Hi new here. Need advice, I've been living in Thailand since 2012, married to a Thai lady since 2013. I am now eligible for the Australian pension in April 2023. I returned to Australia in December 2022 to prepare to apply for the pension. Did everything right , came by to Australia expecting to stay here for 2 years. Any way I have just been rejected by service Australia and the reason being that I have not been a permanent resident in Australia for a long time. Now I had lived and worked in Australia for over 30 years before I went to Thailand. They say that the 2 year rules don't apply in this case. I will get the rejection reviewed, but is there anybody out there that has had the same result as me. Service Australia said if I remain in Australia Ivan get the pension, they actually tried to have my wife come over here to live. She is still working and has close family ties there. So can someone help me with the dilemma