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Posts posted by artiz

  1. On 2/1/2020 at 9:29 AM, geoffphuket said:

    Just a 'heads up' to be aware of fake stores selling on Lazada. In particular, smartphones, cameras and TV's are common products to be found listed. The giveaway is that they (the stores) have zero sales, ludicrously low prices, and ask potential customers to contact them via LINE or email to purchase. Here is just on example: https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/shippits111/?spm=a2o4m.pdp.seller.1.2f2a1ff9qb6b3n&itemId=709524204&channelSource=pdp

    Good warning... Lazada now has quite a few pitfalls including scammers! We should undoubtably stay on the buying platform... that is an absolute MUST! You do need to watch out for the enormous amount of 'dropshippers' too though... they will lie blatantly about shipping times... clearly breaking Lazada's 'shipping' time quotes even within the buying platform... this one is definitely to be avoided... https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/coolbar/?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.seller.1.392379b5tLuQSi&itemId=1895606970&channelSource=pdp

    Alibaba now has a recent controlling 54% stake in Lazada... seems to have become a much more 'risky business' website since they took over last year... what a surprise!


  2. 59 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    there are plenty of medical websites out there with articles on the virus.  it's very easy for someone to find a respectable journal and quote mine something to back up their claims.


    could be 1) natural mutation, 2) vaccine research accidentally released, 3) bio-weapon accidentally (or on purpose!) released, 4) caused by 5G radiation ............ doesn't matter, there are enough quotes and links for everyone.

    Sorry I dont understand your post above. I'll clarify my post. The Scripps Research Institute is a world renowned and not for profit research facility in California which ranks very highly as a trusted source of medical integrity and research ethics.



    There are quite a few others around the world so my conclusion would be that I would far rather 'trust' research conducted and published by this kind of organisation rather than a well known right-wing political publication much cherished and supported by Trump and his mates!

    Not a difficult choice!

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    So far the scientific opinions and investigations show that the virus is not man made...no need to spread hatred towards the Americans or the Chinese.




    “These two features of the virus — the mutations in the RBD portion of the spike protein and its distinct backbone — rule out laboratory manipulation as a potential origin for SARS-CoV-2,” explains Andersen.


    This link to Medical News Today seems a far more reliable conduit of information. Open and straightforward medical research dissemination. Not difficult is it?

  4. Good discussion... I read everyone's post which I definitely do not do very often here. Some really good points made from most posters on this thread. I saw the Falun Gong video last night and thought it was reasonably well presented bearing in mind it came from the US media. Some good evidence surrounding the so called 'Patient 0' not coming from the 'wet market' and also regarding the state-of-the-art Corona Virus research facility in Wuhan no less. However, The Epoch Times is the number 1 fan of Donald Trump both financially and otherwise. The US/UK lawsuits regarding compensation demands from the Chinese government are an interesting development though?

    Accident or not the CCP were very clearly withholding vital information, and still are, that could save peoples lives whether in China, Thailand or the rest of the world. Seems undeniable! Tell us where this virus orginated please... NOW!



  5. 5 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    So true.

    Thinking ahead regarding your daughters English... accent is clearly a matter of the social and will therefore be very much dependent on your influence throughout her life. Besides, regular English lessons from Dad should probably be a given. Also being born in Thailand does mean she will need to get some very good IELTS (or equivalent) scores under her educational qualifications belt if she wants to move up to higher education back in the UK.

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

    What I don't understand is why nowhere smoking is mentioned, nowhere any info on how many of the sick are smokers, how many of the dead had been smoking and have damaged lungs from smoking. 

    The obvious gets ignored.

    Oh yes, I forgot, big tax income on cigarettes, and big gifts by the tobacco lobby to the politicians ...

    Having had a bit of chemotherapy... as you do! My oncologist told me NOT to stop smoking whilst going through an entire 1 year treatment. He explained that the tar which coats the inside of my lungs would provide me with the best possible protection against catching pneumonia and respiratory flu viruses which enter and attack the lungs. With an immune system being systematically reduced this protection could therefore save my life. I took his advice.

    Quite possibly why smoking has not been stigmatised during this Covid-19 virus... I would imagine! Probably not the best time to give up smoking right now!

    Once you have caught the virus that is clearly going to be a completely different matter of course...  


    On balance, I reckon I'll stick to my oncologists advice at the moment thanks doctor!

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Amazing story... sad for the bloke and his family, even if they have probably forgotten he even existed already. Empathy is still a complete mystery to most Thai's of course but there's always the funeral to look forward to. 


