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Posts posted by SiamBeast

  1. 1 minute ago, Dan5 said:

    If there is no profit in mining bit coins, why do people do it? I read an article recently about the absolutely huge amount of electricity used by all the people minting them and I wondered how profitable it was.


    There is some money to be made IF:


    1) You own (or lease) a datacenter with over 10,000 dedicated machine

    2) You live in a place where electricity is dirt cheap (or steal electricity)


    Some early adopters made money with mining, but nowadays, the difficulty and hashrate are so high that only the huge players make money - the days where someone could make money with their own computer mining are over.

  2. Pretty loyal, I have a Thai wife, kids on the way, properties, vehicles, can speak Thai (level 6) and write (level 5).


    Considering that the Western world lost its culture and is about to become one huge islamic republic, we see Thailand as a safe haven to retire and be in a place that beleives in family values - and that suits me just well.

  3. I think the OP made a shltpost but I think this goes both ways. And my below advice applies to both Thais and foreigners.


    First, whether you're a man or woman, it is your responsibility to perform due diligence on your partner before accepting to be in a relationship with them. Let me give you an example. One of my wife's friends had a child with a Thai man, and she got dumped while she was still pregnant. I inquired to my friend who works in a government position, and we found that this man had 3 children with 3 different women. I asked my wife's friend if she knew, and she said that she never asked him since she "assumed" that he was a good man. It was her responsibility to perform her checks, and the consequence is a lifetime of celibacy (well, in some way, it's not that bad, but you can't have a family). There are many ways to do that without being a freak.


    Then, it is both persons' duties to maintain the relationship properly, and for that, you have to set boundaries right at the start and be strict and firm about them. For example: In my first relationship with a Thai, I failed to set my boundaries. It was my fault, and I learnt a lesson from that. I let her use my phone often since I had "nothing to hide" and she often used my phone for her apps that wouldn't work on her old phone. Fast forward a few months, I started to do business and wanted to keep my phone private. It was very hard to remove this privilege without arising suspicion. We kept fighting about this everyday until I had to simply stop answering her when she brought the topic. The relationship ended shortly after. Now with my wife - I set strict boundaries:

    1) She is not allowed to use my phone or to request the passcode. Makes it easy for the mia nois.

    2) She is not allowed to be angry at me, complain, or pout for any reason. It avoids unnecessary arguments.

    3) Sometimes I need time with the boys to play pool, drink beer, and do activities, and I want no objection ever.

    At first she tried to push the boundaries, but I stayed firm all the time. I never folded. After a while she realized that it was futile and we never argued about it anymore. We're now living a happy life since 2 years with a child on the way and never looked back. I also respect her boundaries and we're fine with it.


    And finally, it's all about knowing what you want out of this girl. There are many types of girls for many purposes. For example, I will never "game" a virgin if I do not intent on wifing her up - ethics prohibit me from doing that. It's about knowing "what is what". For example:

    If I want a short-term mini-relationship with easy sex and practically no obstacles (the lazy way), I'll pick a single mother.

    If I want a mini-relationship not leading to marriage but rather as a side girl or simply as a "friend with benefits", I'll pick a girl who had 2-3 boyfriends.

    If I want a wife and someone to start a family with, then obviously, virginity is required.


    Now to the topics, "are Thais or farangs better", you should refer to the 3rd paragraph - figuring out what you want. Unfortunately, most Western girls are not marriage material due to strong child support laws, divorce-rape laws, alimony, and brainwashing under name of "equality" - a relationship with a farang girl is statistically likely to fail. First, there are almost no virgins there, so you have to wife-up a girl who won't bond as strongly since you're not her first (and won't be her last). You'll have to be constantly at the top of your game to keep her around and avoid a costly divorce. Therefore, I'd say that Western girls can be fun for mini-relationships or "friends with benefits", as they're usually academically smarter than their Thai counterparts, but not for marriage.


    On the contrast, Thai girls might be "dumber" on the academic side, but they do one thing and do it well: being a mother. Abundance of young virgins, family values, Buddhism, etc. make an ideal mix for starting a family, and the probabilities are on your side. My wife's family is complete, no divorcees, and she intends to start a family this way.


    Now regarding men... Thai men are usually considered "lower boyfriend material" than us, unless they come from a hi-so family. The average working class Thai man only things about mia nois, smoking, and beer, and most girls don't like that and will think of foreigners (with proofs of ties to Thailand (no pun intended)) as better husbands. However, we stand no chance against high-class Thai men who are business owners, with pale skin, and good manners. Those Thai men are the pinnacle of what gils are looking for.


  4. I recently sent a package from Phuket to Bangkok, and wrote the address in English. I used Thailand Post EMS. The package contains extremely important original documents that I cannot afford to lose (but no monetary value). In fact, the contents of the package would be of no use to someone who's not the recipient, so no incentive in stealing.


