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Nam Mae Khong

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Posts posted by Nam Mae Khong

  1. It's not actually clear what you expected in return for your investment as an executive director,essentially a sleeping partner?Did you want a share of the proceeds once the business was successful and sold or a dividend payment?

    It seems that you just sat there and did nothing which was unwise,what return were you promised and was anything written down,probably not I'm assuming?
    Really under law you don't really have a leg to stand on but it's never nice to get screwed by someone you once trusted.I would say the revenge road is a bad one to go down in Thailand as it will probably only result in you getting shaken down by the authorities and that will be a professional job,TiT!

  2. 5 hours ago, timendres said:

    I originally thought that the 500,000 baht 5 year Elite Thai Visa was expensive.

    But when I considered that I spend almost 60,000 baht per year dealing with a Visa and Work Permit, and the additional hassle involved with those, it started to look a lot more reasonable.

    I am over 50, so it would make more sense to put 800,000 in the bank for a retirement visa, and get the money back later.

    But for someone under 50, $2,900USD per year is not that much, and they should be able to bank that much income in any given month.

    Why the Hell would anyone pay USD $2,900 per year to live in a developing country where you have no rights whatsoever it just beggars belief?

  3. Why are these articles always about neurotic,heading-for-the-shelf,single and probably a little psycho Western women?

    It reminds me of these backpackers that come to Thailand for the full moon party as a "rite of passage",they all stay at the same cockroach-infested hovels on Khao San Road and Koh Phangan,Koh Phi Phi etc.

    They eat,sleep and drink buckets of cheap spirits with other crusty,like-minded,dreadlocked wasters,sneer at the locals and stuff their acne and herpes ridden faces with pizza!Basically they could do exactly the same in the student bar at home so just why bother?

    Why do you need a herd of other Western female Wildebeest to traverse the Planet it just baffles me?Surely the point of traveling is to find your own way and meet interesting people,not hang around the same mundane,boring clique of muppets you'd do the same with back at home?

  4. 3 hours ago, DiamondKing said:

    HUGE MAKE YOUR OWN SALAD for just 50 baht is cheap as chips a few adds ons and its enough can get out of there for less than 100 baht 

    My life's dream is to "get out" of a Thai restaurant for less than 100 baht whenever I go out to enjoy a meal,maybe even fill a water bottle from the toilet sink just to really make my day!

  5. The Thai Mercedes driver is a total scumbag that beat up a pensioner AGAIN!

    He threw the first,the last and the only punches yet some people here say the old Belgian guy should be charged,what sort of imbecile would agree with that?
    It's just absolutely disgusting and symptomatic of everything that is wrong with modern-day Thailand,then they scratch their collective heads and wonder why tourism figures are way down and no-one seems to want to come to Thailand anymore.
    Believe me in the West and Europe the travel agents no longer advertise Thailand as a holiday destination,now it's Cambodia and Vietnam,even Laos but Thailand is no longer mentioned in the advertisements in national newspapers!

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