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Posts posted by deepinlaos

  1. 20 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    I knew that just was using the motorbikes helmet excuse that many use for push bikes user use for not wearing a helmet. Pushbike really is a old term, a bike can kill you, several years ago in S.F. California, a guy on his pushbike bike ran a red light going 30 plus went through a cross walk and clip at old guy walking, the guy fell and crack his head open and die. The rider was carried off to the hospital and thereafter arrested for vehicle manslaughter.


    if that pedestrian had been wearing a helmet he might have lived.

  2. 4 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

    The road had a steep camber at the nearside edge.It is not always possible with sensible shoes to avoid slipping on a wet road. On dark unlit road it is better to be like a Christmas tree than hit by a motor vehicle in the dark. Or are you too shy to be sensible.


    can you think of any other laws the gov can bring in to stop you from hurting yourself?

  3. 9 minutes ago, thailand49 said:

    U,S. I think California has one?  When they pass the helmet law for for motorbikes in California it was the same claim people against made including like the Thais make " too hot "  today no complaints it has open up a billion dollar industry. Today I even see the Hell Angel wearing them it is a fashion statement.


    for children they do.


    I am thinking people that run/jog should definitely be wearing helmets as they are doing the same speed as cyclists. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

    From the number of varying opinions on the video, it would appear everyone is making different estimates. To me, the scooter guy did not attempt to brake or decelerate. The pickup was moving at a speed where anyone with road awareness could avoid it easily.



    watch the pickup again when he reaches the midway point (the lines) he speeds up.......they were definitely on a collision course after this point.


    before the truck reached the midway point the rider judged it correctly.......keep going.

  5. 7 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

    Here's a thought:

    Putin, Assad, and Trump are so deceitful I believe this is a hoax. I would not be surprised if all three devised this entire drama to divert attention from Putin and Russia’s involvement in Trump being elected. This is merely a smoke screen. Think a/b it… Assad doesn’t care a/b Syrians, neither do Putin or Trump. Assad wants Russia’s UN veto power and protection. Putin wants another country to control. Trump wants investigations to end/go away so he can use The Presidency for his/his family/his friends financial benefit. 



    yes there is usually multiple reasons involved.


    Trump is the deflector in chief.......he is very good at it.


    now he looks tough on russia and has put a wide gap between himself & putin........while beforehand he was looking cosy in bed with vlad and subject to investigation

  6. 2 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I'm inclined to believe that one of the buildings which was bombed was full of this 'gas' in storage in a rebel area and released by the destruction of the bombing raid.


    Assad is an ass but he's not dumb, whoever dropped those bombs blew up an illegal weapons cache which caused large scale poisoning.




    the western gov's have a lot to gain by blaming it on him





  7. 57 minutes ago, quandow said:

    About two years ago I got fed up with all the Thai B.S. so I packed up and moved to Mexico. I was back in Thailand two months later. I was instantly reminded of why I left in the first place, but with a newfound appreciation. I've visited Cambodia a few times, I recommend you don't burn any bridges for getting back to Thailand. Best of luck to ya!


    what was wrong with Mexico?


    I haven't been there since 2005 so things could've changed for the worse.

  8. 16 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    And what pristine reefs has the US taken from neighboring countries, demolished and built up with military installations?  List just one, please.


    And don't say Japan, Korea, etc, as the US is there by invitation.


    and there is the reason why china pushed down way down south.


    just like nato in eastern europe......

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