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Posts posted by Brightly

  1. I’m thinking Tesco or Big C as well, but *maybe* CM Plastic will have something along these lines.


    I can’t specifically remember seeing them there, but the place is so eclectic that you might just luck out.


    It might be worth calling ahead before you go, ‘cause parking is a nightmare .


    Oh,  one other thought: Kamtien (sp?) Market might be worth a browse.  All the pet fish supplies there...maybe it will yield you a pool.


    Good luck!

  2. Sweetly Keto has two locations, and has freshly baked pastries, bread, cookies and the like, in addition to its restaurant.


    They are expensive, but they may have what you’re looking for.


    Also in terms of keto restaurants, there is 92 Ratchadamnoen in the Old City.  They have a designated keto menu along with regular offerings.  I especially like their cauliflower “rice.”


    Both of these restaurants deliver via FoodPanda.


    And  just about any restaurant that serves breakfast-type offerings can be a keto option, as can burger, kebab and steak places... but I’m sure you already knew that (!)

    • Thanks 1
  3. I vote for this being a “brushing scam,” as mentioned by a previous poster.


    Potentially, now the vendor can mark you as a “verified customer” and boost their positive ratings.


    As they say in the States, I bet you “a dollar to a donut” this is exactly what this grift is.

  4. elektrified,


    Thanks for the grim final word on this.  I didn’t know.


    After a overlong, fruitless DHL search for my ballot packet, they finally declared it lost.  


    As I’m unable to cast an emergency backup vote in my state (no FAX or emails allowed - only mailed from TH ballots), I  took it to the Consulate per my party representative’s recommendation.


    The fact that they were still accepting ballots left me to believe that  my last-ditch effort might still work... I wasn’t aware of the Oct. 1 deadline.


    Now I have to accept the fact that sending my vote by courier more than a month early was fruitless.


    Boy, this hurts!


    But now I know.  Thanks.





  5. Hi all,


    Does anyone know how often, or on what schedule the US Consulate sends home its diplomatic pouches ?


    I had the misfortune of having DHL lose my election ballot in transit.  I consequently defaulted to dropping my new ballot at the Consulate ~10 days ago. However, state tracking on my ballot shows it’s not been received yet.

    Yes, it could be the USPS, but it could also be the slow-ish actions of our Consulate.  (And no, I have not contacted them - yet).


    I’m getting antsy...

    Anyone with some info on this, please reply!


    Thanks so much.

  6. rebo,


    I read your post in reverse order from RichCor’s, so am late in thanking your for the *original* super tip on the woodworking factories.  Thank you.


    If this pans out, I might be buying two lunches(!)


    And I love the idea, as RichCor suggested, of getting lost while “walking” in Ban Thawai. However, as a wheelchair user that involves all the expected challenges...


    BUT I am hale and hearty and have capable friends to help, and in the words of the immortal Chet Baker, I embrace the sentiment of “Let’s get lost.”

    For any of you still mulling over additional suggestions, my ideal double doors would be attached to an edifice and open INWARDS.

    I’m planning a video tight shot with the camera then panning back to reveal the doors opening.


    I’m enjoying and appreciating all the feedback I’m receiving! 

    Especially as I am in a w/c, it’s harder for me to just to head out on random searches.  Assisting me home in on my target helps more than you might realize.


    Thanks to everyone who’s written so far!







    • Thanks 2
  7. RichCor,


    I think you might just be onto something with the woodworking factories!


    I will let you know!


    The only drawback might be framing the right doors correctly, as they are likely tightly spaced together; what’s more, the doors must be filmed whilst opening.


    But this is the BEST lead I’ve gotten thus far!


    And I haven’t forgotten about lunch (!)




    (And I’m still open to suggestions!)

  8. Boycie,


    Good idea to set our comrades on a scavenger hunt for the elusive doorway!


    But taking second look at my fancied Google image, it lacks a certain symmetry I need.  So my quest continues.


    But beyond the search for the perfect door....


    We’re all ultimately here on TV to unselfishly support, uplift, inspire and inform our fellow expats, yes?


    Nah, you’re right: It’s the free lunches...

    That and our daily doses of snipe and snark...!

    (Not including you, Boycie, or anyone on this thread - yet!  

    You’ve each been lovely).


    So, still lookin’ for that door...


    Let the games begin!






    • Like 1
  9. RichCor,


    I did indeed do the Google image search last night, and there was one photo that truly caught my eye...


    But there was no location info to be had.  Boo!

    But thank you for your input, R.C.. Much appreciated.


    I know my perfect doors exist in more than one location, so “townies:” please keep your eyes peeled!


    Lunch is on me for the winning entry!

