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thetruth revealer

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Posts posted by thetruth revealer

  1. On 20.3.2018 at 2:17 AM, OmarZaid said:

    avoid them if possible until the child is 3 yrs old and then get only the minimum

    Best to avoid this useless inconvinience, nowaday its obvious how bad they are, regardless what Big Pharma falsly claims trough their lobby...


    6 Reasons Not to Vaccine your Child:


    -#1:   Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Trusted (Ever)

    -#2:   ALL Vaccines are Loaded with Chemicals and Heavy Metals

    -#3:   Vaccinated Children are the Unhealthiest, Most Chronically Sick Children


    Six Reasons To Say NO to Vaccination

    by SarahUpdated: March 05, 2018 Affiliate linksVaccination


    vaccine risks
    Vaccination is an extremely controversial topic these days. Whatever side of the aisle you may fall with regard to your opinion about vaccination, one thing is for certain. The choice to vaccinate or not vaccinate is a decision that has the potential to greatly impact the health of you and most importantly, your children for the rest of their lives.


    As a result, this decision should not be taken lightly and it should not be made in a vacuum. In other words, don’t just take your pediatrician’s word that shots are safe. It is possible for doctors to be wrong. They are human, after all. In reality, your doctor is simply parroting the standard line about vaccination from the American Medical Association (AMA) playbook. If you think you are getting their honest assessment, think again.

    You should neither assume shots are dangerous just because your friend down the street doesn’t vaccinate her kids.

    The key here is education;  making an informed decision by investigating the facts with an open mind and knowing exactly what you are getting yourself into before you commit to do anything.

    With that in mind, the list below will briefly detail to you the reasons why I did not vaccinate my own children and will never consider a shot for them for any reason even in the event of a so called “pandemic.”  Please remember that I come from a medical family.   My own Father (retired) is a MD as is my brother and my cousin (who was a pediatrician, now deceased). My husband’s mother is a nurse. There is no shortage of opinions on this subject in my family, I can assure you.

    So, don’t use family pressure as an excuse to do what you need to do once you investigate the facts for yourself and make an informed decision. There is no more foolish choice than to do something because it is someone else’s wishes and not your own.    It is your body, after all and these are your children. There is no one on earth who knows what is best for them except you and your spouse – not even and most especially not your doctor! Make your decisions feeling confident in this knowledge.

    #1:   Pharmaceutical Companies Can’t Be Trusted (Ever)

    Let’s just list a couple of the (many) times over the past 10 years where a drug or drug regimen has been deemed unsafe and downright dangerous and yet the pharmaceutical companies covered it up FOR YEARS in order to continue raking in the profits for as long as possible.    This should be an easy task.

    How about hormone replacement therapy for women?    The standard of care for a menopausal woman for over 40 years was HRT.   Even women with no complaints were advised that this treatment was helpful as it reduced chances for a heart attack and cancer and even helped them feel younger.    Were any, I repeat ANY of these claims true? Not a whit. Breast cancer risk is doubled for women on HRT,  41% increased risk for stroke, 29% increased risk of heart attack, and the list goes on and on.

    How about Vioxx?    Before this dangerous drug that caused thousands of deaths from heart attack and stroke was finally removed from the market, evidence surfaced that Merck had withheld information and even doctored reports on its dangers years before. As of November 2007, Merck had agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle approximately 27,000 cases from victims claiming injury or death of a family member using Vioxx. While this is a huge sum of money, in reality it represents less than one year’s profits for Merck.   Does it pay for a drug company to lie about a drug’s safety and efficacy? You betcha. The risk of payouts to victims from getting sued is lower than the lure of huge and long lasting profits while a drug’s patent protection remains in effect.

    I could cite other examples, but I’m trying to keep this post as pithy as possible. Please comment if you have other examples of pharmaceutical company deceit.    It will help others reading this blog who might still be on the fence about this issue.

    Remember the old proverb, “Fool me once, shame on you;  Fool me twice, shame on me”?  These corporate behemoths have proven themselves to be completely untrustworthy based on past behavior.   In a court of law, if such a company were an actual witness, an attorney would never put them on the stand due to a serious lack of credibility.   Are you really going to take these companies at their word that these shots are safe when money and profits are impacted by their answer?

    The idea that people can question “Big Pharma” corruption when it comes to dangerous pills, responsible for killing thousands and the subject of countless class action lawsuits, and then resort to name calling and ridicule when other people question those same companies over the safety of vaccines is preposterous. – Jay Syrmopoulos, The Free Thought Project

    UPDATE:  Merck, the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine is currently embroiled in two lawsuits for falsifying data on the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine. One of these lawsuits was brought by two of its own scientists!  Just another example of a the lying and fraud perpetuated by the drug companies with regard to vaccination.

