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Posts posted by currynamnam

  1. 3 hours ago, Thailand said:

    You don't have to pay off governments to get a new passport many countries offer relatively simple and cheap schemes to gain residency and passports.

    Before you know it, hell be in Sweden, we are, as Always happy to oblige foreign criminals and such with sanctuary...only this time someone who will pay his own expences!


  2. 5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

    Those crazy Swede's huh.

    I would like to point out that Sweden is currently passing out citizenships like confetti in a Italian wedding to individuals that origins from parts of the world where having a bomb is like having a pack of smokes...so, yeah, those crazy Swedes. 

    Seen quite a few in Thailand, will be interesting to learn his name. And I just learned it, was posted while I was writing.

  3. 12 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Many, possibly most Muslims will not dilute their religious beliefs where ever they are living. This means that when living in non Muslim countries, with very different cultures, histories, and religious backgrounds and perhaps secular democratic heritages, there is bound to be a clash,


    Muslims have been welcomed by countries in the West both as bona fide immigrants and as refugees. By and large they were treated well and prospered. However, whilst great effort was made to adjust and accommodate them and their way of life not so much was done in assimilation. The Muslims didn't want and had little intention of changing and the pc liberals in the West bent over backwards to accommodate.

    The price is now being paid as the children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren of those originally welcomed migrants now want their religion and way of life to dominate the host countries. Islam is a religion that doesn't set out to convert people, send out groups of people challenged with converting the world or whatever, at the individual level. It does however seek to dominate and ensure Muslim rights above other religions wherever they are. 


    Islam punishes those who renounce it severely. Those who do not wish to conform to the new societies their families moved to should move to a Muslim country where the culture is more akin to their own.

    However , countries Akin to Their own culture don't pay out welfare at a lewel similar or higher than the average workers salary...

  4. What the SD is stating is sadly true, I say sadly because I don't thrive from shouting wolf ,nor do I have a political agenda.

    However I live in Sweden and see first hand every day the dismantling of the society I grew up in.

    For instance, a large percentage of Swedens old age retirees are struggling to make ends meet, and why ? When "refugees " that never contributed are lifting substantial amounts each month in welfare (especially if they have many children) which most do.

    It's a thorn in the taxpayers side and a reason to question if a country of 9.5 m can sustain the numbers we carelessly let through our borders.

    The riots and endless talking about how we should accommodate the muslims in their never ending demands of how we should respect their cultur,rules,tradition or else be labeled racists is getting tiresome.

    The way the government is playing with statistics to hide the truth about the rise in crime is starting to get pathetic.

    I meet the ordinary "Joe" and "Jane" everyday in my line of work and these days there is only one topic that seems to be important....how will this mayhem end.

    Next year's election might be more or less only about this issue, and that is sad, as I said in the beginning.

    And before someone reply with "facts" from BRÅ  (latest survey 2005,and absolete or any other Government institution) come and spend a weekend in any of the pittoresque enclaves we have in abundance , and after that I will gladly have a discussion about Sweden.

  5. Last night on Swedish tv 1 (state channel)  even reknown criminology professor Leif GW Persson admitted that the proportion of immigrants and refugees comitting the hardcore crimes such as robbery,rapes,drugs was significant. 

    He suspected the reason for the Government to hide those facts is the fear that this issue will be vital in the 2018 elections.

    Leif GW Persson is as far from alt right,  demi nazi you could possibly come.

    I don't remember the name, but a fieldmarshal once said..."a country always has an army. It's own... Or someone elses." 

  6. 7 hours ago, simple1 said:

    As an example, in the tab reporting on rape and sexual assault it shows an increase in reported crimes of 0.2% from 2005 to 2014 which clearly demonstrates there is not the large increase of this type of crime paralleling the increase in the immigrant population. In other reports which being a Swede you would assuredly know how to source, very clear that overall the majority of crimes are committed by those born to Swedish nationals (75% of the population). There is a proportional high rate of offending by foreigners / recent migrants, but nowhere near the percentage of crimes committed as claimed by so many "right of centre" groups.


    Your claim of 55 no go zones in Sweden has been debunked by the Swedish government as well as others.





    Yes, 2005-2014...The big influx started after 2014.

    And as you say, debunked by the Swedish GOVERMENT! 

    They are quite partial in this matter.  By the way, have you visited Sweden lately, or do you draw your conclusions from the media perhaps? 

