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  1. Hilarious I finally got my cash moved into the bank and a real marriage visa. That said I'm not going to be one of those bitter farang mad that others have easy access to staying here. I'm happy that people can stay without dumping huge money into agents pockets or "elite visas". I hope this is the status quo for a long time grats to those that this helps making their lifes easier to live.
  2. Heck yeah thats some awesome! Thanks for the info
  3. So I can do a standard 30 day extension and then follow it up with a 60 day to visit wife? I just assumed I could only do one or the other. Thats pretty awesome if thats the case.
  4. Hello read a few threads but couldnt find anything on this. I'm currently on a 30day from a border run. I just got made marriage officially legal last week. I'm not all set up for a non 0 yet. As I understand I can now get a 60 day visit family extension. For this will I go to CW or the other spot where you do extensions for people on 30 days? Also is there any special documents I will need. Obv marriage cert but anything else from wife etc. Thanks alot
  5. Friendly but great information as always. Thanks everyone!
  6. The plan for at least the coming years and potentially the long run is to raise the child in Thailand. I will still have some ties in the states that will require me to be home say 2months or so a year. Shorter term I plan to stay in Thailand through summer 2025 before visiting home though. I wasnt aware I could spend the 400k. I assumed it was a 90 day check for some reason. That said I'm not sure how the tax situation will work I dont want to get double taxed bringing money in(i know its likely not gonna be double taxed im just kinda wanting to see how it plays out). I still will likely prefer to have the 400k as a more locked in the bank nest egg to secure the visa every year then money I'll spend when i do get it here. I'd actually prefer to move the 400k next year if it made sense but maybe just moving it ASAP is the play. I've actually never attempted to open a bank account here over all this time. I assumed it wouldnt be super difficult but I know the non-o or an agent would help if needed. I'm soon to be 41. I was aware of the 60 day extension to visit wife. Maybe something like 90 day nonO into 60 day with a border run and a reentry would be ideal my current situation? I know I'll eventually want to lock in more of a permanent year long visa obv but if I can get 5 months a stay on a non-O with just having the money in my USA bank that would be ok for now. Really appreciate the time and informative replies from ya over the years. You're for sure a treasure to this community Dr.Jack.
  7. Ok thanks for clarifying very confusing. I take it the single entry has little requirements and the multi entry is going to require the 400k THB? Any idea if USA bank will cover or does it have to to be Thai?
  8. I'd like to get the Non O where I dont have to leave for a year if possible. Just got the news a child is on the way and wont be able to do long stays with ins and outs to my home country. I'm on the final step of marriage registration with the appointment down at Amphur but going on my 30 day extension while thats going on. The process is really confusing to me but I'm under the impression I'll have to leave to get a Non-O at a diff country. I currently dont even own a Thai bank account I've got the funds there just in my USA account. Is it possible to get a year long Non-O without putting the 400k in a Thai bank for 60 days? I am correct in I can at least get a 90 day Non-0 without having those funds? I was reading past threads and seen people mentioning they could get Non-Os with funds from overseas. Wasnt sure what category they meant. I know my end game is eventually going to be the 400k THB into Thai bank but I'm not in that position just yet.
  9. Hello finally getting married here after beating around the bush for a few years. I've seen some reports from late last year that in Sav I'll be able to get a Non 0 with my 400k being in a foreign bank. Is this still the standard in current landscape? If so is it only Sav that this is available or any other consulates like Penang,Vientenne,Nam etc? I'm USA citizen and would prefer to keep my money in my home country bank rather then move it over here if possible. Thanks
  10. Flying in is always a dice roll if you spent any recent time in Thailand. Travel to Laos or Cambo(one of the good borders) and you'll likely have no problems coming in.
  11. Hey everyone I ended up getting a visa from Vientiane with no questions asked. Coming over the border the IO seemed somewhat annoyed looking at my passport and the computer but I got in no problem. So for those with a history that need a visa Laos is the spot right now.
  12. Yeah you were spot on about more days opening up. Just switched to a Wed which would allow me to be back in Thailand for the weekend assuming drop off and they hold two business days until Friday. Yeah I hear ya on Malaysia not a place I've been into ever going to. Vientiane is as easy as it gets despite being a boring town to me. As long as I didnt have to spend the entire weekend there I can handle it. I see no problem with being a long stay tourist as long as you arent working here taking someones job. Even staying 5+ years you arent breaking the law whatsoever. The money you spend here is good for the economy. Appreciate the advice and hope you continue to run good on staying here without a long term visa.
  13. Going to do a ceremony and then the local trip after. Have to make one final trip to the states before hand but yeah coming soon!
  14. Yeah I actually checked back and found a open day on a Friday. Obv would prefer a better day but as a worst case option thats acceptable. I'm also considering just paying a service and heading down to Penang. Seems like it would take less time. Any reason you didnt consider them? I take it you have thought things out very well with your history. Appreciate the report. 100% I do like those odds!
  15. Yeah I'm checking some visa run services to see if that will make it easier for me. If I do a fly in its likely going to be Utapao sounds like thats the best bet. 15k one way isnt cheap though thats for sure. Might just be not worth the hassle and head home as planned rather then stick a extra 2 months in town. Thanks for the reply
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