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Posts posted by DavidVincent

  1. 5 minutes ago, 4737 Carlin said:

    Anyone who disagrees with mass third world Islamic immigration/invasion is 'far right' apparently.

    I see you do not know her, or her father and the party she is from. A party whom former president said and is still saying the Gaz chambers are a detail of History. A party which is antisemtic, xenophobic and makes its bed from hate and wrong information to fuel hate between communities.


    Anyway Ishe probably wanted to have a pic with the Trump to have some news coverage in France...and she failed, one more time.

    SHe is a pig

  2. 38 minutes ago, tubby johnson said:

    Not refugees, but migrants :post-4641-1156693976:


    Refugees are women, children, sick, elderly. I pity them.


    These are young, healthy men aged 20-30. Opportunists, welfare whores and primitive islamists. First they ruined their own countries, now they want to take their violent and inbred behaviour to civilised countries.

    One more ignorant of the reality of things...and sound a bit racist as well

    Most of the time their countries are ruined by US, Europe and UK...

  3. Just now, Shawn0000 said:


    If that were the case then they would not on average succeed at a higher rate and raise children who do better on average at school, would they?   No, they would become the benefits class who are actually by a far higher ratio British born people.  Your imagination has gotten the better of you, the scrounges are the British, not the immigrants.  The immigrants pay far higher taxes than they take back in benefits and help feed the British benefits scrounges.

    Impossible to make them understand the basic of economy and how the movement of money is what help them stay afloat

  4. 2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    You appear to be talking about people seeking a better life by paying vile people traffickers to take them to rich countries in expectation of jobs etc.

    The OP is about refugees, and your post is off topic.


    BTW Saudi Arabia is not in a similar situation and is very rich. It is also culturally similar. Why do they not go there? 

    Refugees, so why are you blaming them? How do you think they arrived here?

    If you do not know the schism between the two main ideologies of Islam and the hate they have for each other I cannot do anything for you


    Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    What relevance to the topic does your sidetrack about expats in Thailand have? No expat in LOS arrived on a people smuggler's boat and demanded that the Thai people support them.

    Because the first ones who spit on the illegal migrants are also most of the time the same one living in Thailand without knowing more than a few sentences in thai (what a good exemple of integration) and some live on benefits while here instead of trying to find their way in their own countries, because they hope for a better life, because they left their country which they love and want to protect but from far away, because they think they worth more than the the migrants, because they think all the illegal migrants are here to steal and rape while most of them are just scared and lost...because when there is no way to make them understand the ratio risk/reward for the migrant is a farcry of what they may or may not dream when migrating....


  6. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Please explain why they choose to go to Europe, rather than a culturally similar country to their own?

    Please explain why, if genuine refugees, they expect to transit Europe to countries that are far beyond the first safe country they come to?

    Please explain how, if they fled with nothing to save their lives, they can afford to pay the vile people smugglers, and if they were at risk of death, why they abandoned their families to their presumably certain deaths?

    Please explain why they choose to go to Europe, rather than a culturally similar country to their own?

    Answer : most of the similar cultural countries are in the same situation 

    Please explain why, if genuine refugees, they expect to transit Europe to countries that are far beyond the first safe country they come to?

    Because they hope for a better life, not a worse one (we could ask why expats choose Thailand instead of Alaska or Moldavia)

    Please explain how, if they fled with nothing to save their lives, they can afford to pay the vile people smugglers, and if they were at risk of death, why they abandoned their families to their presumably certain deaths?

    Most of the time they sell all they have to be able to pay the trip from sharky guys. They may also have not enough money/goods to sell to be able to pay for the whole family and therefore send a man, most of the time young as they are more able to find a job, instead of a kid, a mother with kids without ressources or their grand-ma.


  7. 2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



    That old chestnut again.


    I recall when the Australian government, left of course, was saying that every migrant creates four jobs.   No problem fixing the unemployment problem then.......1,000,000 unemployed, bring in 350,000 'migrants', and there are 1.4 Million jobs, so we wouldn't have enough people for the extra 50,000 positions!!!