    #2:   ALL Vaccines are Loaded with Chemicals and Heavy Metals

    Here is a list of the damaging ingredients in vaccines on the market today verified either by independent testing and/or listed on vaccine inserts:

    Nagalase, squalene, polysorbate 80, glyphosate (Roundup), e-coli, MSG, antifreeze, phenol (used as a disinfectant), formaldehyde (cancer causing and used to embalm), aluminum (associated with alzheimer’s disease and seizures), glycerin (toxic to the kidney, liver, can cause lung damage, gastrointestinal damage and death), lead, cadmium, sulfates, yeast proteins, antibiotics, acetone (used in nail polish remover), neomycin and streptomycin.  And the ingredient making the press is thimerosol (more toxic than mercury, a preservative still used in many vaccines, not easily eliminated, can cause severe neurological damage as well as other life threatening autoimmune disease). These vaccines are grown and strained through animal or human tissue, like monkey and dog kidney tissue, chick embryo, calf serum, human diploid cells (the dissected organs of forcibly aborted fetuses), pig blood, horse blood and rabbit brain (12).

    What’s more, recent vaccine testing results published in January 2017 revealed that ALL of them are contaminated with heavy metals not declared on the ingredients list or in the product leaflets. In another round of vaccine testing conducted in Germany, the vaccines were found to be contaminated with the following:

    – ALL vaccines tested contained mercury in small amounts (even the ones that were supposedly “mercury free”).
    – Half the vaccines contained toxic, carcinogenic nickel in small amounts.
    – Slightly over 1/3 of the tested vaccines contained small amounts of arsenic.
    – Over 90% of the tested vaccines contained uranium (yes, the stuff used to make nuclear bombs).
    – ALL tested vaccines contain minor traces of aluminum, *even if not labeled*. Gardasil, Gardasil 9 and Synflorix contain TWICE as much aluminum as indicated.
    – The aluminum content in the so-called attenuated vaccines is around 1000-6000X times above the safe limits for drinking water! And these vaccines are supposedly “safer”? By the way, aluminum adjuvants commonly used in vaccines have been identified by immunologists as a trigger for later development of food allergies in children.

    Can you imagine injecting this cocktail of poison directly into your child’s tissues? Anyone who thinks that these contaminants even in small amounts are safe especially for a growing child is just plain out of his/her mind. At least if you ate these ingredients, your body would have a chance to detoxify and eliminate them before any permanent damage could be done. But, to inject them deep into the body’s tissues where the toxins are absorbed directly into the blood is the most damaging and lethal approach imaginable.

    How could anyone especially a doctor possibly think this approach to enhancing immunity to infectious disease is a good idea for the long term health? As it turns out, more doctors are realizing the folly of shots. A growing percentage of pediatricians are declining or delaying shots for their own children! Some family medical practices are so concerned about the safety of vaccines that they have banned all shots for their patients.

    It sure didn’t make any sense to me. Here I am, 20 years later, still very happy with my decision NOT to vaccinate my children. What’s more, my three children thank me all the time for not vaccinating them. Why? They see all the health problems their vaccinated friends have, and they are grateful to have been spared the misery.

    Sadly, I know many parents and caregivers with 20/20 hindsight who greatly regret their decision to vaccinate. I don’t know ANYONE who has not vaccinated and regrets their decision, however. Which group do you want to be a part of in 10 years?

    #3:   Vaccinated Children are the Unhealthiest, Most Chronically Sick Children

    A comprehensive survey of nearly 12,000 children in the USA and Europe was conducted in 2010. The research revealed the truth about the health of vaccinated vs unvaccinated kids. The conclusion? Vaccinated children are more chronically ill than unvaccinated children with rates for autism, ear infections, ADHD, asthma and allergies as much as 30% higher than unvaxed children (source).

    Another large comparative study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children published in May 2017 unearthed similar findings (source).

    Take an informal poll of the folks in your circle and see for yourself. Observation is a powerful tool, so put it to use. The kids with the most health and behavior problems – allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, coordination and other gross motor issues, and the list goes on – are the ones that are right on track with their vaccination schedule.

    It’s not just physical illness that plagues vaccinated children either. Research out of Yale and Penn State demonstrated a strong association between vaccination and mental illness in children. 95,000 children were analyzed by the Department of Public Health Science at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and Yale University. A strong association between children receiving vaccinations and then immediate development of brain-related autoimmune and inflammatory disorders: ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, anorexia, and chronic tic disorder was found (source).

    For compelling anecdotal evidence, ask Moms with several children, some of whom are vaccinated and some who are not, which of their children are the healthiest. In my own circle, the Moms I know who have one or two older kids who are fully vaccinated and the younger kids who did not get any shots tell me that, hands down, that the unvaccinated children are healthier and have less problems (usually none).

