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Posts posted by GiantBlob

  1. 3 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    And the reason you are posting in a hamburger thread is .............................................

    I was thinking about having a burgher.

    The last one I had, I made from a piece of ground beef, rather expensive, but the butcher did not grind it for burgher use and the grounds were too large.  The finer the grind, up to a point, the better, I find.

    So I was just wondering what beef or pork is typically used in Thailand.


    Also, judging from the photo, there seems to exist the propensity to make the spheres of beef overly large, which detracts from the overall flavor and experience, I would think.


    I have not seen a shop selling any burgers that look good enough to eat, at least not recently.

  2. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:

    That's about the least classy answer I've ever read to any post on any subject anywhere!

    Then you would rate it as outstanding?


    I'm not a vegetarian, and do enjoy meat dishes, just not huge spheres of meat piled in mounds up to the sky.


    Any Thai meat dishes are fine with me, and I eat nothing else.

    Haven't had a burgher in over 15 years, nor a pizza.

    No flavor in the hamburger and too much dairy glop in the pizza.

    If one travels to Italy, then eating pizza makes sense because Italy offers many pizza recipes with and without meat.

  3. Just now, Don Mega said:

    This aint a sandwich.








    In fact, it is not even food.

    Looks more like a dissected part from a cancer patient with Parkinson's disease.

    I suggest you chuck in the nearest garbage bin, take an emetic for even looking at it,

    And stop uploading images of animal meat.

  4. 1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

    You should have added if you dont like the local food go home.

    Go home.

    Go home.

    But, unfortunately.....As Thomas Wolfe accurately stated......



    'You Can't Go Home Again'


    Instead, try to sample the local buns, because they are very tender.


  5. I just don't know why anyone would touch a hamburger, or a bun, while living in Thailand, unless they were not yet properly localized.


    My suggestion is to just eat Thai food, which is both plentiful and priced reasonably.


    Hamburgers are for Wimpy.


    Real men and women just eat Thai food.

  6. If you have a kettle, you might steam it open so that you could re-use the envelope.


    The easiest way is to just use scissors and cut one end off.  This is faster than using a letter opener and cheaper.  The nice letter openers are expensive, and I paid a lot for mine which was made of brass with semi-precious stones set in the handle.


    If one has young children, letter openers can be dangerous, as well. 


    Also, if one is on a flight to the USA, and you forget to remove your letter opener from your carry-on suitcase, then you risk having it taken by the guys who check for things like that.


    Often just a pencil is easy and handy and works very well.  The airlines don't care if you carry a sharpened lead pencil in your pocket, although they can be deadly, as well.


    You can even use one tine of a dinner fork, either the middle tine or any other tine, because they all work almost as well as a letter opener.

    In conclusion, after having tried all of the above methods, I now just use scissors that have red handles so that they are easily locatable at any moment one requires them.

  7. 1 hour ago, Johpa said:

    How do you folks expect to grow a fruit that has a soft skin, grows at ground level, and is attractive to just about any pest imaginable? Unless a strawberry is certified organic one can assume it contains toxic chemicals. Fortunately most of us don't really eat that many strawberries and, living near Samoeng where strawberry fields seem to go on forever,, most of the Thai strawberries are just too easy to decline.

    Happy Trails

    As you say, strawberry fields forever.

    Nothing is real

    There are few true facts on this thread, perhaps.

    True facts?

    Are these guys the original beetles?

    Is it true we should stop eating strawberries?

    All utter nonsense without some reliable data, which seems to be missing here.



  8. 1 minute ago, DumbFalang said:

    ....and to make matters worse - I've been told that most pesticides in use over here have been banned in other countries.


    My house looks over several farms and we talk to the farmers daily. They often spray in the evening (we smell it) and pick the following morning. The most fascinating part is that some of their products are sold as organic.

    Washing all produce is good advice. You are absolutely correct.

  9. 6 minutes ago, DumbFalang said:

    My thoughts exactly but there are a few people above who obviously disagree. There are also millions of Thai's in Bangkok who dip sour strawberries into sugar and know no different.

    I once lived in New England, as opposed to old England, and in summer months there was nothing better than sour strawberries and white processed sugar.

    I do love this combination so.

    The concatenation of extreme sour and pure sweet sugar is better than heaven ever could be, in my view.


    So why do you think I moved to Thailand, anyway?  Of course the reason is because my sense of taste and sensibilities so wonderfully coincide with everything I find in this wonderful land of Thailand.

  10. 8d28d2d5-8a7a-4a6f-a020-2953df605735-2060x1236.jpeg?w=1200&h=630&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=crop&crop=faces%2Centropy&bm=normal&ba=bottom%2Cleft&blend64=aHR0cHM6Ly91cGxvYWRzLmd1aW0uY28udWsvMjAxNi8wNS8yNS9vdmVybGF5LWxvZ28tMTIwMC05MF9vcHQucG5n&s=a07b9da9f918b381fe2367991c40558aCalifornia’s strawberry industry is hooked on dangerous pesticides
    A decision to dismantle strict oversight designed to protect Californians from dangerous chemicals has put more than 100 communities at greater risk of cancer

    Methyl Bromide might be another worry.

    But life is too short not to keep eating Chiang Mai strawberries.

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