    The truth is that 85% of those coming from middle eastern countries are still on welfare 5 years after arriving.   And that is a FACT!!!

    No it is not...but you know it.

    Anyway economically speaking any migrant who spend money (even if it was money given by a government) is a money which helps economy, but you know it also. So let's agree to disagree. 

    As for :

    15 hours ago, sweatalot said:

      if the migrants come from a culture / religion that is incompatible with the European cultures  and is known for not integrating but for taking over (in the past witn "fire and sword")

    So you re a threat for the thai cultural heirtage and as you are from a different culture you bring threat...you probably do not speak/write thai fluently neither...

  8. 5 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Point out how much money is brought into a country, say UK, by one man who arrives,  ( illegal immigrant ) with nothing and is given shelter food and money to spend all of which is coming from the coffers of that country.

    No doubt there will be a study that proves it, but remember as much as you believe in studies I believe studies are written to justify the result that has already been decided on.

    Are you telling me this is a conspiracy theory to prove illegal immigration has a positive impact on economy? lol...

    Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy



    Spain reaps large benefits from legal and illegal immigration



    The truth about the people and numbers in loud and furious migration debate



    this is for your immigrants claiming benefits :

    Illegal immigrants can't claim benefits:



    Benefits for migrants?



    Well I know you won't read it or tell me it is not the truthh or something like this because your opinion is based on your fellings and not fact...but if one day you want to know the truth and not what you believe...

  9. Under Assad Damascus and Syria was multicultural, even catholic and jews. However ISIS didn't arrive in Syria from nowhere...Guess who helped them rise? Syrian revolution with moderate rebels? what a joke!

    As i worked for Total i can assure you the expatriates are well paid, not the locals. Don't you think it is quite strange that all the countries at war nowdays are the ones with precious raw material/oil and other things? 

    Anyway I mark my point : migrants to Europe in their very vast majority do not come to enjoy the benefits of the country they come to, but flee countries torn by war and corruption. If you believe they come to not work and live so well you are just one of the guys who believe  far right lies.


    6 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    And the money they buy those products with is given to them.

    So you think they wil buy a 500$ ipad and not eat for a month?

    As I mentioned before : migration brings more money than it cost. Look for the numbers and numerous studies.

  10. 33 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    Your figures on UK citizens in the EU and Thailand are most likely correct, in fact add one more, me, but bear in mind I paid tax and NI all my life, in fact I still pay some tax so I am 'entitled' to what I get as 99% of those getting benefits are.

    I did not pay those monies to finance someone who is an illegal immigrant and complains he doesn't get enough while using a new I-pod and smoking at the same time.

    I donate to charity when I can, but only one, The Salvation Army, not because I'm religious, I'm not, but because 98% donated to them is used where it should be and doesn't enrich the lives of those who run the charity.

    ...and complains he doesn't get enough while using a new I-pod and smoking at the same time.....


    Sorry but this is enough for me to know you do not want to open your eyes. You understand that the benefits you are entitled are not from the money you paid at the time, but from the active people paying tax nowdays in UK, rtight? ironically, the immigration economical balance has always been positive in UE and UK and guess what? a part of your benefits come from the taxes on product bought by those "illegal immigrants"

    If you are fed up to see your country "invaded" by immigrants, petition your government to stop meddling in wars which create those migration flux.

  11. 4 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    Since the 70's I have worked in most of the middle east countries from Syria all the way west through Egypt to Libya and the other 'oil rich states'.

    I was often asked why do you come here to work when you can stay in UK and your government will give you everything you need, house and money etc and you won't need to work.

    That belief still remains and that's why they want to be in Europe.

    So you know the past of Syria, Libya, Iraq,...and why their countries are now under constant threat, war or western bombings, right? Is it because they are lazy or because western countries went there to bring freedom and ended by putting those countries on their knees. It is then not a surprise if right after Guaddafi went down that a french company like Total took 30% of the oil companies, why UK blamed their government in a report which pointed the abuses during this war as well. It is not like the USA wanted Iraq to fall to free them, but because of the oil there as well. Syria pipeline project which would compete with the USA sponsored pipeline neither.