    There is plenty of research available NOW for any open-minded, thinking parent to realize that vaccination of a child is a very bad idea. Throw out your preconceived ideas, read the science and realize the reality that shots will very likely doom your child to a life of autoimmune or mental disorder hell. Playing the odds for a healthy child with a robust immune system free of mental health issues critically involves the decision to forgo shots.

    The excellent graphic below pretty much says it all. Vaccinated children suffer from far more challenges both mentally, physically, and behaviorally than unvaccinated children. This is the dirty little secret Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know!

    Graphic from the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute.


    vaccination dangers


    #4:   Other Countries Are Waking Up to the Dangers of Vaccination

    -#5:   Numerous Vaccines Have Already Had Problems/Been Removed from the Market

    -#6   You Can Always Get Vaccinated, But You Can Never Undo a Vaccination





  2. After an announcement that MMR vaccination (an immunization vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella) was in the process of becoming mandatory in Sweden, citizens submitted correspondence and called up parliament in protest.


    The National Health Federation (NHF) sided with them after finding a link between vaccination and serious adverse reactions.


    NHF Sweden sent a letter to the Committee and explained that it would violate our Constitution if we introduced compulsory vaccinations, or mandatory vaccinations as was submitted in Arkelsten’s motion. Many others have also submitted correspondence and many citizens have called up Parliament and politicians. Parliamentary politicians have surely noticed that there’s a massive resistance to all forms of coercion with regard to vaccinations.

    NHF Sweden also shows how frequent serious adverse reactions according to the rate at which FASS specifies in the package leaflet of the MMR vaccine, when you vaccinate an entire year group. In addition, one must take into account that each age group will receive the MMR vaccine twice, so the side effects are doubled.

    We must not forget that, in addition, similar adverse reaction lists apply for other vaccines.












  3. Thanks for the reply.

    As stated , as stated, Family Purpose is the reason for the extension.

    My wife has a Multiple Entry Tourist Schengen Visa based on our Marriage.

    I have Italian and Swiss Citizenship.

    The Visa is issued from the Italian Embassy .

    We have declared that we  Travel around in Europe, mainly Italy and Swiss, as well Spain.

    The longest stay planned is in Italy, so they issued the Visa.

    First Point of Entering Schengen is planned in Swiss, though.


    Now, thats another question because there are different Informations , regarding either ;

    1.Visa has to be issued from the first Country intended to enter Schengen




    2. from the country where the longest stay is planned.


    Is it required to enter the country first which issued the Visa?


    Border Police in Swiss informed me , its not required.

    Italian Embassy told us it is required.


    Whats your thought ???




  4. Vaccine Status in Sweden

    After an announcement that MMR vaccination (an immunization vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella) was in the process of becoming mandatory in Sweden, citizens submitted correspondence and called up parliament in protest. The National Health Federation (NHF) sided with them after finding a link between vaccination and serious adverse reactions.

    “NHF Sweden sent a letter to the Committee and explained that it would violate our Constitution if we introduced compulsory vaccinations, or mandatory vaccinations as was submitted in Arkelsten’s motion. Many others have also submitted correspondence and many citizens have called up Parliament and politicians. Parliamentary politicians have surely noticed that there’s a massive resistance to all forms of coercion with regard to vaccinations.

    NHF Sweden also shows how frequent serious adverse reactions according to the rate at which FASS specifies in the package leaflet of the MMR vaccine, when you vaccinate an entire year group. In addition, one must take into account that each age group will receive the MMR vaccine twice, so the side effects are doubled. We must not forget that, in addition, similar adverse reaction lists apply for other vaccines.

    In the letter, we have even included an extensive list of the additives found in vaccines – substances which are not health foods and certainly do not belong in babies or children. We also included for lawmakers a daunting list of studies that demonstrate vaccination is a bad idea,” wrote the NHF (4).


    In response, the Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions to support forced vaccination on May 10th 2017.

  5. Sweden has banned mandatory vaccinations, citing “serious health concerns” and the fact they violate a citizen’s constitutional rights to choose their own healthcare. 

    The Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions on May 10 that would have enshrined forced vaccinations into law, stating “It would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if we introduced compulsory vaccinations, or mandatory vaccinations.




    Now thats a BIG step forward and a good example for all other countries .



    This are NOT fake news NOR from so called untrustable sources.











  6. I had at least 15 free rides with Grab Car in the last week using Promo Code : CMCOOL.


    Or sometimes  paid a small difference like 15 or 20 THB if the rate was over 50 THB..

