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CG1 Blue

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Posts posted by CG1 Blue

  1. 3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    I'll try to answer.


    1. Unlikely, given the endless appeal process, he would be jailed before the election. Possible, but unlikely.


    2. Theoretically he could run things from prison, though his Presidency was primarily golfing ($175,000,000 cost to the US Taxpayer), doing rallies, calling into Fox, grifting off his properties by hosting foreigners who wanted something, & Tweeting. He just ran things....into the ground, as evidenced by his Recession and rising unemployment, plus massive increases in debt.


    3. Repubs are cowards and have zero interest in American ideals or democracy. Note how the EXACT same ones still claiming 2020 was 'rigged' were perfectly happy to accept their own House or Senate victories on the same ballot. They just want to keep their jobs and hope they get chosen for some position. Some are just Performance Artists trying to create a brand; they have done zero legislation since retaking the House. They even blocked a Bordewr Security Bill a Repub Senator wrote, because the convicted felon wanted the border as an issue for the election. Right now they are all sucking up to be the VP on the ticket. They are also so embedded in the cult that they can't see that he actually is a loser. He only won in 2016 because of the anachronism called the Electoral College. He helped Repubs lose the House in 2018, barely hold the Senate, then lose the White House, House and Senate in 2020. Repubs seem not to have noticed he is actually the kiss of death.


    The Repubs could put up a replacement who could probably beat Biden, but won't. Own goal.

    Couldn't it also be said the Dems are cowards for not putting Biden out to pasture? I mean by keeping him in the hot seat it's giving the Republicans a genuine chance of winning. Surely any half decent Dem could beat Trump. 

    Seems to me both parties are happy see this freak show ride out, for some strange reason. 

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  2. As a Brit with limited knowledge of the US constitution and mindset, I have a few questions (apologies, don't have time to read 35 pages to see if they've been covered). 


    1. Could Trump be actually sent to prison before the election, and if so could he become President whilst in prison? 


    2. If he ends up in prison, do his supporters expect him to be able to run the country from a prison cell, or would he be able to pass laws to free himself, or pardon himself? 


    3. Why would the Republicans not remove Trump as their candidate now he's been found guilty? I realise Trump has a core of loyal supporters and he has a slim chance of beating Biden (due to Biden's cognitive decline), but surely replacing Trump with a new candidate would give their party credibility again, and assure victory in November.


    The only way the Dems can win is if Trump remains as Biden's opponent, surely?  When times are hard people want a change of government. That puts the Dems on the back foot already, and then you have the fact they are led by a man suffering from cognitive decline. 



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  3. 8 hours ago, Excogitator said:

    Hamas is a protest movement against Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people. A two state solution will lead to an end of this oppression. Hence, there will be no more reason for extremist groups like Hamas to even exist.


    The more violence, the more extremists. The less violence, the less extremists.


    A two state solution rewards the moderates who only want to live lives in peace and prosperity and with dignity.

    I think you're wearing rose tinted glasses. If a two state solution is ever implemented, Hamas are not going to just walk away. 


    Hamas would hold on to power as leaders of the the new Palestinian state. Israel would have a permanent threat on their border. 

    Hamas have made it very clear that their goal is to eradicate Israel. They're not just a protest movement against Israeli oppression as you put it. Ridding the oppression is just for starters. 


    You paint a nice picture of peace and tranquillity, but you seem to ignore the kind of entity we're dealing with here (Hamas). I wish it was as simple as you make it out to be. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It’s you asserting they don’t.

    Why is it for me to prove otherwise?


    I’ve provided links to leaders in the Muslim community actively working to combat Islamist extremism.


    You making assertions without evidence is exactly that. Assertions without evidence.

    You tried to find something proving that Muslim candidates have campaigned on a ticket of ridding towns and cities of radical Islam.

    You couldn't find any evidence, so instead you gave us a link about the MCB. Classic diversion tactics. 


    How can I evidence something that didn't happen? 🤦‍♂️


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  5. 49 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The efforts by leaders within the UK Muslim community to combat Islamist extremism go a lot further than ‘Expressing condolences after terrorist stacks’ 


    The indications are you are unaware of this, perhaps deliberately so.

    Still avoiding a response to what I wrote then. 

    I asked why Muslim councillors and politicians don't campaign on ridding towns and cities of radical Islam, and you keep deflecting with a link you found about the Muslim Council of Britain. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, treetops said:

    The Brits have now made a formal complaint to the police according to the Pattaya News.

    Bryce Mahoney, Welshman. 


    Sounds like he was probably in Thailand for the weed given his track record:


    Bryce Mahoney, 40, of Parc Gwernen, Ammanford, admitted four drug charges at Llanelli Magistrates Court on September 29.


    • Confused 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You need to read a bit more about Muslims and Muslim leaders in the UK working to combat Islamists.



    Why don't Muslim councillors and politicians openly campaign on eradicating Islamists and hate preaching in the UK? That would be more visible to the UK public, and might convince the public that ordinary Muslims are serious about dealing with these problems. 


    They won't campaign on these things though for fear of losing Muslim voters, and possibly fear of losing their lives. 


    What you provided doesn't reach the masses. 



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  8. 24 minutes ago, ChumpChange said:

    The guys were badly hurt. They didn't just wander off a few minutes later and disappear without a trace. They either went to a hospital or the morgue. Then seen a couple hours later looking jolly and crossing a road? And police don't know where they are? Really? 