    In Africa you are probably aware that in Cameroon 3 months ago more than 150 people died on a train accident, mostly because the french company Bollore) who built the line used poor material and no quality/safety control. Uranium, precious metal for electronic components, all of this which can only be found in countries in Africa only...etc... History of africa and its past is not hidden...have a look at the countries which are currently at war or on the brink of civil war and their history...

    I remember as well a pretty picture of thousands of people on the boats from Europe to Algeria and Morroco during world war 2...just to flee the war...why is this different.

    As for the people living on benefits...What do you have to say of  more than 30k UK citizen living in UE on benefits...and I am sure we can find some numbers linked to Thailand as well...

  12. 2 minutes ago, overherebc said:


    Serious question, how much time have you spent in the countries these people come from and by time I mean working?

    Having been in more than 4 countries in Africa for work and for french companies, as well as having been close to middle east refugees the last year I can assure you those people are not here to "profit" or leech on western countries.

    90% of them leave a country for one they know nothing about. They leave behind them family, friends,...basically their life to come here.

    They do not cross the sea on small boats, knowing them or their kids could die during the travel to profit.

    Have a look at the civil wars in Africa, have a look at the history of Afghanistan, the history of Iraq, Libya, Syria..Can you assure me the western countries are for nothing in the crumbles you can see in these countries?

    In Africa the french and Belgium companies are really happy the countries they work in are corrupted. They can exploit misery and make the people work in atrocious conditions, without any thought about human life and do not give a sh!t about what may happen the day after. The "franceAfrique" is not dead neither. Franc CFA is also a way to steal from Africa and maintain the countries dependent of their former western "masters"...


    I said that more than one time, I am tired to repeat myself while you are not genuinely interested..if you are then tell me what you think of the last 30 years of war in middle east orchestrated by western countries, go have a look at the political and economical history of african countries...then you will know.

    But I know it is hard to convince someone who do not want to listen...

  13. " Ferguson, who gained prominence as a runner-up on the TV talent show "The X Factor" in 2010, said on Tuesday she too had refused to perform at Trump's inauguration because her choice of the song "Strange Fruit" was rejected. "


    This would have make the "alt-right" supporters (read racists white supremacists) turn crazy...even if I bet 90% of them never heard of that song or the symbol it bears....

  14. 2 hours ago, Pdaz said:

    Pretty sure it's colder in Pakistan or Afganistan during winter. All these illegal migrants should be rounded up and expelled from Europe. They have their own countries. If they want a better life they should endevour to improve their homes. Not come to Europe.

    Quite difficult when your country is at war, most of the time because of western countries which do not hesitate to invade them to "bring them freedom"...you reap what you saw

  15. 9 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:


    Sorry but this issue is a tempest in a teacup.

    Comparisons with the Norks is simply not valid.

    As is the comparison with JFK and his brother but you brought this on the table. You still do not see the issue is not competence but nepotism..I bet you see it but just think it is better to marginalize it because it suits the small-handed man ideology you stick with.

  16. 24 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    Trump's daughter seems to have married a very talented man who regardless of the inevitable charges of nepotism will do a fine job.  JFK named his brother Attorney General - nothing wrong or improper with that.

    If you don't see the problem is NOT his talent but the Nepotism coming from this nomination, you are a lost cause... 


    "JFK named his brother Attorney General - nothing wrong or improper with that."

    Oh! I have another comparison ofr you : Kim Dynasty in NK, I am sure you love it, don't you? So if I follow your rule : if a president already did something, the next one can do the same even if it is a clear problem for the institutions...That's why there is "again" in "Make the USA great again"

  17. 7 minutes ago, nottocus said:

    There are women out there that I hate. Does that make me a misogynist?


    There are blokes out there I hate too. Does that make me a misandrist?

    you re not the next POTUS, someone who should be the president of all the American, who should show some smart thinking, calm, trust...not that Trump has any of these but this is a difference between you and someone who is going to be POTUS...

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