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Posts posted by Factfinding

  1. On 21-2-2017 at 1:18 PM, The Jackal said:

    “The British man who allegedly ordered the murder of another U.K. national in Thailand last month has been jailed for separate offenses in Phnom Penh, and is now awaiting trial for breach of trust and living in Cambodia illegally, officials said.”


    Reference: https://www.cambodiadaily.com/news/thai-murder-suspect-in-jail-on-separate-charges-125405/


    Take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror, I did today, which may I add is not great at the best of times, to try and see if I could fain a facial expression of surprise, let alone shock.

    How about what got this snow ball rolling? The murder that was ordered, arranged and documented execution of his ex-business partner (By his surrogate and accomplice) which ensued after recent contacts of the deceased and apparently making direct verbal threats of killing his family etc. in recent months.


    The deceased from what I have openly heard talked about during my irregular stays at the lake when I am on rotation of the deceased were shocking to say the least. The photos from his pals in immigration at various Thai Airports of the accused and his family since early 2015 coming and going. His reputation through their combined ignorance and vanity led to a spate and persistent series over inflated attempts at strong arming the operations of other individuals, of the same professional ilk/ path in life is to behave like scum and in their eyes live the dream.


    Ultimately, steal their oppositions data and move on no matter what and/or who got in the way, collecting a cash cut from the old bill and immigration along the way using their credible security per say. Why would he have worried, his networking skills and insincerity are legendary through definition here, now, today due to his demise.  The pair of them have/had friends in “Perceived Positions of Power” and the real McKoy as they say., Recent circumstance has and will show who’s bottom line monthly running cost (Security), paid with their ill-gotten gains has proven to be most effective. As farcical as Mayweather versus McGregor may seem, it looks like it is going ahead. Let’s see how this pans out


    They are/were in my understanding individuals that did, and never have, abide by the rules of working; traditionally quoted as "Honor among thieves" in what is ultimately one of the industries that funds drugs, guns, terrorism, people trafficking etc. The deceased was infamous and from what I had seen on occasions more than happy to revel in the twilight of getting his peers “Busted”, stealing their data and rolling on. In the process, only some of the “Rats on the Wheel,” had a long weekend at best, others did not fare so well, passing away while incarcerated until there bosses coughed up to get them out . The rest never stopped running, until now.


    I am surprised that “Joe” the “Copper” who, according to Tony’s own admission had brought him a literal “Golden Gun”, presented in a wooden box, red felt lining and six golden bullets as a gift which looked like it was housed in a nice well-made wooden presentation box by all accounts. As for his own personal collection, I wonder what has happened to the content of his bum bag which he never went anywhere without. The bottom of the lake is a good guess.


    Or his half-witted best man who when presented with the challenge of buying his mate a birthday present (Gift) went for the “Kit that converts your mates Glock into a carbine rifle.” Silly me for thinking a bottle of someone’s favorite tipple or an evening out was acceptable.


    As for names and miss quotations through the coverage of this farce; they were/ are both openly known to have some useable physical aliases in the form of a second UK Passports and an example. Nelham, Kenway, King, Baker, Potter; all smoke and mirrors. According to recent news “Separate Offences” must now have somehow worked their way to the top of the pile titled, “Really, very important.” Versus the reality and  important fact regarding this situation, the ordered and apparently collaborated execution of an  old business partner under his instruction which has led to this media circus.


    You could not make this up if you tried. The accused looked rather fresh considering he had been in incarcerated from as early as the 13th of this month, in the infamous S24 prison in Phnom Penh. They must have been through one hell of an upgrade since they were regarded as cutting edge until the early 1990’s when the political changes that occurred in Cambodia. Only time will tell.,


    But has Toby King incarcerated from as early as the 13th of this month? Who told you that fairy tale with all respect?

  2. On 18-2-2017 at 3:18 AM, gdgbb said:

    I don't think "we" can all agree on that, why should "we"?  What is the fake news source? Bangkok Post photo shows him apparently under arrest being escorted by two Cambodian Immigration Police officers.