    The package is going to 10110 Watthana but the tracking shows "delivered" to Phra Khanong today at 11:30, with the name of someone that I do not recognize. The receiver said that no package arrived.


    In the morning I will call Thailand Post regarding this, but I'd like to know, what can I expect, and what should I prepare in order to "motivate" them to resolve the problem?

  5. Look at this from Thailand's point of view:


    1) Many visa-exempt entries

    2) A whole year of tourist visas, with more visa-exempt entries

    3) No onward flight, no financial proof

    4) You mentioned "finding a job", which means that you are unemployed, or not running an online business


    Based on all the above, you are not a tourist, but tried to enter the country as a tourist.


    I'd suggest that you lay low for a while - work in the US, pile up some money, and in a year, try requesting a tourist visa from your local consulate and come again. Once you're here, you'll be able to switch to a ED, marriage, or any other non-O visa to allow your long term stay.


    Back in the old days, people could just fly in and get 15 visa exempt stamps in a row, but there were several reforms over the past years to stop this - mainly for tourists who were working here illegally, and also in an effort to preserve the country's culture and avoid having an unnecessarly high number of foreigners here.


    So my suggestion, lay low for a year - after that, get a tourist visa. Upon expiration, enroll in a class to get a ED visa, and study something (Thai, muay thai, etc.) for a few months while you look for a Thai gf. If she has no previous boyfriend, then you might want to consider marriage, which will get you a non-O marraige visa and remove most obstacles. That's what most guys are doing. If you don't want a Thai gf, then you might want to start a business here and get a biz visa. If you're just lazy like I am, there's the Thailand Elite option which grants you hassle-free access for 5 years for 500,000 baht.

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  6. 2 hours ago, howard ashoul said:

    What do you mean? Sending money from Kasikorn abroad? Never tried it.


    But no problem with sending mone from abroad to Kasikorn.


    Receiving money is fine, but sending money isn't supported.


    What happens is, you go to the bank, they give you an international transfer form, you will it, they remove the money from your account and give you a receipt. A few days later, the funds just come back in your account, and when you inquire, they claim that compliance didn't accept the transfer. I tried around 10 times from both my account and my wife's, with various amounts to various destinations, and we never had a single transfer go through.

  7. From my experience:


    Bangkok Bank: Easy to open, hard to get a credit card, good product overall, no problem wiring funds overseas IF funds come from abroad.


    SCB: Hard to open, easy to get a credit card, excellent product, no problem at all wiring funds overseas.


    Krungsri: Easy to open, easy to get a credit card, BAD product:

    1) For every incoming international transfer, someone has to call you and ask you questions.

    2) International transfers over USD 2,000 are not permitted at all.

    I ended up closing my account after they refused to process a transfer.


    Kasikorn: Easy to open, easy to get a credit card, HORRIBLE product:

    1) They called me twice in a month to ask questions about my spending habits

    2) International transfers are not permitted at all.

    3) Buggy system with service often not available

    4) Credit card won't work in casinos abroad

    They refused to close my account because I had insurance with them - had to get the lawyer involved to get my money back and pull my stuff out of this nightmare.


    Krungthai: Never been a customer, but I go on a regular basis to pay my speeding fines and the service seems good.


    If you have a tourist visa, forget about getting an account, unless you're ready to spend a week branch hopping in hope for someone to accept you after breaking their balls. If you have a non-O visa, you might want to go for BKK or SCB.

  8. Classic scenario of:


    Boss: "Build a road right here."

    Employee: "Ok, where are the tools and the materials?"

    Boss: "Your problem"

    So they hire Somchai to plan the whole thing and it always ends up being a disaster.

  9. Just now, bangkokairportlink said:


    True that the single Moms are easy, and many still look good ! Why being clear ? They have been cheated already by the loser with whom they had a kid, so I do not feel the need to be any more honest to them !





    I was trying to be nice, but that approach is also valid.

  10. We don't need sex tourists here. If you're on a 3-month holiday, you can enjoy some great time on the islands, eating local food and discovering the country. If you're looking for casual encounters with sex, you'll have more chance with massage girls / bar girls, if you have the money for it. No decent girl with a low N-count will want a tourist - however, if you absolutely want something more than a bar girl, you can use Tinder and pick some single mothers, after all they're already damaged so you won't cause any harm by having fun with them - as long as you make your intentions clear.

  11. Dear newbie, how would you like it if someone came to your home country as a tourist and had the power to tell you what to do and how to act?


    Of course it's only for Thais - and even if you get naturalized and get citizenship, Thais won't react too kindly to a white guy policing them.

  12. 11 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

    We live in the 21st century not the 20th. The concept of the perfect family has been dead for a long time. The place you are looki g/hoping for does not exist exept in peoples minds..


    That's precisely the mindset that I'd try to eliminate, by shaming and putting a lot of legal restrictions in the way of "alternative" lifestyles, and promote the "nuclear family" as the sole and only acceptable form of cohabitation.

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