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Everything posted by Scrotobike

  1. "He said that vaccination of the over 12s will proceed" - help me I am loosing my sanity - why do healthy children who naturally fight covid, making natural antibodies need a vaccine to make antibodies? I must be missing the point of vaccinations - I thought they were to simulate the disease so your body produces antibodies? Healthy youngsters do this anyway - its part of their bodies learning to fight. If some one can set me straight - please educate me.
  2. My understanding is.... For sure as all the vaccines do is to stimulate the production of antibodies etc - so if I have had Covid my body will respond to it when I get it again, so why do I need a (kaching there go some $$) vaccine? Some one educate me PLEASE!
  3. The police will be very busy in Phuket on 1 Dec as this is TAT freedom day - open bars, drinking on the beach, other TAT dreams.
  4. What happened to the CCSA drive to vaccinate the elderly and sick first. More flippery slippery flopping?
  5. The sand box was part of the problem - you cannot condone these actions no matter how well intended. So yes I wholeheartedly condemn the foolish sandbox program along with the other diversion of vaccines away from the elderly. All lives matter including the elderly
  6. I am not looking at the actions of individuals in Phuket, I am questioning the scheme as part of the drive for HiSO $$ at the cost of lives. I do not think the sandbox deserves any praise as it is part of the exchange of lives for $$. It was known at the time that the old die of Covid. Shame on them.
  7. More Blah Blah Boring CCP propaganda - from TIT Slurp, Slurp, brown envelopes.
  8. I am sure TAT hides this from the "tourists" who come to TIT. Western tourists will not think about this as health care in most countries is easy to get. Get sick/injured in Phuket - you are in deep doda.
  9. It is the deaths caused by Vax redirection to this scheme (the old are only now being vaccinated) vs the few $$ made. In my opinion the puny success of this scheme is and will continue to be negligible and has cost lives. Lives matter no matter how old.
  10. Bargin - cheaper than Moderna and probably just as unreliable delivery.
  11. You are missing nothing - the CCSA reported the new paradime of living with Covid as GDP is suffering (non economics speak - HiSos are complaining). No metrics were mentioned so it looks like the towel has been thrown in by the general on containment. Which is ok if they get the country vaxed quickly, focus on the old and sick and stop messing around with litterboxes (as seems to be happening).
  12. Thanks for that - I just noticed ... "school sandbox program" ... is this an official prog or just something you invented (quite right too - not criticising)
  13. Here is the backwards sticks - as of today not all teachers are vaccinated. I agree with this as it seems (at least in the village of my wife) they are pushing vax the old and sick first. Fair play to them.
  14. Measurement for a sandbox is 70% vaccinated - in TAT parlance that is 1 jab only - so they focus on the first jab to fix the numbers. TIT!
  15. Rising as the general predicted. A bit soon as a result of relaxation as the virus has an incubation period and testing has a lag. So why the increase. Massaging figures?
  16. I agree - good, and even though they are still peddling the CCP rubbish - I agree with some posters here - it is better than nothing. Get everyone vaxed with what you can has to reduce the covid numbers. Follow up with a booster (there is enough AZ produced here to booster every year 6m*12=Thai population).
  17. Now that is a good point - I suspect the CCSA is up to its old spin - lots of old dying not to worry you normal people- maybe.
  18. More meetings between people who are not in the same planet as the "non?" tourists. Yes agree wonderful slogans and unworkable plans - then congratulate each other on a job well done. How about some real plans like putting the litterbox on hold until the covid cases on the "sealed" island is back in the 10s. Soooo many "reported" covid cases - looks more like a red zone to me.
  19. So what - I can still comment on the reported import of the CCP stuff and its intended "use" - please read the article as they report importing a HUGE amount of waste from the CCP.
  20. Look at the faces Must have been using their own product!
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