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Posts posted by Flustered


    5 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    The thing is NI doesn't contribute to anybodies pensions it's just a tax. It has been for years and successive governments have been looking for ways to combine the taxes without frightening the population so they've all backed off. Same as car tax doesn't pay for the roads infrastructure.

    N.I contributions can only be spent on pensions and parts of the NHS. The various governments get round this by paying any surplus into an imaginary "fund" by buying gilts. In other words, they borrow the money for other purposes.


    I know it is all creative accounting but they try to hide this fact.


  2. 6 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Again wrong. It seems to be difficult following my comments: I will explain to you a last time: In case you get pension. You paid for that pension when you were young? Not you,  because you did not contribute anything but the former generation. And the young now will secure your pension in case they will get into work and are willing to. If not, your pension will be shortened.

    Got it now?

    Then we can go back to the French Minister

    In case you did not understand pls don't bother me but ask someone with wisdom

    I will not bother you as you are beyond help. You simply do not have a clue how Government finances work.


    Although there is notionally a separate fund for pensions paid for out of N.I contributions, there are years where the "fund" is insufficient to pay the pension bill and then this "fund" is topped up by money from general taxation. In the good years surplus money is invested in Gilts ( the Government actually borrowing the money for other uses),. So, and we come to the nub of it, While I have been paying N.I contributions all of my working life, some of my contributions have gone into these Gilts so that my pension is part paid for by myself and others of my age group as well as tax that we pay when the N.I contributions are insufficient.


    Bottom line is that when there is not enough money in the pot, the Government use money from the general funds of the Exchequer.


    In 2016/7 it is estimated that some  £125 billion was collected from N.I, and some £91.6 billion spent on pensions. As parts of the NHS are funded direct from N.I contributions this means that money has to be paid from the "fund" to top up the pension payments, money that I and others have paid in.


    The crisis that we are heading towards is that with a growing population, there are more and more pensioners and not enough N.I money collected to pay them so money is drawn from the "fund".


    The vicious circle is that if we allow more immigration, then there will be more pensioners down the line and even more immigration required to provide workers for new jobs that do not yet exist to pay for the pensions.


    I know it is a hard subject to follow but please try.


    You may want to read this document.





  3. Just now, sawadee1947 said:

    wow, sounds very selfish unfortunately. And for the records.......it is the young generation who will pay for your pension. Not the other way round.

    Wrong yet again.


    Every tax payer is paying for my State pension, old, middle aged and young. As there are more old and middle aged people. the young are in the minority.


    I paid for my private pensions.


    At least get your facts right.

  4. 6 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

     London is a dynamic city and areas have always changed. That is why young, intelligent, educated individuals move to London. The grumpy old gits stay in their Northern redoubts.

    Almost right but not quite.


    London is a dirty polluted city with some of the worst air pollution figures in Europe. It's population is made up mainly of recent immigrants (last 5 decades or so). It also has some of the  highest benefit claimants (percentage wise ) in the country.


    The only reason that London remains the capital of the UK is because it would be too expensive to move it elsewhere and who would want all those free loading, snout in the trough MPs on their doorstep.


    Average speed of traffic in London is 7.8 MPH expected to drop even further. London, a place for the down and out.


    London SW? keep it, you are welcome to it.






    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Britain will pay a high price for the stupid ideas of some outdated elderly, who lost their way to the nursing home. The young unfortunately will pay because the elderly and old won't be alive.

    Why should you care. you live in Chiang Mai.


    And for the record, it is the elderly that have paid all of the money into the British economy while the young have contributed ZERO.. All they want is the free life that Jeremy Corbyn has promised but now reneged on.


    I am perfectly happy to let the young have their way as they have to pay for it in the long run just as we are reaping the benefits of our "outdated and stupid ideas".


    Now who is outdated and stupid? Certainly not the pensioners who realised that frugality and planning is better than borrowing and spending and are now enjoying a good life.

  6. On 2017-7-18 at 5:49 PM, mommysboy said:

    Hmm!  I wonder what the average BP reading is when we do combat on TV?:smile:



    A damn site lower than when I walk into the kitchen and find my wife, my daughter and my niece all holding different conversations with each other. Then go out into the garden to be assaulted by the chickens or the female rabbit that hides under our workshop and has just had a huge litter (probably also all females).


    It's females that drive up blood pressure, not TVF.

  7. 3 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

    OK, I think we've made our point, that Chiang Rai Immigration is a great place most of the time.

    Abusing the OP further doesn't achieve much.

    I agree.


    And in fairness to the OP, only last year he was singing the praises for Chiang Rai immigration.


    He has been having trouble recruiting Myanmar workers for his chicken and turkey ranch so is probably under a bit of strain.

  8. 53 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

    The thing that confuses me is the definition of poverty. 

    Sometimes you amaze me with pearls of wisdom.


    Today peoples expectations have raised the definition of poverty to what would almost be considered luxury back in the 50s. As it is in life, everything is relative.


    As a children growing up after the war, we were used to rationing of food, make do and mend on clothes, all sitting round a coal fire in the winter, the water pipes regularly bursting during freezing weather but we were considered well off. True poverty was all too evident in the other children that had free school meals, lice in their hair and clothes that were falling apart.


    No one expects top go back to these levels, but when the depression comes and it will, you will see food crises, fuel crisis and mass unemployment simply because we cannot sustain the growing population. People will not accept reductions in living standards and when leaders like Jeremy Corbyn offer free this and free that there is a price down the line to pay.


    Prophet of Doom? No simple logic that states that there is a finite amount of food you can grow and unless you build massive tower blocks a finite amount of land to build upon. Public debt and services will suck money out of the economy leading to runs on banks and a collapse of the monetary system. It has already happened on a small scale but for those of you who will still be alive in 30 or 40 years time, I would start planning now


    Come back in 10 years time and tell me I am wrong when the Chinese banking system collapses due to massive debts which have been caused by the building of houses and flats that the average person cannot afford. These debts are hidden in the books in the same way that America and other countries hid their toxic stock, showing the unsold houses and debt  as assets at full cost.


    The crash of 2007/8 will seem like a boom time compared with what's down the road.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

    Behind bad politics one usually finds the adoption of some outmoded economic theory. eg Malthus, Henry George etc.

    Although Henry George had many views including those on poverty, I did not realise he had views in increasing populations and the debt they create and the obtaining of money to finance this debt. However, I bow to your professed greater intellectual knowledge.

  10. 45 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    Not more people but more young people, we oldies have to make way but that will occur naturally, I hope. After that one should have a vibrant self sustaining society that has learnt its lessons, maybe that's too much to ask.

    Think it through. The population is growing as more people are being born than die so after we are gone there will be even more people. Then they will want more people to fuel the economy. Advances in medicine will allow people to grow even older in the years to come. In 2016 in the UK which is not known for its high birth rate, the average was 1.81 children per female. In other continents such as Africa it is over 3 per female.It is simply unsustainable.


    It is a vicious (OK SW?) circle that has to be broken.

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