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Posts posted by Thairealist

  1. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    As I said, the populace voted on what they were told.....Why some of you cannot understand that is baffling.....



     Cannot agree. In 1975 the people voted on what they were told, a pack of Lies. Come 2016, we voted to exit the E.U based on what we were told,PLUs what information people could obtain from obtaining our information from other sources, the internet etc., 

  2. 14 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    I thought that the extension was three months, unless the EU said different?  
    If Boris asks for one day, I am sure they would say - "Take as much time as you want, we are in no rush.  If you want one day, then we suggest you start negotiating quickly, as some of our guys take long lunches.  We will still be here in November or December or January.  You will be dead in a ditch, so you say."


    It's something to look forward to, before St Andrew's Day.


    The E.U will surely agree to a extension, at a cost of course £1 billion.

  3. 3 hours ago, kingdong said:

    One thing you got right,the end is nigh,how's Boris going to get a deal with both hands tied behind his back? Remained wanted a people's vote,Boris offered you a general election,you bottled it,well ,well done you,be succeeded where the Luftwaffe failed you,ve destroyed britain.



     Well I’ve been so impressed by the Oppositions negotiations techniques 

    that I decided to try them myself. So this morning I went into my bosses office and said “if you don’t give me a better contract I would’t resign”.

    After a moments silence- as she was no doubt stunned by my strong arm tactics-She just said “OK”. It was that simple, I could believe how quickly she caved into my demands.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

    I am a citizen of planet earth holding 3 legitimate passports. I'm from everywhere.


    Are you so ashamed as to give the names of those three countries.

    I’m not, I’m British.


    Well that’s not quite correct. As I am now very ashamed at my fellow countrymen who are prepared to go against the expressed wishes of the majority, and relegate our country to a British equivalent of Vichy France.

    • Like 2
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  5. 16 hours ago, tebee said:

    What might also preclude us from rejoining would be the state of the economy after we've trashed what left of out manufacturing capacity, the finance industry has moved en-masse to the rest of europe and the government has spent billions it hasn't got trying to support all those collapsing injuries.


    We could be the new Greece  


    What manufacturing capacity? Have you not noticed that over the last 30yrs much of it has already been transferred to Eastern Europe, much to the detriment of our own workers. And to add salt to the wound, we have been paying for this economic catastrophe through our charitable contributions to Brussels.

  6. 18 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    It's not my idea, but I have posted the most rational suggestion for that ballot before; but here it is again.


    Three options on the ballot paper.

    1. Leave with the negotiated deal.
    2. Leave with no deal.
    3. Remain.

    Each voter marks their first and second choices. If no option has 50% plus one of the first choices, then the option with the fewest first choices is eliminated and the second choices on those papers allocated to the chosen option to produce a winner.





     You seem to prefer another referendum, as opposed to a General Election.

    Can you then please confirm if it is true, that in a General election, you must be a British citizen, or a citizen of a British commonwealth country, or  bizarrely a citizen of the Irish republic.

    But in a British referendum, to determine the direction of OUR country! citizens of every E.U. Country who happen to be living in the U.K will also be allowed to vote. This of course would include those thousand of E.U. Citizens who take it upon themselves to demonstrate in OUR capital city.If this is correct, then it would seem to me to be fundamentally wrong, and will never be acceptable to the British people.



    • Like 1
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  7. 3 hours ago, tebee said:

    over three years ago now though. Roughly 1 million people die each year and one million are born. So 3 million of the people who voted are dead now and a different 3 million have turned 18 and can now vote. Six million different people. Let that sink in.


    Why should we still me bound by that vote ?


    Thats assuming that all those new voters, will in fact  vote to remain shackled to this so called union. Better for you to rely on the support of all those E.U citizens who obtain a British passport each and every year.






  8. 3 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    100 of thousands of young people are registering to vote and Labour/LibDems are running a huge campaign to get them. GAME ON. 



    Click to sort Under 25Click to sort 25 to 34Click to sort 35 to 44Click to sort 45 to 54Click to sort 55 to 64Click to sort 65 to 74Click to sort Over 75Click to sort
    7 Aug 2019 5,446 7,282 4,264 2,763 2,033 1,224 715
    8 Aug 2019 5,298 6,872 4,012 2,578 1,912 1,176 721
    9 Aug 2019 5,537 6,794 4,165 2,836 2,181 1,560 901
    10 Aug 2019 3,603 4,703 2,559 1,533 1,031 599 309
    11 Aug 2019 3,461 4,690 2,411 1,506 896 467 231
    12 Aug 2019 6,783 8,852 5,081 3,361 2,344 1,425 851
    13 Aug 2019 5,826 7,965 4,400 2,934 2,058 1,183 732
    14 Aug 2019 5,624 7,350 4,213 2,909 2,015 1,327 743
    15 Aug 2019 5,731 6,488 3,809 2,641 2,031 1,250 731
    16 Aug 2019 5,071 5,682 3,438 2,336 1,825 1,125 680
    17 Aug 2019 3,202 3,728 2,101 1,324 785 427 229
    18 Aug 2019 3,359 4,249 2,162 1,306 769 382 203
    19 Aug 2019 7,219 9,199 5,250 3,393 2,427 1,417 828
    20 Aug 2019 6,729 8,377 4,728 3,209 2,407 1,518 892
    21 Aug 2019 6,824 7,792 4,648 3,201 2,326 1,493 923
    22 Aug 2019 6,061 6,661 3,927 2,864 2,130 1,392 933
    23 Aug 2019 5,716 6,174 3,714 2,577 2,016 1,332 818
    24 Aug 2019 3,041 3,550 1,975 1,168 761 444 237
    25 Aug 2019 2,279 2,792 1,483 920 611 304 160
    26 Aug 2019 3,256 4,159 2,247 1,373 866 415 238
    27 Aug 2019 8,658 10,379 5,900 3,940 2,714 1,697 934
    28 Aug 2019 9,847 10,710 6,402 4,276 3,027 1,960 1,156
    29 Aug 2019 9,053 9,099 5,565 4,015 3,073 2,050 1,280
    30 Aug 2019 7,118 7,379 4,605 3,359 2,382 1,579 1,025
    31 Aug 2019 4,407 5,227 3,001 1,811 1,158 599 335
    1 Sep 2019 4,747 5,544 2,906 1,679 1,018 474 272
    2 Sep 2019 14,046 16,279 8,880 5,750 3,914 2,258 1,281
    3 Sep 2019 17,467 19,838 10,823 6,766 4,865 3,007 1,719
    4 Sep 2019 24,212 25,960 13,550 8,191 5,509 3,234 1,786
    5 Sep 2019 17,378 18,466 10,435 6,994 4,802 2,979 1,607