    Well said for the whole car, with my wife and baby AND Bags from shopping and and and... the drivers are helpful storing stuff etc etc.


    hahaha , what are these Songtaews useful for anymore ???





    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, theoldgit said:

    @thetruth revealer No, I'm not wrong, though if you can provide the link to the source of your claim or the relevant section of the Schengen Area handbook, rather than just naming two Embassy's, I will gladly correct my statement.

    What I can tell you is that my wife has successfully applied for Schengen visas as the spouse of an EU National at two Consulates and has never been asked to supply evidence that we're legally married and thus able to take advantage of the rules allowing free movement, in both cases she supplied nothing more that our Thai marriage certificate.

    The fact remain that if you are legally married in Thailand you are legally married anywhere in the world and there is no need for subsequent registrations.
    The fact that a few Consulates act outside of the Schengen Area agreement has already been brought into question by the European Commissioners. 

    ...yes there is exactly need for the subsequent registrations , as mentioned before, to appear in the system of your origins country civil registar for all benefits of said country ,social security etc etc .

    ...im in the middle of this process right now , and all informations are up to date and obtained from the legal consular officer of both Switzerland and Italy.

    ...the assumption that the fact of the validity of the marriage in other countries  is equal to appear in the system doesnt make sense isnt it?

    ...a part of that, its legally required by Swiss and Italian law to report any changes of your civil status  !

    The issue is not only Schengen relevant but to fulfill your duty as Citizen and therefore  be covered from your countries protection and civil rights .

  8. On 11.2.2017 at 8:05 AM, theoldgit said:

    Your marriage doesn't have to be registered in the UK, if you were legally married in Thailand, then you are legally married anywhere.


    As your spouse your husband is entitled to free movement within the EU providing he is travelling with you, or joining you there, though those rules obviously are likely to change post Brexit.


    That said, the Spanish authorities have imposed requirements which seem to contravene the Schengen rules, thus preventing spouses of UK Citizens exercising their current right of free movement.



    Your husband should be obtain a Schengen visa from the Spanish authorities here in Thailand, that visa should be issued free and promptly and without much of the documentation that would normally be required from a Visa National, but it seems they are flouting the rules and will insist that your husband applies as a general tourist, and pays the fees.


    There are a number of members who have fallen foul of the Spanish flouting of the EU rules, maybe someone will advise how they dealt with it.




    ..sorry your answer is incorrect regarding " unecessairy "registration at Embassy.the fact that the Marriage in Thailand is recognized in other countries, doesnt mean that you dont have to register it again with your countries authorities, to appear in the system. 

    once the spouse of the schengen state  national is officially in the system , they will issue the Schengen visa based on family ties, with a shorter application time ,without any  fee and possibly within 1 day.

    Source : Swiss and Italian Embassy

  9. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    The Kor Ror 11 would be issued at a Amphoe (district office). But as far as I know they are only issued when both parents are Thai or when the father is a foreigner.

    For foreign parents the legitimization of parenthood would be done under the law of the country where the parents are from.

    Regarding requierements of my Embassy (Swiss) to register the Birth of a Child abroad and despite the fact  we are Residential in Thailand therefore the legal act has to be done here under local law, surprisingly. 

    So what exactly might be the proceed???



  10. What is the official proceed to obtain the Khor Ror 11,here in Chiangmai  for acknowledge  a Newborn, outside of Marriage for both foreigner Parents?

    What time should be expected until issued ??

    Which authority is receiving application , requests?

     Please ONLY reply with personal experiences  and helpful answers to lead this thread in a helpful way.



    Thank you very much.



  11. On 9.3.2017 at 0:43 PM, hobz said:

    Interesting read on Red Car Lobby in Chiang Mai 




    In the article it claims that previously the red cab "lobby" has prevented development of public transportation (new bus system) in Chiang Mai.

    They also prevented the authorities to stop them form using those terrible dirty Diesel Engines  and start setting up with cleaner cars.

    ALONE these says  a lot how strong they Lobby is.

  12. 4 hours ago, manarak said:

    I hope it is now clear to you that you were indeed on overstay when you were arrested.

    So.. I wonder how much did you argue with immigration officers, how heated the discussion became and whether you have insulted them?

    even argues with IO wouldnt justify a life Ban for FRAUD ....or arbitrary decisions have been made, which is not impossible here in LOS

  13. 11 minutes ago, lkv said:

    No there are not. A tourist visa holder would get a permission of stay of 60 days per entry.


    There are certain nationalities that would receive a 90 day visa exempt entry due to bilateral agreements.

    ..believe it or not , there are !!!! Or do you have  hace access to all Consulates around the world to proof otherwise ???   It was a Consul in Austria .


    As a short reminder: "Discretion of the Official person "

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