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Jimbo in Thailand

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  1. LOL yes I'm a l-o-n-g time O-A expat with re-entry permit (of course), but we're talking about TAT's creative accounting system here! ????????
  2. Hmmm... I flew back to Swampy on Jan 5th after a 3 month return to the US (including a Holiday visit to Europe) so I'm guessing I'm counted as one of TAT's "tourists".
  3. Will losing points increase motor vehicle insurance rates? Hmmm since so many drivers don't have insurance... or drivers licenses... I guess it's a moot point.
  4. Me too! I've been bitten 3 times here in Isaan, and I'm a freakin' dog lover and owner! Ironically, it wasn't stray/feral dogs. In both cases it was neighborhood dogs that the Thai owners let run loose. In fact, one night I got bit twice by my next door neighbor's 2 dogs as I was returning home and passed their house on my motorbike. The first dog got a nip so the 2nd one decided to bite me as well. Luckily I didn't need stitches but off to the hospital I went for rabies shots. Of course, the Thai neighbor had to pay the bill. The next time I was riding my bicycle and a neighborhood dog gave me a nip as I rode by him. This particular dog was never friendly and I believe was beat on by its owner. In both cases I had passed by those houses a gazillion times with no problem. OTOH during the past 16 years I've explored nearly every small village in the area either on foot, bicycle, or motorbike and have never been bitten. Yeah, I've been chased quite a few times, but always slow down, face them, and speak softly, and never had a problem. Yep, Thai dogs are extremely territorial and many are beat by their owners so they are afraid of strangers. My experience (other than my neighbors' dogs) has been to just be nice to them and the next time I pass by there's no problem. Most dogs are like elephants, they never forget. If you're nice they'll remember it and 99.99% of the mutts won't bother you again. But if you're mean they'll never forget that and will try to chase and/or bite every time. Sadly, I've got a walkabout buddy who hates dogs and hasn't learned that lesson yet. Oh well.
  5. LOL doesn't the German protester know he's living on borrowed time if he continues? Doesn't he know that Prawit's goons are watching him? The German should wash his hands of such folly before he gets stuck in a different timezone! ????????????
  6. I just wonder where the Thai government is hiding this Mount Everest sized pile of old paper copies that we 'fuh-langs' have all been contributing to for years and years and years... and years? Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. From the video it sounds like some were shouting "YEENG" (ยิง), which means shoot in Thai.
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