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Posts posted by Jinxed

  1. 30 minutes ago, yougivemebaby said:

    I tried dropping hints to my neighbor and he now officially hates me and has stayed with his akank girlfriend. There is proof on the security cameras but I am totally staying out of it now. He had his suspicions and installed cameras in his room but it's too late. She already knows about the cameras and just goes downstairs to chat with her boyfriend(s) and will walk down the street and have them pick her up on their motorbike.

    Warning to all: mind your own business. Don't try to be a good guy because now the whole building knows that my neighbors looks bad. He basically blames me though I had nothing to do with it. I didn't tell him just dropped hints.


    You should have just said straight out, your girl is cheating on you. Then he can deal with proving it or ignoring it.

    Why did you dance around it, i bet you made it a really really weird situation where he thinks you're with his gf

  2. 1 hour ago, pgrahmm said:

    Wouldn't the lack of a clitoris & implant feeling/soup bowl shaped boobs sort of give it away?


    Along with a few other possible telltale signs.....Adam's apple, voice, hand - foot size, shoulders, body hair, mannerisms, companions .....Possible 5:00 shadow.....

    I don't usually check for the clitoris or go for the boob grab until after I get the girl home lol

  3. 28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I question your concept of ladyboys but in my view if a person presents biologically as a woman with all the equipment, they would be OK on a don't ask don't tell basis for CASUAL encounters. You have a right to ASK of course, and I now see in the OP that the question was asked and the answer was a lie. I'd say that ethically is NOT OK of course.

    Of course we all should be skeptical of everything posted on the internet, especially forums, so I guess I do wonder IF the question was really asked or even if the story itself is real. It makes the story juicier, that's for sure. 


    My account is quite new, has nothing linked to me so of course it's all true - I have nothing to hide from an anonymous account, would I ever tell my mates back home and become the story of the day? hell no. I was drunk wandering around KS by myself, joined a group of girls - continued drinking. They were all on the heavy side and the friends said the skinny one 'likes me', so being the prettiest one in the group we danced and I asked "are you ladyboy, khatoey??" she said no. 

    End of night I asked her to come home, she agreed - yada yada come back home, put my hands down ya know to get things started and Immediately felt weird when it just didn't feel right (like explained in OP).. da fuq is this - just said I was too drunk to do anything and went to sleep, I wasn't going to be rude and kick her out. BUT I'm not ready for those kinds of encounters yet

  4. 35 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Interesting ethical situation.

    My take is that she had no obligation to tell for a casual encounter but does if things become more serious. 

    I would say differently if she didn't have a vagina.

    I assume women's vaginas vary quite a bit. 

    Is it the obligation of a man with a micro penis to announce that before showing?


    Well that's a shit deal, ofcourse I would like to know if I'm about to take home a ladyboy by accident


    And with the micropenis question, if the micropenis was synthetic I would say so


    EDIT: not that theres anything wrong with that

  5. 6 hours ago, starky said:

    Must be a well hung or well <deleted> Katoey then because as I am sure your aware her " vagina" is just a cock that has been turned inside out, up to you of course..... Not that there's anything wrong with that, sort of


    Did not know that, I think I'll avoid nightclubs for a while, not that there's anything wrong with that


    Does anyone think whiskey dick was a ancient defence mechanism made for the sole purpose of visiting Thailand?

  6. First let me start of by saying that I have no problem with any gender/sexuality/whatever that we're all equal etc and finally, a lol


    I've been living here for quite a while solo, I'm a younger guy - so I'd mainly go out to khao san for my partying. Well I got sangsom wasted and brought a girl home. Whiskey dick terrible so no problem but we did fool around, and her vagina was definitely fake. To describe it, It was super smooth inside (no ridges), too deep, and for a younger girl she was wayyyy too loose (I think I could fit a fist in if I was crazy enough) lol, esp a girl who was reluctant to even let me touch her, oh and she was lubricating too and I dont think she could feel anything going on in there. So yes, I'm pretty sure she was a post op.


    Extremely beautiful boy/girl I got to say, but the only thing that ticks me off is I always ask - 'are you a ladyboy' 'are you khatoey' and she specifically said no. I get it - you're a girl now and look I really have no problem with it, its 2017 but damn so what, should I just be expected to be lied to? Do I keep trying till I find the real girl hahahah


    Anyone have any stories to share? I'm not mad - just meh about being lied to

  7. I'm not going to have a complain but me and a few thai friends are heading here this week for a 3 day camping trip, I was just told campfires are not allowed?? Camping without a campfire - is this true?

    What about alcohol, I also read there is a ban on alcohol too. So just curious, what is there to do exactly except go to sleep at sunset?

  8. 11 hours ago, Gracas said:

    If this 15 year old girl becomes pregnant and the guy does a runner (very likely) they may decide that she and the baby to be should move into your new house  when it is complete, so you can take care of her and the baby.

    After all it was your house that it all happened in.


    Yep this is all possible, I still live in the hospital I was born afterall

  9. I was based in Phuket for most of that time, so my night life consisted of mainly Illuzion and Bangla street drinking. I would usually go solo and end up meeting heaps of people there as everyone just as drunk as you.


    I'm a young looking guy, so I fit in young looking places. Since moving to Bangkok my thai friends have all been taking me to Khao San, and yes it's just as messy as Bangla and I love it - dancing on the street having a laugh, yes it's a mix of dirty backpackers and thais but its always fun. Now the thing is I'm going solo tonight, and whilst I do always meet heaps of people out wherever I go with a bit of drink in me I was thinking about hitting route 66 @ rca until I heard there is no dancing - just sitting... so how the fk do you meet people? So then Thong Lor seems to sound like an experience, but im not sure how well I'll fit in looking young asfuck - how old is everyone? I'm 25, but I look honestly 20. Would it be ok to go solo, with my age perspective in mind?

  10. 22 hours ago, Travel2003 said:

    Was told they were out of stock (the infamous Mai Mee).

    I asked why they still displayed the empty boxes, and I was looked at like I was an idiot for asking that moronic question.


    This happened to me yesterday when I went to buy the most common type of antibiotic readily available around the world. I was just about to write a thread about Mai mee too

    Mai mee! Eff off you don't have it in Thailand

  11. 7 minutes ago, berybert said:

    If the shower has a light that is on to show the power is working you will save the money it takes to light the light.

    So that could be as much as 2 baht a year. And don't forget you are also helping to save the planet.


    That makes sense, the heating of the water isn't using my electricity - its the whole buildings water supply.. i don't have a separate tank for me I'm not that special


    EDIT: Also, I have no light

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