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Posts posted by Rayscape

  1. So this should entice the Chinese back. Have they any idea, how much money Thailand is/was making on these weddings??? They are total idiots. So now we need to find a Thai who has a professional license to take photographs? Who of course will need to buy a license, like all the other professionals here in Thailand!!! Apart I have to save to say, the medical staff. Like the professional skippers and engineers, who buy their licenses? Then go out in storms, in a boat, they have no idea how to skipper, or repair!  that has been passed as safe commercial vessel, by a professional Thai inspector!! Killing 45 people??? Well done Thailand!!!!????????

  2. 6 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    Yes good idea all time but to shop in Tesco was a nightmare 4 bags with no hand hold so I couldn't put it on my bike if I had known I would just have taken my backpack with me 

    So why do you not your backpack with you every time? I have not used a plastic bag, plastic, or polystyrene container for years. It really is not that difficult. I refuse to buy anything that has plastic wrapping. I will not buy drinks from any stall that offers one hit containers of any kind!  Thailand is plastic mad, They look at you as if you are some sort of misfit, for not taking the FREE plastic containers/bags. Yes charge 100 Baht extra for any such thing, the change will be rapid, you can be sure. If you purchased a plastic bag here, they would put it in a free plastic bag for you!!!


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  3. Wow, almost sounds like the sketch from the Monty Python team. The two east end guys trying to find a way to extort money from people. They first said they would not beat people up! if they did NOT pay them any money??? Well of course this did not work? For as long as I have been driving ( UK ), almost 45 years. You could not get Road Tax, unless you produced a valid insurance and MOT certificate! Yes I feel both countries could work together on this, and between them!!! You could have a sure fired way of ensuring all fines are paid for. In Greece, you cannot sell a house/boat or car, without the tax office giving the all clear on all outstanding adepts? Yes all??? parking fines, illegal buildings etc etc. I should of been a MP!!!! I know many people who live on the little island I live on in the northern summer, they have fines outstanding for years. If Greece pulled all the outstanding fines in, they woule be a comparatively rich country. But of course, no one has the money to pay the fines!!


  4. 1 hour ago, Proboscis said:

    And don't forget to deflate all the tyres, including the spare, to check for drugs. It is always a good idea to take apart the engine compartment, check inside the seats, take up the carpets or floor coverings and check behind the ceiling covering. Then do a complete body and body cavity search of the driver and you are all done.

    Love this!!! Great one. You will of course need a fair few tools as well. It might be a good idea to arrange the pick-up at least 24 hrs before you need to go? That is a lot of work to go through!!!! I have not read the full, but am assuming the guests were not involved?

  5. The robot burnt out after just three weeks of non stop cleaning of one beach.. Has been scrapped and dumped in the bushes on Rok-Nok, along with all the other rubbish on Rok-Nok. That those bloody "Foreigners, keep taking there, then dumping on the beach. Has anybody been behind the taverna on the beach there, and walked down the path? It is where the water monitors now hang out in the trash!!!

  6. 5 hours ago, shackleton said:

    You don't hear or read any more stories of Farangs picking up the rubbish and helping to keep the beaches clean 

    why is this they should be doing their part and showing the Thai public the way forward lead by example 

    You need a work permit to do anything in Thailand. Unless of course you are Thai, then an expert job will be completed on a daily basis. Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!!


  7. I think you are all being very negative!!! They are looking from outside the box!! Less maintenance, unlikely to block up. Really needs a sealed cover over the top to keep it completely dry! But in general, this will last for many years. If they could find a way of building an aqueduct type channel on top of this current design. Then the small amount of rain water, that will find its way into the channel could travel through that, and the locales could then throw all there plastic rubbish in it, as a continuous rubbish collection system. So no need for dustmen any more?? Just need a bloody big hole at the end, that could be constantly on fire. This putting the final nail in the coffin with respect to already polluted air. Win win, as far as I can see. 


  8. Ha!! This will be interesting. So if all the Thai's that do not have a license stop driving? The roads will be empty! However if they are referring to a license that can be purchased, as you can with a boats skippers license? Then what is the point?  A license is only any good, if you have taken a test, that actually involves learning how to drive??? I do not believe such a test exists in Thailand?  Has the license's of the skippers and crew of the ill fated dive boat in Phuket been inspected as yet. If any of them had a license? Where did they get them from? The whole thing is a total joke!

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  9. I believe this to be a great start. But perhaps someone could check out the daily charter boats out of Phuket??? The rubbish and crap they deposit during their trips to Ha Ha Coral island ( Now plastic junk yard ), with polystyrene/bottles and plastic bags littering everywhere, as well as the beach they return to in Chalong! You should also look under the water as well? There are filter systems for water, which could be provided, as fill up stations in Chalong?? Considering the money they are making from the Chinese.  Think about tomorrow??? 

