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Posts posted by Chrisdoc123

  1. Well, you did bring it up. And the fact is that it's only in the USA that there is this kind of strong political opposition to the fact of anthropogenic global warming. In most of the world, it's not a political issue at all.

    Australia politically was at the forefront of action but then a 'flat earther' opposition leader and Rupert Murdoch's newspapers ran a very effective campaign based on "toxic tax"(carbon pricing). Carbon pricing was removed and now energy policy is floundering. The government withdrew the tax on big polluters so have lost income that could have been used for cleaner power. They want to build coal powered power stations but cannot find finance for pollution and the overseas companies that own the power stations are closing them as they are getting too old and inefficient . The alternative energy industry was taking of but without government subsidies has subsided and as a result power prices have skyrocketed.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. I think it is interesting that in the 80s/90's we became aware of cfc's and the hole in the ozone layer there seemed a global consensus that efforts needed to be made to stop cfc's and I believe it has been successful with the hole decreasing each year. I was never aware of anyone questioning the existence of the ozone hole or the effectiveness of decreasing cfc's. Move forward to the climate change issue and people seem to have a completely different attitude saying it is a hoax, the scientists are wrong... Has the general public become alot more intelligent in that they know better or is it just that they have read about "the climate change hoax" on Google ? I don't have children or grandcchildren but if I did I would feel pretty bad saying to them "Yes I know we have destroyed the environment with pollution but at the time we were told climate change was a hoax and we believed it" I realize that it could be a hoax but is it really worth taking the risk of ignoring it to prove it? At very least I think it is worth paying more just to breathe cleaner air when I walk down the street.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. Just a week ago there was someone on here with a big problem.  His credit cards didn't work.  What you gonna do ?  sleep in the street.  It is stupid to travel without some money.

    Ifvyou say so cant be bothered. The fact is there are non. So theres a reason why there are non
     But hey your the resident expert. You seem to think.

    Nobody said he was doing anything wrong.
    The apearance bit in my eyes has got sod all to do with it but people belive it somehow proves they have money and status so be it who am i to shatter thier elusions.
    You started this chat with there is no visa for him then stated he didnt know if he wanted to be here anyway, if he is ok on exempt great hope he enjoys his holidays here.

    Just for information. I had my credit card stolen in Bangkok a few years ago and I rang my bank to cancel it. They put me through to visa who sent me $1000 cash by Western Union as an advance. They would have sent more if I had needed it. Just in case anyone is stuck in that situation.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  4. As a computer programmer I gotta say that it would be possible to make a fake app that would show i had tons of funds etc. Obviously it would be easier to just save 20000 than to create a fake app hehe.
    Also the app needs to have internet access... Most tourists dont have access to internet on their phones unless there's free wifi.

    I understood the targets of immigration are not tourists but long term on visa runs. I have Internet on my wife's account but it won't help. I can't use the app as proof at immigration if they will only accept cash.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  5. I have an app on my phone that shows not only my bank balances but can show my complete financial history-deposits,withdrawals,credit card. I used to work for a major cash handling company and there was a consensus among the employees that we should all look for another job because cash is finished. Why bother having cash when you can tap your card on a machine to pay. In Australia it is only businesses who are cheating on tax who want cash only. They are even talking about withdrawing large notes because they are mainly used by criminals or people avoiding tax. I know Thailand is further away from this but it is coming. My thai wife even gets an sms to alert her of every transaction on her thai account which virtually does the same thing as an app. It does show a kind of short sightedness on behalf of immigration demanding cash but as many commentators have said it is the kind of thing to be expected. Policy on the run is very popular.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. It is sad when people suicide but most of the people who post here are from Western countries where the press don't report suicide. In Thailand it goes straight in the paper so gives us the idea that it happens abnormally regularly. I had a friend who was a suicide investigator for an Australian state railway and he said he was kept really busy.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. Hmmmmm. I'm on my own, and I'm not going to "hire" someone just to stay with my stuff. I just won't go to the beach if I can't rent it ON the beach. That way, THEY look after my stuff, and the only reason I would have to leave would be to use the loo, as THEY sell food and drinks.

    I have a favourite deckchair vendor and if I want to go for a swim and not sit around I just give her 20b to look after my bag. The local thief's must love the new rule. Lots of unattended bags to steal now. Seriously though even if the mafia own the sites they do provide employment to lots of people. Sadly people are going to lose their jobs so tourists can have an empty beach.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Just for personal interest, if you're not flying out until May why not just cross a border and get another 60 days? No idea where you are but it might be a cheaper option. 

    Hi. I didn't quite understand the process but if I had my time again would do as you suggest. Would have been less painful than waiting around the office and for the visa fee I could have had a short cheap holiday instead. Didn't realise had to pay again for the extension or could get 60 days when I made the plans. Cheers anyway.

    Sent from my SM-J120G using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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