    I wrote you a week ago but I get an offense post from you 'bout being a new memberand where I get my info from. While you continue to insinuate as a Big Long Timer I tell you Toby is much too intelligent to have walked into a 90 days report trap or get arrested at a a coffee shop at PP. He reported himself, did his story and walks around the rest of Asia.

  3. On 13-2-2017 at 8:08 PM, gdgbb said:

    "Now why would anyone go with your thinking and ignore successful past experiences of trusted law enforcement..."

    Because that's the way to get caught, scammers generally try not to leave a trail.  Also, it's been well documented that the boiler rooms do not operate by email and it's very unlikely that they would have clue-leaving computers in a place accessible to police!   5555, it seems that you've fallen into your own no-hope-thinking trap as a result of being a crazy armchair analyst!

    And why this scammer left a trail of fancy cars and showing money around. Showing off is always why they get caught. Staying low profile asks for intelligence.

  4. 2 minutes ago, LandOfWiles said:

    Guilty as charged. I will, however, say in my defence that it's human nature to speculate. The mind doesn't like loose ends. It's also a bit of fun so long as people know that they're only speculating and don't draw too strong a conclusion from it. Too many people have gone too far when talking about those involved in this case IMHO. We don't have much concrete info and maybe never will. It's best to reserve judgement, especially on a public website. 



    But a few things we know. Not Tony had a debt to Toby; the other way around. Tony threathened Toby and his family (married and kids) and did a runner to Cambodia. Alone, not with wife and kids.


    Toby was not caught by Cambodian autorities; he turned himself in after all the rumours. And he was flown to Thailand exactly as he wished. He has a very good female lawyer, is not so stupid not to have perfect alibi's so will be around the area soon. Whatever the widow of Tony may feel. She better dedicates her energy to her kids. Life insurance so to say. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, AmericanSafety said:

    This is not all that uncommon from where I come from in the States.

    Usually a case of know who you are dealing with.

    And if one is to scam others, be seriously damn sure you know who they are.

    I personally never understood phone scam. If you do not like it hang up. But in other countries it seems common to accept pressure and sales arguments with an unknow guy and sign for it.

  6. 1 minute ago, ljd1308 said:

    No idea about the inner workings of the boiler room business....but doesn't the link to "Toby" seem a bit weak?


    Apparently he was owed money and someone overhead him say he was going to kill him, enough to convict?

    I'm sure in anger I have said i'd kill someone, fortunately they didn't coincidently die a short time later

    They both ran boiler room businesses from Jomtien offices / call centres. But Toby created an additional account on which 'investors' put money. That came out and the partner (now dead) put a death wish on him. He fled to Cambodia. That was 2015. Now 2017 things are tidied up. Spic & Span.

  7. 3 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Yep! And the result worked well for him. Actually it doesn´t matter. It´s enough to say he had the wrong line of work, and one way or another got killed for it.

    And most criminal of him + suspect; they create children like business as usual. Not having the dignity to make some future plan and try to stick and support the kids as long as possible. No, just follow the freakin' <deleted>...in' money. I condemn them for that. Being a father.

  8. Just now, AlexRich said:

    Yes, but how did he obtain his money? A guy that is mixed up with boiler room scammers and makes use of hitmen has probably not earned his restaurant from bricklaying or plumbing.

    His late mother left him good money. He used it well, bought property in Thailand + a restaurant. He was involved later in Boiling Room misery; that was a huge mistake. He was doing well without that income anyway.

  9. 4 minutes ago, IslandLover said:

    An early press report indicated that it was Kenway who was owed money by "Mr. Toby".  IIRC that info came from Kenway's wife.

    Kenway was in conseridation KING should pay him back. But we are talking about money ripped off from boiling room methods. So we have pretenders, thieves and ex-friends having an argument. Mr. King is very smart and I compliment him for that. He will be transferred to his missed Thailand, present perfect alibi's and walk around the Lake soon. And all the middlemen, gossipers (yes, most of the UK male drinkers have a high tendency to gossip full day here) will go on their knees for him. That is how it works.

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