    While it does seem highly unlikely white shirt could have walked away from this, I suppose it is possible. If he did then he should get himself checked out for bleeding on the brain, which can escalate if not detected early. 

    If they did walk away from it, it might explain why nobody knows who or where they are. How can nobody know where they are if an ambulance took them away? Surely witnesses on the scene would have seen an ambulance take them away if it happened. 

    If they recovered and slinked off into the sunset it would explain a few things. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Hummin said:


    Even I do not agree with the timing, should have been done long time ago, or later after the war is over! I feel strongly about the propaganda and wrong facts going viral!


    Norway condemns terrorism

    Both the Palestinian and Israeli authorities have been informed of the Norwegian Government’s decision to recognise Palestine as a state.

    ‘Norway intends to continue its close contact with the Israeli authorities. Norway was one of the first countries to recognise the state of Israel in 1949. Israel is in a vulnerable security situation, and Norway recognises Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself, within the framework of international law. We believe that the two-state solution is in Israel’s best interests. It will help to establish a more peaceful, safe and stable region,’ said Mr Støre



    Norway recognises Palestine as a state in line with international law and relevant resolutions by the UN Security Council. The territorial demarcation between the state of Palestine and the state of Israel should be based on the pre-1967 borders, i.e. the demarcation line as set out in the 1949 Armistice Agreements, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states and without prejudice to a final settlement on borders, including the use of land swaps.

    Recognition of the state of Palestine is part of the follow-up to the 2023 decision in the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) that the Government may choose to recognise Palestine as a state at a time when the decision could be of value to the peace process and without any conditions relating to a final peace agreement.

    The decision to recognise Palestine as a state is considered a matter of importance which, in accordance with Article 28 of the Constitution, requires approval by the King in Council of State. Following the adoption by Royal Decree on Friday 24 May, Palestine will be formally informed of the recognition by verbal note. Norway’s formal recognition of Palestine as a state will enter into force on Tuesday 28 May 2024.

    The recognition of Palestine as a state means that Norway will consider Palestine to be an independent state with the rights and duties this entails. This includes, among other things, the expectation from Norway that all relations with Palestine will be founded on the fundamental rules of international law regarding independence, equality and peaceful coexistence.


    Thanks for the information, but it doesn't change the fact that they have recognised the Hamas led Palestine as a state. 

    I expected this of the woke government in Ireland, but not Norway. 

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  10. 4 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Please provide  the link, as required by Forum rules, showing the three countries recognition of Hamas as leaders of the Palestinian people. Hamas are in reality a violent oppressive dictatorship of the Gaza Strip. An example what the governments are actually stating...


     "The ongoing war in Gaza has made it abundantly clear that achieving peace and stability must be predicated on resolving the Palestinian question."

    They have recognised Palestine as a state, a state governed by Hamas. No links required. 

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  11. 4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    No they haven’t.


    They have stated they shall recognize  Palestine as a state which is their right to do so. 

    Netanyahu backed funding to Hamas to thwart the right of the Palestinians to self determination and their own independent state.


    So yes, bring on the Netanyahu lead Israeli propaganda.


    The real story is Israel’s growing isolation from nations that were formerly supporters of Israel.


    Netanyahu’s conduct of this war has done a great deal to promote Palestinian nationhood.




    Stop swerving. The story is about Ireland, Spain and Norway recognising Palestine as a nation, a nation which is ruled by Hamas. That's why Hamas are so happy about this development. 


    If they said they will recognise the state of Palestine when Hamas step down / are defeated, then you might have a point. But they didn't, therefore they effectively legitimised the Hamas government. 

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  12. 24 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Hamas is a viscous terrorist organization  that has suspended democracy in Gaza and hence only representing its own twisted ideology.


    The obscene terrorist struck of 7/10 was planned and executed by Hamas.


    The ‘State of Palestine’ does not yet exist and Hamas has no legitimate claim to represent the people of Gaza.





    Not according to the governments of Ireland, Spain and Norway. They have legitimised (in their tiny minds) a Palestine state headed by Hamas. That's what the story is about. 

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  13. On 5/25/2024 at 9:38 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m sure you aren’t responsible and would not accept being held responsible for heinous crimes committed by people who share your nationality.





    Ireland, Spain and Norway are recognising a Palestinian state headed by Hamas. This means that the Oct 7th atrocities were carried out by the State of Palestine, in the eyes of the Irish, Spanish and Norwegian governments. 

    Bunch of leftie idiots who act without engaging their brains, just like Queers for Palestine. 

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  14. 20 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    I believe the attackers have been identified as members of a particular organization.


    So can you be a bit more specific who it is you are referring to, or is that a problem for you?



    Hamas are Palestinians. It's perfectly reasonable to call the Oct 7th attackers Palestinians. 

    Ireland, Spain and Norway clearly agree, given that they have recognised Palestine as a state while Hamas are in charge. 

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  15. 15 minutes ago, paulikens said:

    Well according to that passenger there was no warning and I would say at the very least 50% of passengers take their seatbelts off once the light goes off because they always warn you when they about to hit turbulence and to fasten your seatbelts again.  But I must admit i find it a bit dubious that there was no warning at all but who knows.   Either way whether people had belts on or not it must have been terrifying.   

    You should read the explanations about Clear Air Turbulence on these threads. Impossible to predict/see, so there is no warning. 

    I don't know about your assumption that 50% keep their belts off while seated, but I suspect that will drop to about 10% after this incident. 


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