    But, nothing like definitive evidence of Tigers still living wild in Thailand... you can just imagine what that will do for tourism! 


    Thanks for posting!





  8. Seems to me the only thing that will stop the Thai Immigration service being so appalling incompetent and unpleasant during this horrible international disaster would be to 'shine the light' of international media on their disgraceful actions over the last few weeks and months. They really should be 'outed' so that the entire world knows exactly what these people are up to... time for them to be exposed.

    Any exposure that any of us can contribute too with emails to media outlets etc., will be worth it... lets just hope someone in the press picks up the story and makes it BIG enough to embarass them for a long time to come. Buddah knows they deserve it!

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, theVenerable said:

    Thanks. Last time I asked they wouldn't even give me a 7 day visa without proof of cancelled flights. 


    So what am I suppose to say? 'I'd like a 7 day extension so that I can come back on Monday and get a 30 day exstension',.  


    Seems whatever direction I try to go in I'm buggered. 


    Maybe best to go in Monday with the support letter, and when they ask why my visa expired, say I didnt not know my flight was not possible until Saturday, so I thought I  had no reason to go in on Friday. 

    Then they'll ask for proof of cancellation.. I have none since my flight is not cancelled, just unusable for me as Hong Kong are no longer accepting transfers... 


    Like they'll listen to a damn thing I say anyway.. 

    Sounds reasonable to do it your way of course... for me however, going to Thai immigration with an expired visa is definitely not something I would do. I would print of as much nonsense as possible including official Hong Kong announcement etc saying that you cannot fly via Hong Kong together with your ticket/flight details proving it. Put the ball in their court... just show that you have done everything you possibly can the day before your visa expires.

  10. 29 minutes ago, theVenerable said:

    As long at that doesn't mess me up..
    So that I cant then over stay longer if I have too..

    Wiss wondering if it was better to just not see them anymore and overstay.
    In case turning up at the IO after a few days overstay buggers me up in anyway.
    No guarantees I guess

    I was under the impression that the 7 day visa is there for emergencies like yours. The assumption being that they can actually issue more than just one... dont quote me on it though! I would go back to immigration tomorrow and tell them you are still waiting for the letter from the British Embassy and your current visa runs out on Saturday. Try and avoid overstay at all costs... if you can possibly help it. Good luck mate!

    • Like 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Agusts said:

    Okay, here is my useful post to OP,  don't buy Ryuka, it's like throwing your money away, and endless hassle... 


    Then again don't listen to the majority, and go with one guy's fab experience and buy one...!


    Good luck either way....????

    Puerile trash-talk from a know-nothing... useful? Erm... no! Try again?

    • Confused 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Agusts said:

    As I said you have been lucky, if I find a few more people to support your great experience with Ryuka I change my mind, until then, I go with majority reports and experiences...


    I do own a Chinese bike in another country and well aware of how they rust and fall apart, and the quality of ride, I never buy them by choice over well-known brands...


    I rented a Keeway 200 here once, similar to Ryuka, rode it from Phuket to Krabi and back, it was like riding a tractor....

    More stuff & nonsense is even more irrelevent. If you don't have anything useful to post why bother?

    • Confused 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Agusts said:

    ".......free servicing at any official Ryuka/Zhongshen dealership - worldwide......"


    You hard to find many of those in Thailand, I think there was one in the whole of Phuket and they said there were the GPX shop but support ordering Ryuka parts if asked, I doubt they would do any free servicing ! - I think everything on that bike will fall apart except the engine and then those need repair from your own pocket...


    I'm glad you had good by experience with your Ryuka RS1 bike, I heard otherwise, I did research it a couple of years ago, most owners of that bike told me a 20 years old Honda Phantom will be better .... !!!  I still think a well-known brand name bike, even a used one, will be far better option for Thailand and also if travelling all the way to any neighbouring countries, Cambodia, Vietnam, you name it.... I have never seen a Ryuka in any of those during my travels.



    So you have never had one yourself but was told it was better to buy a 20 year old Honda??? Sounds to me like that's exactly what YOU should do then mate. 

    I live in a tiny little town in the South of Thailand and I have 2 places I can currently go to. One sells them + parts and the other is an ex mechanic who has now set up on his own. In the 4/5 small towns which I have lived in over the 3 years I have owned it I can usually find 4-5 different places to get my free servicing. Langkawi, Penang and Malaysia generally was pretty much the same. Your post is stuff & nonsense chuffer!

    • Haha 1
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