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bangkok 2016

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Posts posted by bangkok 2016

  1. Thanks for the clarification to my questions Ubonjoe. So that I am not misunderstanding your final point that we can get 2 years out the current visa. Hypothetically if we entered Thailand on 05/10/20 we would be entering on the current visa and we not require a Health Insurance as this visa issued pre 31st October 2019 and would still be stamped in for 1 year again to October 2021 is this correct. Would we then need to buy a Re-entry permit if we visited a neighbouring country to keep that 1 year permission active and if so is it best to get the permit from immigration or the Airport.

    Sorry to ask so many questions but I am finding these rules quite confusing. Thanking you in advance for any information.

    Kind Regards.   

  2. Good Morning All,
                                    Our brief background/history. My wife and I, both 60 years old have been coming to Thailand for the last 10 years and stay 5 months ( Mid October to Mid March) maximum, so my wife can escape the winters back in UK as she suffers quite badly from Arthritis . Initially we got by on Tourist visa and the last 3 years we came on METV which served our purpose but last year an IO did question me a lot in regards to whether I was working here or not. After seeing the physical Arthritic condition on my wife's hands he let us in and on that basis we opted to apply for an O-A visa this year but still only wanting to spend 5 months here with the freedom to visit other surrounding countries. 
                                    We have been granted an O-A visa on 11/10/19 and valid until 10/10/20, entered Thailand on 23/10 /19 and stamped in for 1 year. We were hoping to get 2 years out of it by Re-entering Thailand before 10/10/20 but considering the present climate this may not be possible. So these are the questions I am hoping to get some advice or answers to.
    1) We were initially going to go to one of the neighbouring countries for a short break before the 90 day report and thus avoiding the Immigration altogether and the TM30 issue but I guess this is not a good idea as we will need Health Insurance on Re-entry is this correct?.
    2) If we do our 1st 90 day report in Bangkok my understanding from other members is that it has to be  done in person the first time and can't be done online or a mobile app. My landlord has done a TM30  and gave us a screenshot of the confirmation which shows our names,passport numbers,TM6       number, condo address and the arrival date. Apart from filling the TM47 do we need to take anything else with us?.
                                    Also on a final note I guess there is no point in thinking about our Re-entry before 10/10/20 may as well see how all this Health Insurance saga plays out. I suppose the worst case scenario to spend five months and have the freedom of travelling to other countries is to go for an O visa plus a couple of Tourist Visa Exemption or revert back to METV  but we would be concerned if could not get back in on Tourist Visa  as my wife's injections for her condition would be in the fridge in the condo amongst other things.I would appreciate if anyone has other any suggestions.
                                    Thanking everyone in advance.
              Kind Regards. 
  3. Thanks for the input Berybert. We are renting a condo and the landlord has confirmed that she has done the TM30 and sent a screenshot which shows our names, passport number, address of the condo and date of arrival. I assume that would be sufficient if asked for a TM30. 

     My 90 day report is not due until early January 2020 and our original plan was to go to a neighbouring country but with current issue with the Health Insurance, we thought that doing a 90 day report will be easier as our Visa is a OA pre 31st October. 

     Once again many thanks but if you feel that we need anything else or other advice please let me know. 

    Kind Regards. 

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  4. Good Evening All,

                                     Could anyone please let me know what documents I would I require to take with me when I go to CW Bangkok to do a 1st time 90 day report. My wife and I would really appreciate your help in this matter. Is registering and reporting on line easy? bearing in mind that neither my wife or myself are very I.T. minded. Also if I was going to down load the App would it need to be a mobile with a Thai number or can it be done from my U.K. mobile phone.

                                     Thanking you in advance.


                                     Kind Regards.

  5. Thank you all for your Input. Yesterday I had an appointment with the consultant that was recommended by Sheryl and after a physical examination he suggested to have an X-Ray of the chest and neck area to determine what may be the cause of the tingling issue. After the viewing of the X-Rays it was determined it is more likely to be carpal tunnel syndrome and he has prescribed a high dosage of Vitamin B (100 times more stronger than normal ) and some cream to rub on the wrist area and a follow up appointment in 4 weeks time. Depending on how the medication works he may suggest other form of treatment. Once again many thanks to all for their input and to you Sheryl for your recommendation. 

  6. Thank you for your input Sheryl and suggestion for the medical consultant to see. The tingling is in the index,middle and the ring finger on my right hand. My natural sleeping position is with my right hand under the pillow beneath my head and maybe that is not helping the issue. Anyway I will make an appointment with the consultant next week. Once again many thanks for the advice. 

  7. Can anyone give me advice. I have a tingling sensation in my 3 fingers on my right hand and in the morning it is particular worse. Does anyone know what this might be or what department in the hospital I should go to get the symptoms investigated. Also can anyone recommend a hospital and a consultant in Bangkok. Maybe Sheryl would like to make a suggestion. Thanking everyone in advance.    

  8. Thank you for that valuable information Ubonjoe.As I am renting a condo from a friend will aTM30 form needed to be filled out before The application of the 30 day extension? If my freind is not prepared to do this then can I do it myself and what document would I require from him to this. I assume the TM30 is done at same immigration office and can it be done same day or is just easier to stay in a hotel for a couple of days while I do the extension. Apologies for so many questions.Once again many Thanks in advance.

  9. HI Everyone,

    This is my first post and my English is not very good so please be gentle with me,also apologies if this has been answered/covered before. My current situation is that  my 1st entry into thailand was on 19/10/17 and expires on 17/12/17 so my questions are as follows:-

    1) Can I get a 30 extension on METV Visa at imigration office ?

    2) If I can, then which imigration office do I need to go to in Bangkok and what paperwork/documents do I require ?

    3) How early can I apply for the extension ?

    Thanking Everyone in advance.


  10. HI Everyone,

    This is my first post and my English is not very good so please be gentle with me,also apologies if this has been answered/covered before. My current situation is that  my 1st entry into thailand was on 19/10/17 and expires on 17/12/17 so my questions are as follows:-

    1) Can I get a 30 extension on METV Visa at imigration office ?

    2) If I can, then which imigration office do I need to go to in Bangkok and what paperwork/documents do I require ?

    3) How early can I apply for the extension ?

    Thanking Everyone in advance.


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