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Posts posted by Maxcom

  1. A big part of the problem getting worse is that people still continue dumping unwanted animals. Even some people try to look after, feed and  neuter the strays in the woods where I live there are still more that appear every week. But people trying to do what they can to help these dumped, domesticated animals often get criticised. The other week a small puppy tied up in a bag was thrown out of a moving pick up by the lake. I saw it at the temple one evening and my friend had seen it also and took care of it and did find a home for it few weeks afterwards.

    I had a vicious young puppy left/dumped outside my house in the bushes presumably because the person saw that I have dogs. Anyway we found a home for it eventually with other family members but it's difficult.

    The neutering and everything else will help but the dumping must stop and nobody's talking about the dumping. 

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