  10. Hello all,


    I’m looking to shoot a short video intro that features a backdrop of massive, carved/gilded/bejeweled or otherwise stunning double doors.  The perfect doors will reflect classic Thai or Lanna architecture, and do not need to be ancient.  In fact, I’m shying away from temples and sacred sites, and instead envisioning something adorning a local hotel, resort or public space.


    Old or new, I’m looking for a rich, opulent, probably colorful entrance..


    Can anyone recall seeing the “perfect Chiang Mai doors “ around town?

    If so, please share!


    Bonus points for pics if you have them!


    Thanks to everyone in advance.  I appreciate your eagle eyes.


  11. Maybe this isn’t the worst pandemic ever, but that doesn’t make it negligible.


    A little piece of cloth, worn by everyone (remember, unless we’re all wearing N 95s for our personal safety) are for one another.


    A little piece of cloth can’t hurt, and may well help.


    It seems like a simple undertaking to me.


    Eating out now is problematic.  Open-air dining with ample social distancing are the only solutions I see.


    But drinking while out?


    This little baby may not be perfect, but it’s got to be considerably better than nothing!








  12. Trujillo,


    Although Thailand is doing extremely well with COVID, we are not virus-free.


    There was a COVID death reported here today, and although that may be statistically insignificant compared to our global neighbors, there are reasons we’ve been spared overall.


    One of the many exceptional choices our host country has made is mandating/encouraging the use of masks.  In my mind, I has been vital, although perhaps more early on.


     However, Thais were already inured to mask-wearing well before the pandemic.  As they are more socially (versus individually) oriented, I feel mask wearing should be enforced, and we should continue with it (and that includes us farangs).


    If mask compliance continues under the auspice of “It can’t hurt, and may well help,” truly, who is hurt by this?  Those who feel inconvenienced?  Others who feel their freedom is being mitigated?


    it’s a small piece of cloth that may save lives.  I say we all should do it, especially in crowded venues (which are only relatively safe already due to our outstanding stats).


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  13. Justgrazing,


    Lordy, Lordy!


    You DO know that Captain Cheeto said he felt *just* like the Lone Ranger the first time he donned (pardon the pun) his face mask?


    I guess that puts me in good company...or it just puts me in some sort of company (!)


    Anyway cheers and “Hi ho Silver!”



    • Haha 1
  14. Which is worse, being unemployed or dead?


    One can argue they are practically inseparable if in the long-term the economy is unable to bounce back.


    Maybe I’m naive, but I think it’s better to be unemployed than dead.


    I vote for the borders being essentially sealed as long as possible.  There needs to be food and money handouts, however.


    There’s money in the (royal) coffers if Thailand decides to choose that option.

    Just my unsolicited opinion.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  15. Let’s be honest - of COURSE Thailand’s C-19 cases are underreported!  Our population is under-tested, for starters.  And there have also been more deaths due to “pneumonia/respiratory infection” than last year - a lot more.

    On the other hand, the hospitals are not bursting at the seams.  We’d all know if that were the case.


    So we’re doing some things right, and faring comparatively so much better than the States, not to put too fine of a point on it...


    And now for a non-sequitur:


    I’ve always puzzled over reporting of “local” vs “outsider” COVID cases.  

    A positive COVID case is a positive case, irrespective of where it came from, right?


    COVID doesn’t care who brought it into the country.  If it’s here now- in my mind that makes it “local,” or  put differently, irrelevant in terms of reporting.


    I’m not talking about the absolute necessities of border restrictions, testing/quarantining of inbound people or contact tracing.  In my mind,  this is a separate deal.


    Of course I support our border restrictions!  It’s absolutely the most important measure the government can make, to be sure.  And we certainly do need to do contact tracing to quash cluster outbreaks. And quarantine for inbound folks...all good and necessary stuff.

    But I think more in terms of TOTAL COVID CASES - not “local” vs “outsider” cases...


    Am I just thinking about this wrong?  Am I missing something?  Stressing over semantics?


    I can’t imagine I’m the only one who’s stymied by this two-tier reporting - here and elsewhere.

    Can anyone give me a better way to look at this, or (gasp!) do I actually make a valid point?

  16. As other posters have stated, it all comes down to $$$.


    Retirees primarily live here on the cheap (or cheep-ish), and many remain uninsured, and end up dying on Thailand’s dime.


    What country wants that when tourism is such a main draw?


    I love my life here, and I don’t feel any day-to-day discrimination whatsoever.


    HOWEVER, I hold no illusions that that this ever be “home.”  We’re all guests of the Kingdom, and things could shift in a minute.  That’s why I won’t buy property or invest in a fancy, multi-year visa here.


    There are no guarantees, but it sure beats living in Trumpland, in my opinion(!)

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