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Dr Rodrigues Pereira

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Posts posted by Dr Rodrigues Pereira

  1. I have been visiting Thailand for nearly 40 years , sometimes 2 and 3 times each year. 

    I always rent cars  - even in BKK - and have criss-crossed the country from North to South dozens of times. 

    I saw many accidents happening,  but fortunately never got into one. 

    I know that people tend to drive like crazy, so all I do is what is called "defensive driving" . 

    Um other words,  always expect the unexpected.  Always drive with an eye on the road and an eye on the mirror. 

    Regarding the article and under the pandemic circumstances,  I would say the lady doesn't have a clue about the things she is talking about  ...

  2. From a clinical point of view, this is utter nonsense. People that have had a vaccine for one month (one shot or the second shot of the doubled ones) should be free to travel without any quarentine.  Full stop.

    The other utter clinical nonsense are the "variants from Africa" . From where ??? If you said the Republic of South Africa, I certainly would agree. But Africa as a whole ? Better worry with the UK variant or the Brasilian one.

    Do these guys have medical counsellors ???

  3. 23 hours ago, torturedsole said:

    There's no comparison between the cost of a flight ticket and hiring a taxi (you might have noticed that your average taxi doesn't have 150 seats in the back).  


    For arguments sake, 700 baht is currently about GBP 17.50, which isn't bad considering it's at least a 45 minute journey as long as hypersonic speeds aren't involved and you obviously got to Patong Beach alive, which is also a bonus.  

    Whenever you've got nothing to say, why don't you just shut up ?! That's real poetry !!!


  4. Of course you cannot diagnose a fever before the treveller  ( read putative  patient) develops one ! This said, it is  absolutely ridiculous to imply that arriving airport scanns are useless! They can - and will - at least get you into a hospital, where you will be diagnosed for the said  virus.  

    With that kind of attitude, I would personally charge you double the fee for your authopsy, no matter the result would come out as WCV or simple stuppidity ! 

    Kind regards 

    Dr Rodrigues Pereira 

    Prof. Pathology




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  5. There are some types of brain cancers that can and will develop in just a few days.  Glioblastome is one of them. This said, it is ridiculous to think that, had the gentleman known about his condition, he would certainly not have crossed the world for a couple of weeks vacation!!! It is extraordinary what Insurance Companies try to find out as excuses not to pay !!!

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  6. I Travel for holidays to SEA for 2 months or more every year and tend to rent a car at Swampy to travel around the country.  This year, though, due to the price of the Bath, I'll stick to only 5 days in BKK and than proceed to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  I normally stay at luxury hotels and they will cost me 40% less in those countries as they will in the Kingdom.  And I am certainly not the only European to do so !

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