    If this is the case, why are Labour-and the other opposition parties afraid of a General Election?

    • Confused 1
  9. 4 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

    Normally, the Opposition oppose the Government, but, with a majority, such opposition supports debate but no more.  Unless your party is riddled with back-stabbing traitors who have no interest in supporting their party in government.  Corbyn could not stop Brexit.  the LDP could not stop Brexit, nor could the SNP.  But Boris and his mates did.  Good job, Boris.



    What I find amazing, is that you think the votes of 432 civil servants in the guise of M.P,s are more important than the votes of 17,400,000+ citizens of your own country.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Valid points but looking at it another way, if the Brexit campaigners delivered on what they pledged at the time then we would have been out of the EU by now with a stonking, easy deal.  Problem was they promised what was not possible to deliver and so here we are. 




     So why has it not been easy to implement the British electorates decision? could it be because the negotiations where under the control of Remainer T.May along with P.Hammond with Ollie Robbins giving instructions.

    • Sad 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Probably going to be speechless after today. Rumour has it that he's just fired Dominic Cummings.



     Link please,or is this another case on fake news.


    Meanwhile the P.M of the Irish republic, has now acknowledged that the backstop is after all not necessary.


    Bin the backstop THEN! Varadkar says checks can be carried out away from the border

    LEO VARADKAR last night cast fresh doubt on the controversial Northern Ireland backstop after he claimed Dublin and Brussels are working on implementing customs checks “near the border” in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

    • Like 1
  12. 31 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     A well thought out and presented post.


    But I do take issue with your final sentence.


    Boris was interviewed by the BBC whilst on his Leeds walkabout yesterday and he kept on saying that a General Election would let the people decide.


    But will it?


    Whilst people often make protest votes in local elections, by elections and European Parliament elections, when it comes to a General Election most voters remain loyal to their choden party; regardless. My own constituency is a prime example of ghise; we voted remain but have a Brexiteer MP. I can guarantee that despite this in any GE he will win; the Tories could put a donkey up here, and it would win! Most constituencies are the same; safe seats. So in a GE the fate of the country would, as it always has, rest on the marginals.


    In addition, there is also the probability that the Leave vote will be split between Leave candidates and the same for the Remain vote.


    However, I do actually agree with Boris on his general point; the people should decide. It's how we make that decision I don't agree with. The way to give us that choice is simple; a final, legally binding referendum.


    Correct, and I would like to add that in many constituencies in the north, you can put a red rosette on a donkey, and the tradition Labour supporters will vote for it. But that has now changed, with many traditional Labour voters starting to become aware of the fact that Labour is now a anti workers party. An example being Grimsby, a constituency that since the war has repeatedly returned a Labour M.P. To Parliament. Yet in the northern media yesterday, it was reported by a remain backing newspaper, that the vast majority of the voters are now seriously contemplating switching their vote to the Brexit party. Hopefully we will find out if our lords and masters finally allow the people to vote in a G.E.  Unfortunately I think not.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    I think we are all guilty of that.  TV has become the home of Brexit baiters from both camps at times.  It just highlights how bitter us Brits have become, attacking each other at every opportunity.


    I would take issue with one point though.  Leavers and remainers come in many different shades with different opinions of what would be best for the country now. I say now because some people will have changed their mind from how they voted in 2016.  Some who voted remain will now feel that leaving would be better and some who voted leave will feel it would be better to stay in. 


    Most of us have personal reasons for the way we voted and they were based on what was best for us and ours.  A general election will give an opportunity for people to make a better informed choice this time and with the benefit of hindsight, a rare thing these days. 

     Agree with much of what you say, although I have to point out, that if those who had lost the people’s dDemocratic vote in 2016, had accepted and respected the result, then perhaps we would not be in the mess we now find ourselves in. 

     Your suggestion to give the British people an opportunity to go forward, by means of a G.E. Is all very fine and well. And that is what Corbyn has been asking for and advocating for the last 3 yrs, including 0n 50 occasion this very year. But will he and the Labour Party stand behind their demand, or will they chicken out.

    • Like 1
  14. 8 hours ago, robblok said:

    Brilliant cartoon shows exactly how delusional Boris is. We all know what side will hurt the most and it is not the EU. However Boris seems to think otherwise. I wonder if he is really that stupid or just political show because he has too. Can't be sure. 


     Thank you for your opinion as a non Brit, who just happens to be a citizen of the E.U.

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