  10. Yes a cut-out would of course be great! Has anybody actually seen the cabling that is running down streets to most places?? You are lucky to walk down any street, without having to dodge a live wire hanging down. I have also seen lots of wiring that has been installed by a professional Thai Electrician!!! Ha!! This poor guy did not have a chance. Just recently a father and son were electrocuted while working on the pool filter system. One man died peeing on a lamp post. I have been in showers, where I could feel small current running. Rubber gloves, rubber boots and a grounding strap attached to your foot at all times, is the only solution. Good luck.

  11. 5 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    and cars and planes and trains and then get your ass kicked when the horse decides that it does not want to move.

    Remember that buses have caught fire in the UK, USA, Europe and Australia and so have cars and planes and trains.

    Yes of course, but at what frequency? I feel we need to get this into proportion? Blocked and locked fire exits? Which country do you come from? You would be in very serious trouble in most countries for this sort of behavior? 

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  12. 5 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

    I think it's about time for all these buses to be taken out of service until thorough safety checks have been carried out and comprehensive driver training program has been implemented. Although you will never completely eradicate these sort of incidents, they happen way to frequently here in Thailand.  SOMETHING MUST BE DONE NOW!!!!!

    Yes this is dreadful. However, until the Thai government understand that training " proper training ", is introduce, this will continue. There is, as far as I know? I have been here 15 years. No good indentured training. Service the buses? Who is going to do that? Someone with the same training as the bus driver? I am in boating industry. All commercial boats must have a Thai skipper and engineer, who has a qualification!!! Not who is qualified!! You can buy them. Our Cook, who knows nothing about boats, has a skippers license, to drive a motor or sailing boat, up to 30 tons!! Ha! But she is more legal than me, who has international recognized qualifications, with 45 years of experience. The problem I feel? is the country is being run by a government who also probably purchased, or were given their power, but are not qualified or trained! A very sad day, and sadly a lot more to come. Rest in peace you poor soles who lost their life's. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

    I have pointed out several times that islands are not the same as mainland diogs populations.

    If youhave a relatively small isolated population, neutering, vaccinations culls even work. But with a ppopulationof hundreds and thousands scattered around the mainland, th situation is completley different. If you remove any animals they are rapidly replaced withy critters from ajoining areas.

    One has to address the base causes of t popualtion and that is food - as suplies in garbage or by misguided people feeding them.

    Yes, but you are really not seeing my the point. Being on a small island, has made no difference whatsoever. Please read what I said. Until the human race, take a little more responsibility for their actions! Then cull as much as you like, the problem is not going to be resolved. A little like pollution and derogation of our planet. Or are we going blame someone else for that as well. The human race needs to wake up. We are suppose to be the master race? I believe a cockroach could do a better job, than we are doing! 

    • Thanks 1
  14. Well very interesting, certainly some of the comments. However the real problem, is an over population of the human race ( a cull? ). Also their typical reaction of blaming these problems on the animals, rather than looking at the real issue! That is, people keeping pets, and not being bothered to have them snipped. I live on a little island in Greece. A wealthy Swedish women deposited a large amount of money, at the local vets, for the islanders to have their pets snipped for free. This was well published.  Well in 4 years, not one Greek has been to have their pet/pets snipped. They either dump them at dustbins, or in the dustbins, or they throw them in our garden. Yes we now have 28 cats, all snipped. If you cannot afford to keep a pet? Then do not get one in the first place. Education, I generally thought was the issue with the locals, however from reading some of the comments here, a few others need to their heads out of the sand. Or wherever it happens to be at this time? Please do not come back with " The Thai's cannot afford this ". 

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  15. I have chartered my boat to a Chinese company. I went out on the first trip to Coral island. Rubbish?? The Thai's and Chinese, just throw their junk over the side of the boats there. I ask the skipper about this, he just laughed. No excuses, they do not give a S*&t. Look outside any 7/11, the bags they just got their beer in, everywhere.

  16. I recently lifted my boat out. So the boatyard supplied the power line. I plugged it in, but when I stepped down from the boat to the ground, I got whacked with 180 volts! I know that because I measured it! They had wired the supply cable back to front, the whole boat was live. But we are not allowed to do this ourselves, unless we have a special Thai work permit, which specifies that job!!! Impossible. As someone said, no training, and in general, have little to no idea!!

  17. The fee, although high, is not really the issue for me. The issue is that there are more " Rangers " running around collecting fee's, than people keeping the parks clean and in good order. They are going to control numbers? Ha! Has he ever been to Phi Phi Lie? There are more staff there, and housing for the staff, than any other place I have been to. 100 tourists on the beach before 07.30.  I collect rubbish every morning I go there, from the southern lookout. All they do is sweep up leaves!

  18. I run a charter boat. But now nearly every place we visit has become a national park. Being told the fee is for 5 days, is totally stupid, we do not stay anywhere for 5 days. So apart from the costs, most of the places are totally over staffed, and most are total pig styes. The staff do very little to look after the so called National Parks. Just run around collecting money. The only people I have seen fishing in the parks, are the rangers. The boat that collects the fee's at Ko Rock. often has 6 to 7 staff on board!!! 

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