to get an Oz driving licence.)


    Driving in Thailand on an IDP or home driving licence after 90 days stay is technically illegal, and really leaves a person vunerable to big problems in the case of an accident, theft, traffic violation etc



    • Like 1
  9. OP .... I really feel sympathy for your problems. I went through a similiar farce between Immi and my local DLT when trying to register a car in my name a few years ago.


    Anyway, for what it's worth, Mueang Buriram DLT will accept a Police Cert of Residence for new/renew, driver licence, and apparently there are numerous places in the Province that will do it .... not just the main DLT.


    Perhaps ask your wife to find out if licences can be obtained in some other location in Chanthaburi. If yes, then a remote office might possibly accept a Police Cert of Residence. They are so much simpler to get than Immi issue.


    Worth a try at least, but your wife might be pissed off at having to confront officialdom yet again. Mine would be. 555


    Best of luck, and hang in there. It'll all come together eventually.



  10. Seems like OP wallju has successfully submitted his Non O application at Jomtien, with a full set of marriage docs included. Was exactly the same for me at Surin Immi 2 years ago when I converted my TR to Non O.


    The very first question asked by Surin Immi Captain was "you have wife Thai ? Good ... we can do Non O for you now. Sit down please."  5555


    Without the accompanying full set of marriage docs, including photos, money seeded etc etc, my Non O application would not have proceeded.


    Had to supply all the exact same docs again 2 months later when I applied for 1 year extension based on marriage. (which seemed pretty silly .... but .... whatever)



    • Like 2
  11. 9 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    A non o based on marriage can not be obtained in country end Of 

    Try reading the op post and my reply before jumping in with a

    wrong reply eh


    With respect jeab1980, that is incorrect.


    2 years ago I successfully converted my Tourist Visa to a Non-O based on marriage at Kap Cheong Immi in Surin.


    Was told by everyone that it couldn't be done, but I visited KC Immi and asked direct. "Can do now" was the reply. Next day I returned with all the correct paperwork. Took 3 weeks for the application to be approved, via Korat I believe. No probs.


    OP wallju .... I recommend you visit your local Immi and ask them. Only then will you know for sure if they will convert your Tourist Visa to a Non-O. Might save you a long trip to Savanahket.

  12. 30 day free visa exempt entry into Thailand is hugely convenient, and I suggest more than enough time for the average visitor. Doesn't get any simpler. Arrive at Swampy and get 30 days free.


    Welcome to Thailand.


    Think about the overseas holidays you had during your working years. How often did you need more than a month in any country ?


    Even the 60 day Tourist Visa is silly simple to get from a Thai Consulate in farang land.


    I don't know how Thai Immi can make entry to LOS any easier than it already is for the short term holiday maker.


    Certainly, long term stayers in LOS face a different scenario, but this topic is about helping the Thai tourist industry, which realistically means short term visitors.



    • Like 1
  13. I sat with my wife all day Thursday watching the Royal Cremation ceremony on television.


    A hugely sombre occasion of course, but I thought the pomp and splendour of the procession was beautifully choregraphed and an amazing spectacle.


    One thing puzzled me during the entire procession.


    The focal point of the whole ceremony was the magnificent golden Royal Urn, and it wasn't very big.


    I was expecting to see a coffin. Didn't see one all day.


    Turns out, there is an ancient tradition called Luk Phra Sop, which means "theft of the royal body". The late King's body and coffin were actually transferred from Grand Palace to Sanam Luang Cremation site at 8pm on Wednesday evening.


    Luk Phra Sop is done in secrecy on the evening prior to cremation, to ensure that there are no unforeseen problems occurring during the very big official public procession.


    The beautiful golden Royal Urn that we all saw atop the funeral carriages, was in fact empty, except for a gold plaque with the King's name inscribed.



  14. 28 minutes ago, tonray said:

    Sheesh man...your hopeless ! :crazy:


    Apparently  :thumbsup: 


    You been talking with my missus ??


    My wife is incredibly houseproud, and is totally content doing the housekeeping thingy.


    I'm ok with her insisting on hanging out the washing. She has a cute bum, so I'm content to just perve. Moreso, now that I've raised the washing line 2 feet higher so she has to reach.


    Only kidding.


    I still do all the "bloke" things traditionally expected of us guys, like fix stuff, move heavy stuff around, washing cars/motorcys, opening my wallet etc


    Works for us. We're happy.


  15. To the OP .... I'd be inclined to just visit Immi asap and do the TM30 and get the damn thing out of the way. Costs nothing, except a little time and petrol. At least then you know for sure that you're legal.


    Is interesting to read different requirements at Immi offices.


    Last week I visited Buriram Immi to do TM30. Quite literally, all I took was my passport and 1 copy of my wife's ID.


    IO .... "wife not come with you ?"

    Me .... "no, she busy."

    IO ..... "you can call her. I say hello she."


    The IO talked for 2 minutes on the phone with my wife, verifying that I actually lived with her.


    He typed everything into Immi computer, gave me a receipt to acknowledge my TM30 visit, then smilingly said "see you in 90 days."


    Was really simple. 10 minutes finished. Zero paperwork. Was a nice example of how uncomplicated a visit to Immi can be.



  16. It bemuses me that the big hardware stores have so many floor staff, clearly outnumbering customers every time I visit. Huddled in little groups, like a hungry lion pride, waiting to pounce on any customer straying too close.


    Seems like a huge waste of resources, employing all these idle people, but I guess the store owners know what they're doing.


    Pushy sales people are no joke in any country, but it's made worse here because we cannot understand most of what a salesman is saying. He may be offering real advice, or simply flogging a high commission item.


    My wife likes to talk, and within 10 minutes, she'll know the life story of any sales person. Probably turn out to be a cousin. I leave them to it, and I wander away.


    In the end, it's so easy to politely tell your shadow "no no .... I just look."

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