    Another fact from BRÅ...as early as 2013 more than 33% of prisoners in Swedish jails was born outside of Sweden... How about them Apples. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    I assume you're Swede.  So is it really that bad?  I've never been to Sweden, so I'd have to rely on people who are actually from there to get their take on what's really going on.  But I can tell you that if you just listen to Trump and his alt right brigade, you'd think that the USA was already overrun with criminal illegal immigrants, poverty everywhere, no jobs to be found, crime and drugs all over the place, America taken over by Mexicans, blacks and Jews, blah blah, blah.  In reality, America is nothing like that. 

    Yes I am, and yes it is that bad. What I stated previously would label me as a neonazi by the PC establishment, and I assure you I'm not. Just saying what I see...

  8. 4 hours ago, alanrchase said:


    I would not be at all supprised if there was at least one attack per day on a woman by a non- Muslim man in Sweden. Same is probably true in most other countries. Daily reports of Thai men attacking women.

    Sent from my SM-A500F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


    I'm sure you are correct, at least one attack...but since I currently live in what has become a " exiting, many facet, multicultural meltingpot" as our goverment and media describes the rapid detoriation of my society, let me enlighten you.

    The number of sexual assaults by foreign men, muslim or not, are off the scales and the media is doing their outmost to supress that fact.

    Before the influx of a huge mass of men and "Boys" the word gangrape was unheard of, ordinary people could go to community swimmingpools without being harassed, the Police didn't have a special code referring to the perp's origin as a refugees (since, again it's in use to obscur the truth). 

    We didn't have 55. No go zones inhabited by people claiming to seek shelter from war and showing their gratitude by torching cars and throwing rocks at ambulance and the firebrigade meanwhile they complain that Sweden was not all that they expected. No condos, no cars, no girlfriends........maybe a new name for Sweden should be "Titanicistan"..The iceberg is sighted, but still full steam ahead... 

  9. However sadly missed, at the age of 77 I think we have to accept that, in general it's natural to pass around that number.

    It's probably so that in our generation we saw so many more true actors and not boxoffice movie stars riddled with sixpacks, and they made an impression, which we miss when they leave us...perhaps also a reminder of what awaits...still, he was an understated cool man! 

  10. 12 hours ago, hobz said:

    This swedish piece of shit has a history of crashing during these show events.

    In fact, if i recall correctly it crashed on its first public show in stockholm many years ago.. Pilot ejected and survived that time.

    Expensive piece of shit

    Yes, it did, I was there with 10' other, many of us said simeltainiously.... Oh shit, the copilot bailed out...2 seconds later from ex fighter pilot...no guys, this is a singleseater.

    However,  there is hardly any hightech aerialfighting contraption that's been flawless in its trials, the Gripen had quite a few, but that's been the case with most new systems.

    Expensive.... In comparison with what.... Me 109? 

  11. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:
    Invite millions of people from a culture that regards the west as decadent and inhabited by infidels to enter without any real background check- what did they expect? There is no way of knowing how many are IS sleepers, ready to carry on the terrorism in the future.

    Keep your friends close...but your enemies closer...
    How close is close enough?
    Maybe we are about to find out..
    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  12. This might be far fetched, but since Thai's seem to emulate most of the behaviour in the rubbish soapopera's , how's this idea...
    Let all the "pretty 's" and "handsome's" that have such impact in the social media take the lead in a nationwide campaign to promote responsible traffic behaviour...heck, even pay them to bask in the spotlight, throw in a couple of popstars and make it cool to drive like a sane person.
    Since they not listen to anyone else, why not give it a try...
    And if just one life gets saved this way, the media darling's have for once accomplished with something useful...double whammy !

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

  13. There are a lot of countries which have laws and regulations around conscription which Amnesty consider to be wrong.   These are not grounds for refugee status under UN Conventions.   The length of service time wouldn't generally be grounds either.  
    Individual countries are free to determine if they wish to give safe-haven to anyone from another country for whatever reason they want, but that doesn't make them a refugee under international conventions.  
    Because someone is in the military does not preclude them from having a refugee claim based on other factors.   It's just a bit more difficult to sort out not wanting to perform military service from what may be legitimate grounds.  

    Not too many years ago Sweden had conscription...refusal could and often led to prison, however the conditions in Swedish prisons are better than in most places.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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