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Everything posted by JemJem

  1. Hmmm, why do I get the feeling that the chances are 99 percent that we won't get to see that list ? 🙂 At least, not the real list.
  2. I think that in many parts of the globe, the coming years (sadly possibly many many years) will see the continuing of terror incidents and threats coming from Islamofascist groups/lone wolves, as well as the increasing terror incidents and threats coming from ethnofascist/nationalistfascist groups/lone wolves like the one described here. I wish these two would fight it out heavily against each other, but, as we know, it sadly does not work that way.
  3. Check out the photo where the guy is smiling, and the policewoman is across from him, with her gun drawn. I wonder, if at that point, she had shot him dead, what would the consequences be for her ? I mean, for example, could she get away with minimal or no punishment, by saying that she killed him due to concern that he may have had a bomb/suicide vest ?!
  4. So true. And, it is no way guaranteed that the whole story will come out. Well, we will just have to wait and see.
  5. Those are nasty punches. What the heck was that all about? Possibly drug-related. There seems to be a barrage of bad news in recent days.
  6. Is this the very first time such a decision has been made for Bangkok? I mean, this 'free public transport due to air pollution'. I cannot recall one from before, but, of course it may have happened.
  7. Holy gee. Just look at the amounts of money mentioned in the original post. Sex really DOES sell 🙂 And, in this case, it is not even necessarily sex itself, but X and R rated stuff 🙂
  8. Yes. And, it sounds like the victim will most probably carry a major scar on his face for the rest of his life. I think that there should be an extra, heavy punishment (on top of the regular 'causing injury' charge) for such an attack. I mean, one that causes permanent or long-term damage to the body.
  9. Wow. I didn't know that. And, possibly a very lengthy flying ban? I doubt very much that the punishment for these 3 will be half as strict as that. Just a guess.
  10. Of all the countries he could have gone to, him choosing Cambodia, the country of the victim, is really weird. Also, he was able to be brought back to Thailand almost immediately after his arrest. Wow. Interesting.
  11. Well, I had actually thought that Trump would say some real harsh words after this terror attack, maybe also including a pledge for a 'Muslim ban'. I am still quite sure there is a high chance he is planning something like that soon after he comes to power (Would it be able to overcome legal obstacles to it, no idea, I am no expert), but his staying relatively quiet on this issue now is interesting. I wonder why.
  12. Hey. Bar conversations can be very fun and enlightening at the same time. Do you know how many Vietnam war veterans, ex special op guys etc I have met this way and learned about their fascinating experiences?! Also, sometimes, at bars, you get to meet some guys who have been unfortunate enough to get into financial trouble, and you get to help them a little and get the satisfaction of doing a good deed! On a serious note, I prefer sitting at bars, drinking and listening to and telling past experiences, to basejumping or skydiving. I have recently quit drinking but it was almost all fun while it lasted; nearly 4 decades 🙂 Anyway, to each, his/her own.
  13. I think there is 99.999 percent chance that she will be in Thailand by 2025 Songkran the latest, and 99.999 percent chance she won't spend a day in jail.
  14. Times have changed. I think that nowadays in this age of social media, MOST parents have at least a certain amount of knowledge as to what is or might be going on at such parties etc.
  15. In many countries, he would have been lynched within minutes. I am not saying that is the way it should be. Just saying how it is in some places.
  16. Liar liar, pants on fire. Actually, Syrian situation poses a very serious risk, not just to many ordinary Syrians, in terms of democracy, secularism and human rights (especially women's rights) but also to people in some neighboring countries too. Also, of course, there is every chance it poses a security risk to the world overall. I have read someone remarking something like 'Syria will be like Afghanistan light'. I see what he means, but the dynamics are very different. Probably, it will be more like a mixture of Afghanistan and maybe for example Libya. Now, the jihadis basically control most parts of Syria. No one knows how long other groups who control the remaining parts of Syria can hold on against the jihadis, who will become more organised and weaponised soon gradually. There are also foreign intruding armies present which have no intention of leaving anytime soon. What can go wrong?! Gees. A LOT can and possibly will go wrong.
  17. Wow. Nice decoration. I like it.
  18. This incident is one of the relatively bad ones involving foreigners. I mean, yeah, of course it is not as bad, say, murder or rape, but it is a lot more serious than getting involved in a bar fight, which I am sure many of us have at least once found ourselves in. The problem is such incidents often reflect badly on all of us foreigners, due to generalisations. But, I sadly wonder if this thief will manage to get away with just a slip on the wrist.
  19. Good question/point. All this is of course actually a deep topic. But I guess most of us would agree on 'Democracy is far from ideal, but it seems to be the best system overall' cliche. But of course, then, the 'far from ideal' part still constitutes a big problem. Anyway, by the point I made about the Islamic world, I had just wanted to present a different situational perspective. Of course, most of the dynamics here in Thailand are very different from those over there, mainly the religion factor of course. Also, some of you can call me naive, but I feel that the possibility of a coup happening again in Thailand has gotten to be slim by now, and, this will get nearer and nearer to zero, as time passes, I think. As I said, feel free to disagree.
  20. Also, the military factor, at least in some parts of the globe, might oddly be the factor saving democracy and some human rights. As well as secularism. Consider the case of some Middle Eastern and North African nations. Various Islamist parties and/or presidents, over the years, have tried to reach power via elections. Some have succeeded, some not. The succeding ones always presented themselves as 'moderate Islamic parties' initially, and were usually supported by Islamist-appeasing Western liberals and leftists (for a variety of reasons). In the end, it was clearly seen that, once brought into political power, there can be no (or almost no) Islamic movement that is truly moderate. They cause a variety of bad stuff, and the group of people most affected in a bad way are sadly almost always women.
  21. I am guessing that only a tiny minority there were foreigners. Will they get deported? Well, as you wrote, you never know.
  22. Oh, well. Sorry to hear that. Maybe you shall be invited to the next one? 🙂
  23. I have a feeling he will probably avoid a jail sentence, but all this is likely to cost him MAJOR amount of money.
  24. WTF?! Okay, let us say it is not unusual for face recognition stuff not to work all the time. But, ain't no one know or recogize this guy?! 🙂 Weird.
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