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Posts posted by abab

  1. 21 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

    Lazada had a seller selling the identical item at 12,200b.  It's not much, but 700b is a good meal for my son and me.  However, although Lazada accepted my USA credit card, and put a hold on the amount on the card, they canceled my order the next day.  


    The reason given was that they don't accept credit cards outside of Thailand.  


    Buying with my credit card affords me protection as well as increasing the warranty period.


    It was not an option.



    This is why they don't accept USA credit cards, they exactly know that you can make a chargeback for any ridiculous reason with just a phone call or email.




  2. 3 hours ago, Hardie said:

    Maldives is nice, if you're not put off by Muslim countries--Burqa (not Bikini)Beaches, just like southern Thailand! It's not dirt cheap, but not outrageous, either. City is very walkable. I wouldn't expect to party, but plenty of good coffee, AFAIK...


    I hope that in a resort it's possible to avoid any muslim not opened to tourists wearing thongs to sunbath ?



  3. 8 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Sky diving is just one of the sports in life that I do not plan to do. Bungie jumping, Zip Lining  Standing on the edge of a high cliff or the

    edge of the Grande Canyon  for a selfie  are other things that I try to avoid.  Boring  I know  but I am still around and hope to  be

    for several years yet.




    Exactly ! And I will call us smart !



  4. 11 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    She paid well over twice the UK price, do Thais not realise how much they are being ripped off through import tax? There is one born every minute, and buying luxury cars is one sure way of impoverishing yourself. Thailand is Toyota land, great value for money, very reliable, and state-of-the-art service centers are in every town.


    Thai are not all cheap charlies like most farangs...



  5. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I think it depends on your risk profile...  In New Zealand, both my Wife and I did the 136m Nevis Bungy... We sky dived from 15000 ft above lake Taupo, we took the Shotover Jetboat along a Queenstown river canyon... 


    We had a 10 month old child at the time...  We didn't go up in the plane together... Some may say this was too risky, others may agree that its just adults enjoying and getting on with life... I say it was an excellent adventure and an incredible experience...  


    I wouldn't try the same in Thailand... In fact when evaluating and balancing out the risks I even avoid using motorcycle taxis here in Thailand (Bangkok).


    .... some of these adventures offering a Thrill, when evaluated with an intelligent and balanced approach are often much safer than the risks we expose ourselves too in everyday life (such as crossing the road in Thailand, using motorcycle taxi's, walking next to a boiling vat of oil on the street, walking down a pavement with motorcycles, taking a taxi on the toll way without rear seatbelts etc etc.... getting in Taxi's with emotionally immature and high charged potentially aggressive drivers !!!... the list goes on)... 







    It's so ridiculous to explain that it is more dangerous to cross the roads or go to the supermarket: WE NEED TO CROSS THE ROADS but nobody needs to jump from a plane except people who want to die faster than me.


    They can do what they want, but if I die crossing the road at least I was crossing on a purpose, not for a stupid ridiculous personal enjoyment.


    Even worst for people having kids: stupid selfish idiots.





  6. 46 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I am often puzzled why so many people deliberately put their life in danger in search of 'adventure'. Not very considerate if they have family they leave behind to cope with the consequences of failure. I can only guess that they consider life as it is is too boring.


    Exactly what I am thinking ! People life is driven by advertising and marketing, they all think that they want to do this kind of shiiite dangerous activity. Then they get what they are looking for.


    And what a great responsible owner ! He should be Thai !


    Reached for comment at about 3pm, Harry Harrison, a British owner of Thai Sky Adventures, said he was unaware of the incident.
    “No comment. Bye!” he said before terminating the call.




  7. 17 minutes ago, dansbkk said:

    Step 1.  Immediately freeze all bank and investment accounts in Thailand

    Step 2 . Issue a notice in the news about a 7 day warrant being served.  If he does not appear all money is seized.

    Step 3.  Place liens on all property and assets in Thailand and a lien on his private plane in Singapore.

    Step 4 Issue a notice that all property will be seized if he fails to appear in the next 7 days.

    Step 5.  Begin by placing liens on all property help by relatives for aiding a fugitive.  Begin seizing these assets 7 days later.



    This is not disneyland, Thailand still has law and rich have very good lawyers. At the end the government will have to give him back everything and pay for the prejudice.



  8. 11 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

    I don't understand why he just doesn't show up. He's extremely wealthy and will get off anyway.


    Because he is not stupid and exactly know that judges are cowards and will just do what people in change will tell them to do. And has he has been chosen to be an example that Thailand is now a democratic country, he is done. I would go live with Taksin if I was him !

  9. 1 hour ago, howard ashoul said:

    I don't agree that she's a bad woman and you should leave her. It's just a Thai logic.


    Thai driver refused to driver her to her hotel, so she agreed and nobody lost their face. No arguing. No problem.


    And this hotel is only 6000 Baht, so she is saving you money. And trying to make you happy. But she can't probably see too far, that you're have to pay another hotel too. Just thai logic and maybe limited mental capacity.


    You could get married 10 times again and at the end you would end up with girl, that would be using same logic anyway.


    I found, that best strategy is to give her money every Sunday, so she can buy food and stuff for home. I don't even ask what she's doing with that money as far as I have food every evening at the table. I don't wanna go mental every week over what she done with that money. That she saw weird mushroom in jungle and it told her that she have to bet XXXX Baht at some number in Thai lottery. She just get money every Sunday and her responsibility is to buy food etc.


    And everything else I handle myself. Or her with me behind her back. I would not even let her go book hotel, go to bank or pay insurance on motocycle. Because she's thai, she would be dealing with thai and by using their logic I would get <deleted> big time everytime. She wouldn't buy 10 000 Baht insurance for 1 year, she would buy 30 000 baht insurance for 2 years. Because seller told her so. And buying in bulk is always cheaper! Thai logic.


    And that's basically what you have done. You let her go alone and make decisions. Enjoy consequences!



    Thai around me use the logic that I tell them to use and they know that I am not interested in their opinion.


    Maybe time for you to understand that people can improve when they are explained and taught the right way by the right person.





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